
Assessment Results 2021/2022

LGMSD 2021/22
Mayuge District (Vote Code: 535)
Assessment Scores
Crosscutting Minimum Conditions 98% Education Minimum Conditions 100% Health Minimum Conditions 90% Water & Environment Minimum Conditions 100% Micro-scale Irrigation Minimum Conditions 100% Crosscutting Performance Measures 77% Educational Performance Measures 73% Health Performance Measures 60% Water & Environment Performance
88% Micro-scale Irrigation Performance Measures 73%

Crosscutting Performance Measures
No. Summaryof Definitionofcompliance Compliancejustification Score requirements
Local Government Service Delivery Results 14
Service Delivery Outcomes of DDEG investments
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
• Evidence that infrastructure projects implemented using DDEG funding are functional and utilized as per the purpose of the project(s):
• If so: Score 4 or else 0
The LG implemented 13 infrastructure DDEG funded project in the previous FY. They were functional and in use as evidenced in the sample of the 3 previously completed projects below:
1. Renovation of Planning block at a cost of Shs. 20,000,000 as indicated on page 61 of the budget which was completed as on page 104 of the ABPR.
2. Construction of lined pit latrine at Bishop Hannington Kyando in Bukatuube Sc at a cost 80,000,000 as indicated on page 61 of the budget which was completed as on page104 of the ABPR
3. Completion of an OVC shelter at the Probation Office a cost 4,000,000 as indicated on page 61 of the budget which was completed as on page104 of the ABPR

Service Delivery
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a. If the average score in the overall LLG performance assessment increased from previous assessment :
o by more than 10%: Score 3
o 5-10% increase: Score 2
o Below 5 % Score 0
Not applicable as there was no 0 basis for comparison. LLGs were
not assessed in the previous
LGPA but this year the
comparision will only be possible next assessment
Service Delivery Performance
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the DDEG funded investment projects implemented in the previous FY were completed as per performance contract (with AWP) by end of the FY.
• If 100% the projects were completed : Score 3
• If 80-99%: Score 2 • If below 80%: 0
The LG implemented 14 (fourteen) DDEG funded projects in the previous FY which were all completed and in use as evidenced below:
1. Construction of 4 pit latrines at Mugeri, Matovu, Bugadde and Ndaiga P/s at a cost of Shs. 80,000,000 as indicated on page 60-61 of the budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
2. Construction of 2-stance VIP Latrine at Magada HCII at a cost of Shs. 10,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget which was completed on 30th/6/202 and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
3. Construction of 5-stance VIP Latrine at Masolya HCII Sagati at a cost of Shs. 30,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
4. First phase construction of mortuary at Mayuge HC IV at a cost of Shs. 30,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104

of the ABPR.
5. Construction of incinerator and store at Mayuge HC IV at a cost of Shs. 29,460,979 as indicated on page 62 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
6. Construction of staff house at Baitambogwe HC III at a cost of Shs. 100,000,000 as indicated on page 61 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
7. Renovation of Planning block at a cost of 20,000,000 as indicated on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR.
8. Construction of a classroom block at sagitu for Masolya P/s at a cost of Shs. 120,000,000 as indicated on page 62 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR.
9. Construction Administration block at a cost of Shs.120,000,000 as on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR.
10. Installation of water system around the District Headquarters at a cost of Shs. 20,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of th approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 0f the ABPR.
11. Renovation of classroom block at Mayuge TC at a cost of Shs. 49,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR.
12. Completion of OVC shelter at

Probation office at a cost of Shs. 4,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the BPR.
13. Construction of 4 pit latrines at Bishop Hannington, Bulondo, Buyemba and Bwiwula at a cost of Shs.80,000,000 as on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR.
14. Procurement of 600 desks at Peterson Memorial, Kosozi, Musita, Ndaiga, St Matayo and Maina P/s at a cost of Shs.72,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which were completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR.
The percentage of planned projects that were completed was 14/14*100 = 100%
Investment Performance
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. If the LG budgeted and spent all the DDEG for the previous FY on eligible projects/activities as per the DDEG grant, budget, and implementation guidelines:
Score 2 or else score 0.
The LG budgeted to spend Shs. 955,495,816 on DDEG funded projects as indicated on page 58 of the approved budget for FY 2021/2022 which was all spent on eligible projects/activities in accordance with the DDEG grant implementation guidelines as evidenced below:
1.Construction of 4 pit latrines at Mugeri, Matovu, Bugadde and Ndaiga P/s at a cost of Shs. 80,000,000 as indicated on page 60-61 of the budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078181of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
2.Construction of 2-stance VIP Latrine at Magada HCII at a cost of Shs. 10,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget

which was completed on 30th/6/202 and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078181of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
3.Construction of 5-stance VIP Latrine at Masolya HCII Sagati at a cost of Shs. 30,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078181of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022 and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078181of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
4.First phase construction of mortuary at Mayuge HC IV at a cost of Shs. 30,000,000 as indicated on page 60 in approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 17 Code 0088283 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
5.Construction of incinerator and store at Mayuge HC IV at a cost of Shs. 29,460,979 as indicated on page 62 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 7 Code 088284of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
6.Construction of staff house at Baitambogwe HC III at a cost of Shs. 100,000,000 as indicated on page 61 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 17 Code 088285of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.

7.Renovation of Planning block at a cost of 20,000,000 as indicated on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 148272 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
8.Construction of a classroom block at sagitu for Masolya P/s at a cost of Shs. 120,000,000 as indicated on page 62 in the approved budget which was completed and in use as indicated on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078180 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
9.Construction Administration block at a cost of Shs.120,000,000 as on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 148272 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
10.Installation of water system around the District Headquarters at a cost of Shs. 20,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of th approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 0f the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 17 Code 098184 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
11.Renovation of classroom block at Mayuge TC at a cost of Shs. 49,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078180 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.

12.Completion of OVC shelter at Probation office at a cost of Shs. 4,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the BPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 148272 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
13.Construction of 4 pit latrines at Bishop Hannington, Bulondo, Buyemba and Bwiwula at a cost of Shs.80,000,000 as on page 61 of the approved budget which was completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078181 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.
14.Procurement of 600 desks at Peterson Memorial, Kosozi, Musita, Ndaiga, St Matayo and Maina P/s at a cost of Shs.72,000,000 as indicated on page 62 of the approved budget which were completed and in use as on page 104 of the ABPR and was eligible for funding under DDEG as on page 16 Code 078183 of the DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022.

Investment Performance
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. If the variations in the contract price for sample of DDEG funded infrastructure investments for the previous FY are within +/-20% of the LG Engineers estimates,
score 2 or else score 0
The variations in the contract price and Engineer’s estimates of the sampled DDEG projects were as follows:
Variation = 100% ((Contract Price – Engineers Estimate)/Engineer’s Estimate))
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00043 Construction of a 5 stance lined pit latrine at Bugade P/S – budgeted at UGX 20,000,000/= actual contract price was UGX 20,000,000/= with a variation of UGX 0 represented by 0.0%
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00046 Renovation of Planning block at Mayuge District headquarters Budgeted at 20,000, 000/= actual contract price was UGX 19,978,580/= with a variation of 21,420/= represented by -0.12%
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00051 Construction of a 5 stance lined pit latrine at Bulondo P/S; budgeted at UGX 20,000,000, actual was UGX 20,000,000/= with a variation of 812,500/= represented by 0.0%.
In conclusion,
The variations were within the range of +/- 20% provided in the manual.
Performance Reporting and Performance Improvement

Accuracy of reported information
Maximum 4 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that information on the positions filled in LLGs as per minimum staffing standards is accurate,
score 2 or else score 0
There was evidence that information on the positions filled in LLGs as per minimum staffing standard was accurate. This was confirmed by the staff lists and attendance from the 3 sampled and visited LLGs indicated below;
a) In Mayuge Town Council,
1. Mukakanya Godfrey Senior commercial officer reported for work on 10/ 11/2022 at 8;20am
2. Odoi Patrick town Agent reported for work at 7;06am on Friday 11/11/2022
b) In Bukatube Sub county,
1. Bono Edward Community Development Officer on 07/05/2022 reported for work at 8;20am
2. Onzi Emmanuel Agriculture Officer on 07/05/2022 reported for work at 8:20am
c) In Kityerera Sub County,
1. Nampiima Teopista P/C reported work at 8:06am on 02/08/2022,
2. Nakabuye Sylvia SAS reported at 8:30am on 08/08/2022

Accuracy of reported information
Maximum 4 points on this Performance Measure
b. Evidence that infrastructure constructed using the DDEG is in place as per reports produced by the LG:
• If 100 % in place: Score 2, else score 0.
Note: if there are no reports produced to review: Score 0
The infrastructure constructed using DDEG was all in place as per quarterly monitoring reports produced by the LG as evidenced in the 3 sampled projects below:
Q1 monitoring report dated 10/8/2021 captured Renovation of Planning block, completion of OVC shelter at Production office and construction
Of lined pit latrine at Bishop Hannington Kyando in Bukatuube Sc whose status was still under procurement
Process and works not yet started.
Q4 undated monitoring report captured the status of the 3 sampled projects as completed as indicated on page 15, for Planning block, page 17 for lined latrine at Bishop Hannington Kyando and completion of OVC shelter at Production office.
Human Resource Management and Development 62
Budgeting for and actual recruitment and deployment of staff
Maximum 2 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that the LG has consolidated and submitted the staffing requirements for the coming FY to the MoPS by September 30th of the current FY, with copy to the respective MDAs and MoFPED.
Score 2 or else score 0
The LG consolidated & Submitted staffing requirements for the coming FY 2022/2023 to MoPS on 26/08/2022 contrary to the requirement by 30/09/2021
The Request for clearance to recruit staff in FY 2022/2023 dated 26/08/2022 (Ref; CR/D/156/1) and the MoPS acknowledged receipt of the letter on 07/10/2022

Performance management
Maximum 5 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that the District/Municipality has conducted a tracking and analysis of staff attendance (as guided by Ministry of Public Service CSI):
Score 2 or else score 0
There was evidence that Mayuge DLG conducted tracking and analysis of staff attendance on monthly basis. For stance according to analysis of April 2022, BABINGA MOSES – Driver (works) reported for work for only 13days and scored 59.1% in April 2022
Performance management
Maximum 5 points on this Performance Measure
i. Evidence that the LG has conducted an appraisal with the following features:
HODs have been appraised as per guidelines issued by MoPS during the previous
FY: Score 1 or else 0
There was evidence that LG conducted appraisal for HODs as per guidelines issued by MoPS during the previous year. For stance
1. The CFO Mr. Kisita James was appraised by CAO on 27/01/2022
2. Lubanga Musa (Natural Resources) was appraised by CAO on 13/07/2021
3. Wanjusi Fabiano (District Engineer) was appraised on 10/09/2021 by CAO
4. Victoria Kanafu (DCDO) was appraised by CAO on 13/07/2022
5. Zikusoka Emmanuel (Internal Auditor) was appraised by CAO on 07/07/2022
6. Dr. Kasadha Matthias (Prod. Officer) was appraised by CAO on 15/07/2022

Performance management
Maximum 5 points on this Performance Measure
ii. (in addition to “a” above) has also implemented administrative rewards and sanctions on time as provided for in the guidelines:
Score 1 or else 0
The LG implementation of Administrative Rewards and Sanctions wasn’t timely. For example,
The Minutes which were presented during assessment were for Rewards and Sanctions Committee that sat on 22/02/2022 to hear 28 cases/ offenses committed way back in 2020. Also vital to note is that the recommendations made by this committee have never been implemented.
Performance management
Maximum 5 points on this Performance Measure
iii. Has established a Consultative Committee (CC) for staff grievance redress which is functional.
Score 1 or else 0
Mayuge DLG had an Established and functional Consultative Committee for staff grievance redress. The CC was established on 27/06/2022 and Members include;
1. Kitavujja Leonard DCAO/Chair
2. Wakirwaine Damalie- PHRO/Secretary
3. Nabirye Allen Jaliah
4. Ediiro Moses
5. Hamba Musa Haseegu 6. Lubanga Musa
7. Kato Francis
8. Kayerera Bashir
9. Natukunda Cleophas 10. Basembeza Asuman
On 30th June 2022, the committee held a meeting as per the minutes

Payroll management
Maximum 1 point on this Performance Measure or else score 0
a. Evidence that 100% of the staff recruited during the previous FY have accessed the salary payroll not later than two monthsafterappointment:
Mayuge DLG recruited 194 staff during the previous year but not all accessed payroll within two months of their appointment. For instance, Washakira Wilson – Economistjoinedon03/01/2022 and accessed payroll on 28/04/2022, three months later
Score 1. 90
Pension Payroll management
Maximum 1 point on this Performance Measure or else score 0
Score 1.
a. Evidence that 100% of staff that retired during the previous FY have accessed the pension payroll not later than two months after retirement:
Mayuge DLG retired 12 staff during 2021/2022 and none of them accessed pension payroll within two months of their retirement.
Management, Monitoring and Supervision of Services.
10 2
Effective Planning, Budgeting and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
a. If direct transfers (DDEG) to LLGs were executed in accordance with the requirements of the budget in previous FY:
Score 2 or else score 0
The DDEG budget for LLGs was Shs. 1,459,310,184 as on page 68 of the approved budget for the previous FY.
The DDEG to LLGs was directly transferred in full as evidenced below:
Q1 of Shs. 486,436,728 was transferred on 1/9/2021.
1.Baitambogwe Sc: Shs. 39,659,919
2. Bukabooli Sc: Shs. 43,908,812 3. Bukatube Sc: Shs.41,398,102 4. Busakira Sc: Shs. 32,707,183 5. Buwaaya Sc: Shs. 26,462,597 6. Imanyiro Sc: Shs. 34,445,367 7. Jaguzi Sc: Shs. 20,153,633
8. Kigandaalo Sc: 34,638,499
9. Kityerera Sc: Shs. 46,162,014 10. Malongo Sc: Shs. 90,389,136

11. Mpungwe Sc: Shs. 29,938,965
12. Wairasa Sc: Shs. 232,823,133
13. Magamaga TC: Shs. 1,100,321
14. Mayuge TC: Shs. 11,649,047 TOTAL: 486,436,728
Q2 of Shs. 486,436,728 was transferred on 10/11/2021.
1.Baitambogwe Sc: Shs. 39,659,919
2. Bukabooli Sc: Shs. 43,908,812 3. Bukatube Sc: Shs.41,398,102 4. Busakira Sc: Shs. 32,707,183 5. Buwaaya Sc: Shs. 26,462,597 6. Imanyiro Sc: Shs. 34,445,367 7. Jaguzi Sc: Shs. 20,153,633
8. Kigandaalo Sc: 34,638,499
9. Kityerera Sc: Shs. 46,162,014
10. Malongo Sc: Shs. 90,389,136
11. Mpungwe Sc: Shs. 29,938,965
12. Wairasa Sc: Shs. 232,823,133
13. Magamaga TC: Shs. 1,100,321
14. Mayuge TC: Shs. 11,649,047 TOTAL: 486,436,728
Q3 of Shs. 486,436,728 was transferred on 4/2/2022.
1.Baitambogwe Sc: Shs. 39,659,919
2. Bukabooli Sc: Shs. 43,908,812

3. Bukatube Sc: Shs.41,398,102 4. Busakira Sc: Shs. 32,707,183 5. Buwaaya Sc: Shs. 26,462,597 6. Imanyiro Sc: Shs. 34,445,367 7. Jaguzi Sc: Shs. 20,153,633
8. Kigandaalo Sc: 34,638,499
9. Kityerera Sc: Shs. 46,162,014
10. Malongo Sc: Shs. 90,389,136
11. Mpungwe Sc: Shs. 29,938,965
12. Wairasa Sc: Shs. 232,823,133
13. Magamaga TC: Shs. 1,100,321
14. Mayuge TC: Shs. 11,649,047 TOTAL: 486,436,728 SUMMARY
Q1: 486,436,728
Q2: 486,436,728
Q3: 486,436,728 TOTAL: 1,459,310,184

10 0
Effective Planning, Budgeting and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
b. If the LG did timely warranting/ verification of direct DDEG transfers to LLGs for the last FY, in accordance to the requirements of the budget: (within 5 working days from the date of receipt of expenditure limits from MoFPED):
Score: 2 or else score 0
The LG did the quarterly warranting of DDEG transfers to LLGs as evidenced on IFMS indicated below:
Q1 on 28/7/2021 Q2 on 14/10/2021 Q3 on 10/1/2022 Q4 on 10/4/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of assessment to ascertain whether warranting was done within 5 working days.
10 0
Effective Planning, Budgeting and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
c. If the LG invoiced and communicated all DDEG transfers for the previous FY to LLGs within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the funds release in each quarter:
Score 2 or else score 0
The LG invoiced and communicated all DDEG transfers for the previous FY to LLGs as evidenced below:
Q1 on 1/9/2021 Q2 on 10/11/2021 Q3 on 4/2/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of the assessment to ascertain whether invoicing was done within 5 working days.

11 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 4 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that the District/Municipality has supervised or mentored all LLGs in the District /Municipality at least once per quarter consistent with guidelines:
Score 2 or else score 0
The LG mentored the LLGs at least once per quarter as evidenced in the mentoring reports below:
Q1 Mentoring report dated 11/8/2021 captured mentoring conducted by Planner, DNRO, DCDO, SFO to LLGs on roles of PDCs in planning, implementation, monitoring and utilization of facilities, participatory planning guide among others.
Q2 Mentoring report dated 10/12/2021 captured mentoring of LLGs done by Planner, Clerk to council, CFO and Senior Commercial officer on local revenue performance, functionality of TPC, Council and standing committees.
Q3 Mentoring report dated 17/3/2022 captured mentoring of LLGs on environment assessment guidelines, data for Logics and posting books of accounts which was conducted by Planner, District Accountant, DNRO, DCDO and Ag. DCAO.
Q4 Mentoring reports dated 24/6/2022 captured mentoring of LLGs key technical staff on lay out of the Sub-county 5-Year Development Plan, environment and gender mainstreaming among others.

11 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 4 points on this Performance Measure
b. Evidence that the results/reports of support supervision and monitoring visits were discussed in the TPC, used by the District/ Municipality to make recommendations for corrective actions and followed-up:
Score 2 or else score 0
The results of support supervision and monitoring visits were discussed in the monthly DTPC meetings a recommendation for corrective action made as indicated here below:
Q1 DTPC meeting held on 19/8/2021 Agenda 6 under Min. No. 006/DTPC/08/21 noted that most projects were still under procurement and tasked the PDU to speed up the process.
Q2 DTPC meeting held on 16/12/2021 Agenda 4 under Min. No. 004/DTPC/12/21 identified project deviations on time and standard/quality of works and urged works supervisors to ensure improvement on projects efficiency.
Q3 DTPC meeting held on 25/3/2022 Agenda 6 under Min. No. 006/DTPC/03/22 noted some projects completed and others still on-going.
Q4. DTPC meeting held on 30/6/2022 Agenda 5 under Min. No. 005/DTPC/ 06/22 noted that environment and social safe guards had been taken care of in the project’s implementation.
Investment Management

12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that the District/Municipality maintains an up-dated assets register covering details on buildings, vehicle, etc. as per format in the accounting manual:
Score 2 or else score 0
Note: the assets covered must include, but not limited to: land, buildings, vehicles and infrastructure. If those core assets are missing score 0
The LG maintained an IFMS assets register comprising of Motor vehicles & heavy plants, Land & buildings and Fixed assets general which included ICT & Medical equipment, Furniture & fittings among others.
Land and building included Mayuge District Hqtrs land, MpungweSc land, Kityerera HC IV land as on page 1 of 1.
Motor Vehicles and Heavy plants included Grader Reg. No. UG 2043W, Motor vehicle Truck/Lorry UG 2462U as on page 1of 9
Assets General included ICT equipment, Photocopier in Health department, office equipment as on page 1of 2.
12 1
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance Measure
b. Evidence that the District/Municipality has used the Board of Survey Report of the previous FY to make Assets Management decisions including procurement of new assets, maintenance of existing assets and disposal of assets:
Score 1 or else 0
The Annual BoS report for FY 2021/2022 dated 30/8/2022 was in place with recommendations to board off unserviceable assets like ICT equipment as indicated on page 95-96, Motor vehicles like UG 2692R, Ug 2318M, LG0022-51 as on page 97 and Cold boxes & Fridges as on pages 96-97 of the BoS report.
Using the BoS report, management forwarded it to PDU and directed them to scrutinize it and submit an action plan for disposals by 30th November 2022 as per CAO’s letter dated 30/10/2022 Ref. CR/213.
12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance
c. Evidence that District/Municipality has a functional physical planning committee in place which has submitted at least 4 sets
The District had a functional Physical Planning Committee in place which submitted at least 4 sets of minutes to MoLHUD as indicated below:
The PPC comprised of 14

of minutes of Physical Planning Committee to the MoLHUD. If so Score 2. Otherwise Score 0.
members appointed by CAO as indicated below:
1.The Secretary National Physical Planning Board (NPPB) appointed as a Physical Planner in private practice on 28/2/2019
2. Mutalya Ivan (PP - Secretary ) appointed on 11/11/2015
3.Baligeya Ronald (District Planner) appointed on 23/1/2017
4. Ediiro Moses William (Senior Land Officer) appointed on 23/1/2017
5. Kyakwiise Stephen (DEO) appointed on 11/11/2015
6. Kasala Dan (Town Clerk Mayuge TC) appointed on 11/11/2015
7. Ductor Fatwah (Assistant TC Magamaga TC) appointed on 11/11/2015
8.Aramu Thomas (District Environment Officer) appointed on 11/11/2015.
9. Lubanga Musa (DNRO) appointed on 11/11/20
10.Wanjusi Fabiano (District Engineer) appointed on 11/11/2015
11. Mudimbo Tom (DWO) appointed on 11/11/2015
12. Gidudu Richard (District Health Officer) appointed on 11/11/2015
13. Kasadha Peter (District Agriculture Officer) appointed on 11/11/2015
14.Mukooli Paul (DCDO) appointed on 11/11/2015
At least 4 sets of PPC minutes for the previous FY were submitted to MoLHUD as indicated below:

1. PPC minutes of meeting held on 13/10/2021 with attendance of 12 out of 14 were submitted to MoLHUD on 3/8/2022
2. PPC minutes of meeting held on 13/1/2022 with attendance of 12 out of 14 were submitted to MoLHUD on 3/8/2022
3. PPC minutes of meeting held on 14/3/2022 with attendance of 10 out of 14 were submitted to MoLHUD on 3/8/2022
4. PPC minutes of meeting held on 23/6/2022 with attendance of 10 out of 14 were submitted to MoLHUD on 3/8/2022
Plans Registration Book was in place with a record of 15 plans in FY 2021/2022.
The District Physical Development Plan was not in place but had Physical Development Plans for 2 (two) Growth Centers namely; Musita and Nango trading centers approved by Council on 21/12/2018 under Min. No. 06/MDC/06/2018

12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on thisPerformance Measure
d.For DDEG financed projects;
Evidence that the District/Municipality has conducted a desk appraisalforallprojectsin the budget - to establish whether the prioritized investments are: (i) derived from the third LG Development Plan (LGDP III); (ii) eligible for expenditure as per sector guidelines and funding source (e.g. DDEG). If desk appraisal is conducted and if all projects are derived from the LGDP:
Score 2 or else score 0
The District had conducted a desk appraisal on all DDEG funded projects for the previous FY as indicated on page 1 of the Desk Appraisal report dated 12/72021 Ref: DPU/213. The appraisal identifiedthattheDDEG prioritized projects were all derived from the LGDP and were eligible for funding under DDEG as indicated below:
1.Construction of a lined pit latrine at Bishop Hannington – Kyando in Bukatube Sc derived from the LGDP III as on page 275 and coded 088281 as on page 16 of the DDEG guidelines.
2. Renovation of Planning block derived from LGDP III as on page 275 and coded 088 as on page 16 of the DDEG guidelines.
3. Completion of OVC shelter at the Production office derived from LGDP III as on page 276 and coded 148272 as on page 16 of the DDEG guidelines.
4.Construction of 2-stance VIP latrine at Magada HC II derived from LGDP III as on page 147 and coded 078181 as on page 16 of the DDEG guidelines.
5. Construction of a classroom block at Sagitu for Masolya P/s derived from LGDP III as on page 266 and coded 078180 as on page 16 of the DDEG guidelines.

12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance Measure
For DDEG financed projects:
e. Evidence that LG conducted field appraisal to check for (i) technical feasibility, (ii) Environmental and social acceptability and (iii) customized design for investment projects of the previous FY:
Score 2 or else score 0
The LG conducted field appraisals for DDEG funded projects as indicated on the appraisal reports dated 20/7/2021 of the 3 sampled DDEG projects in the previous FY as evidenced below:
1.Construction of a lined pit latrine at Bishop Hannington – Kyando in Bukatube Sc with evidence of technical feasibility as on page 2, environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the appraisal report
2. Renovation of Planning block with evidence of technical feasibility as on page 2, environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the appraisal report
3. Completion of OVC shelter at the Production office technical feasibility as on page 2, environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the appraisal report

12 1
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance Measure
f. Evidence that project profiles with costing have been developed and discussed by TPC for all investments in the AWP for the current FY, as per LG Planning guideline and DDEG guidelines:
Score 1 or else score 0.
The LG developed 4 project profiles with costings for the current FY 2022/2023 as indicated in the LGDP III below:
1. Construction of classroom blocks under Education sector as on page 160 of the LGDP III.
2. Drilling & rehabilitation of bore holes under Water sector as on page 269 of the LGDP III.
3. Construction of staff houses, Maternity and OPD blocks under Health sector as on page 169 of the LGDP III.
4. Procurement of desks, construction of classrooms, latrines under DDEG as on page 160, 162-164 of the LGDP III.
The project profiles for the current FY were discussed in DTPC held on 25/3/2022 Agenda No. 5 under Min. No. 005/DTPC/03/22.

12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 12 points on this Performance Measure
g. Evidence that the LG has screened for environmental and social risks/impact and put mitigation measures where required before being approved for construction using checklists:
Score 2 or else score 0
LG had screened for environmental and social risks/impact and put mitigation measures were required before being approved for construction using checklists evidenced by the following screening forms that were signed by the DEO & DCDO as evidenced by the following E&S Screening forms;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of stance- lined pit latrine at Ndaiga P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of OVC Shelter at Mayuge DLG Headquarters by the DEO&DCDO on 22/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of Incinerator and store at Mayuge HC IV by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that all infrastructure projects for the current FY to be implemented using the DDEG were incorporated in the LG approved procurement plan
Score 1 or else score 0
PDU of the DLG had evidence that all infrastructure projects for current FY to be implemented using the DDEG were incorporated in the LG approved procurement plan signed on 22nd Sep 2022 by the DCAO

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
b. Evidence that all infrastructure projects to be implemented in the current FY using DDEG were approved by the Contracts Committee before commencement of construction: Score 1 or else score 0
The LG had evidence of Contracts Committee approving all DDEG projects for current FY contained in meeting dated 29TH Sep 2022. Some of the projects include; under MIN: 04/01/09/22/MDCC of the 3rd contracts committee meeting. These include;
• Construction of Council Hall
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
c. Evidence that the LG has properly established the Project Implementation team as specified in the sector guidelines:
Score 1 or else 0
The LG had a project implementation team established as per CAO letter of appointment of team members dated 30th Aug 2021; the team members included;
• Eng. Wanjusi Fabiana (DE) • Nadiope William DEO
• Osinya Patrick (Senior Labour Officer)
• Aruma Thomas (Senior Environmental officer)
• Wako Rogers Assistant Engineering Officer/(COW)
• Dhikusooka David CDO • Onduso Ivan (Planner)

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
d. Evidence that all infrastructureprojects implemented using DDEG followed the standard technical designs provided by the LG Engineer:
Score 1 or else score 0
There was evidence to show that allinfrastructureprojects implemented using DDEG followed the standard technical design; Examples of visited project included;
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bulondo P/S had all stances with the length of 0.9m and the widith of 1.35m
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bugade P/S had all stances with the length of 0.9m and the widith of 1.35m
• Renovation of the District planning unit building also was in good condition with no floor and Plaster cracks, painting and tiling was done perfectly.

13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
e. Evidence that the LG has provided supervision by the relevant technical officers of each infrastructure project prior to verification and certification of works in previous FY. Score 2 or else score 0
From the reviewed site supervision reports
sampled, there was evidence of joint technical supervision of infrastructure projects. They included;
Supervision report on construction on a 5-stance lined pit Latrine at Bulondo P/S dated 24th Jan 2022 where all the mandated technical officers participated in the supervision i.e., DE, Environment offer and CDO.
Supervision Reports for all DDEG projects of FY 2021/22 dated 4th Jan 2022. Also a report dated 14th March 2022 showing progress up to completion of 2nd Quarter and 3rd Quarter executed projects. Some of the projects that were encompassed in these reports included;
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bugade P/S
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Matovu P/S
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bulondo P/S
• Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at bwiwula P/S
• Construction of a 2-stance lined pit latrine at Magade HC II

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
f. The LG has verified works (certified) and initiated payments of contractors within specified timeframes as per contract (within 2 months if no agreement):
Score 1 or else score 0
The LG had evidence of Certified works and payments initiated within timeframes in sampled project examples:
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00043 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bugade P/S – Zodiac consultancy Ltd as the contractor; payment request made by the contractor on 2nd March 2022 and approved by the DE on 07th March 2022 and subsequent payment initiated and timely paid on 30th May 2022 under Voucher No. 42599546
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00046 Renovation of Planning block at Mayuge District headquarters Buwolya Company (U) Ltd as the contractor; payment request made by the contractor on 06th June 2022 and approved by the DE on 06th June 2022 and subsequent payment initiated and timely paid on 29th June 2022 under Voucher No. 44589397
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00051 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bulondo P/S; Kasunyu general Constructors Ltd as the contractor; payment request made by the contractor on 19th Jan 2022 and approved by the DE on 24th Jan 2022 and subsequent payment initiated and timely paid on 09th Mar 2022 under Voucher No. 42126445

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 8 points on this Performance Measure
g. The LG has a complete procurementfileinplace for each contract with all recordsasrequiredbythe PPDA Law:
Score 1 or else 0
There was evidence that showed thattheLGhadcomplete procurement files for each project withallrecordsasperPPDAlaw. Project files reviewed alongside the contract register included;
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00043 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bugade P/S – approval of the Evaluation Report was done on 10th Nov 2021 Under MIN: 04/03/11/21/MDCC and Contract signing was done on 15th Nov 2021
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00046 Renovation of Planning block at Mayuge District headquarters approval of the Evaluation Report was done on 10th Nov 2021 Under MIN: 04/03/11/21/MDCC and Contract signing was done on 15th Nov 2021
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00051 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit latrine at Bulondo P/S; approval of the Evaluation Report was done on 10th Nov 2021 Under MIN: 04/03/11/21/MDCC and Contract signing was done on 15th Apr 2021
Environment and Social Safeguards

14 2
Grievance redress mechanism operational.
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the District/Municipality has i) designated a person to coordinate response to feed-back (grievance /complaints) and ii) established a centralized Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), with optional co-option of relevant departmental heads/staff as relevant.
Score: 2 or else score 0
LG designated a person to coordinate response to feed-back (grievance / complaints) as by the appointment letter of the Grievance Focal Person by the Principal Assistant CAO dated 05/04/2021, Ref: CR/210
The LG had established a Central Grievance Redress Committee (GRC)as per the appointment letter of GRC members by the CAO dated 29/03/2021, Ref: CR 164/1 consisting of the following members;
• Senior Probation Officer – Chairperson
• Ag DE –Member
• DEO - Member
• Ag DHO - Member
• Senior Agriculture Officer - Member
District Planner - Member
14 2
Grievance redress mechanism operational.
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
b. The LG has specified a system for recording, investigating and responding to grievances, which includes a centralized complaints log with clear information and reference for onward action (a defined complaints referral path), and public display of information at district/municipal offices.
If so: Score 2 or else 0
LG had a specified system for Recording. investigating and responding to grievances, which included a centralized complaints log Book opened in 2018 by the Grievance Focal Person

14 1
Grievance redress mechanism operational.
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
c. District/Municipality has publicized the grievance redress mechanisms so that aggrieved parties know where to report and get redress.
If so: Score 1 or else 0
LG had publicized the grievance redress mechanisms and aggrieved parties know where to report and get redress evidenced by the publicized grievance redress/ reporting mechanism as evidenced by the Grievance handling mechanism publicized on the district notice board by the Grievance Focal Person dated 05/04/2021

15 1
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that Environment, Social and Climate change interventions have been integrated into LG Development Plans, annual work plans and budgets complied with: Score 1 or else score 0
The LG integrated the environment, social and climate change interventions into the LGDP III, AWP, Budget of the current FY as evidenced below:
1.Environment and climate change interventions which included tree planting, environment and impact assessment for capital projects, community training in wetland management among others were integrated on pages 256-257 of the LGDP III.
2.Environment and climate change interventions under Natural Resources were provided for with a total of Shs. 66,456,068 as on page 40 of the AWP and page pages 47-49 of the approved budget for FY 2022/2023.
3.Social safeguards which included gender and HIV/AIDs sensitization activities at LLGs level, labour case handling and grievance handling among others were integrated in the LGDP as on page 269.
4. Social safeguards interventions under Community Based Services were provided for with a total of Shs. 15,707,000 as on pages 41-42 of the AWP and page pages 51-52 of the approved budget for FY 2022/2023.

15 1
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that LGs have disseminated to LLGs the enhanced DDEG guidelines (strengthened to include environment, climate change mitigation (green infrastructures, waste management equipment and infrastructures) and adaptation and social risk management
score 1 or else 0
The LG disseminated to the LLGs the enhanced DDEG guidelines for FY 2021/2022 in the MTPC meeting which was attended by LLGs key Technical staff held on 28/10/2021 Agenda No. 4 under Min. No. 7/TPC 004/DTPC/10/21: Presentation of DDEG guidelines.
In addition, the Senior Planner forwarded soft copies of the guidelines to SASs copied to sub- accountants on 15/3/2021 as evidenced by the acknowledgement of SAS and Sub-accountant of Kigandaalo Sc.
15 0
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
(For investments financed from the DDEG other than health, education, water, and irrigation):
c. Evidence that the LG incorporated costed Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) into designs, BoQs, bidding and contractual documents for DDEG infrastructure projects of the previous FY, where necessary:
score 3 or else score 0
LG had not incorporated costed Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) into contractual documents for DDEG infrastructure projects for the FY 2021/2022
15 0
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
d. Examples of projects with costing of the additional impact from climate change.
Score 3 or else score 0
LG did not have Examples of projects with costing of the additional impact from climate change

15 0
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that all DDEG projects are implemented on land where the LG has proof of ownership, access, and availability (e.g. a land title, agreement; Formal Consent, MoUs, etc.), without any encumbrances:
Score 1 or else score 0
LG did not have proof that all DDEG projects were implemented on land where it had rightful ownership apart from the following two, that is to say;
• Mayuge DLG of P.O. Box 1317, Mayuge, Plot 219 and 217, Bunya Block 15 at Ikulwe covering 22.260 hectares dated 09/08/2011
• Land Agreement for6 acres for Bukoba P/S by Baise Ikoba Clan by Costant Ikoba Lukuusi the clan head witnessed by 5 people on 05/10/1993
15 0
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
f. Evidence that environmental officer and CDO conducts support supervision and monitoring to ascertain compliance with ESMPs; and provide monthly reports:
Score 1 or else score 0
LG environmental officer and DCDO conducted support supervision and monitoring to ascertain compliance with ESMPs; and
Provided reports Annually other than Monthly reports as required, that is to say;
• E&S Monitoring report for the proposed construction of pit latrines in Primary Schools of Mugeri, Matovu, Bugadde, Ndaiga, Kyando, Buyemba, Bulondo, Bwiwula P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 15/07/2022

15 1
Safeguards for service delivery of investments effectively handled.
Maximum 11 points on this performance measure
g. Evidence that E&S compliance Certification forms are completed and signed by Environmental Officer and CDO prior to payments of contractors’ invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects:
Score 1 or else score 0
E&S compliance Certification forms were completed and signed by Environmental Officer and DCDO prior to payments of contractors’ invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects evidenced by the following E&S compliance Certification forms;
• E&S Certification form for the proposed construction of 2 classroom block at Sagiti Island for Masolya P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 27/05/2022 with the project cost of 119,997,150/=
• E&S Certification form for the proposed construction of 5- stance VIP latrine at Bishop Hannington Kyando Tourist site by the DEO&DCDO on 27/05/2022 with the project cost of 19,999,820/=
• E&S Certification form for the proposed construction of 2 classroom block at Sagiti Island for Masolya P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 27/05/2022 with the project cost of 119,997,150/=
• E&S Certification form for the proposed construction of 5- stance VIP latrine at Bishop Hannington Kyando Tourist site by the DEO&DCDO on 27/05/2022 with the project cost of 19,999,820/=
• E&S Certification form for the proposed construction of stance- lined pit latrine at Ndaiga P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 19/05/2022 with the project cost of 20,000,000/=
Financial management
16 2
LG makes monthly a. Evidence that the LG Bank reconciliations makes monthly bank
reconciliations and are up
The LG made monthly bank reconciliations for the previous FY as indicated on the 3 sampled

Maximum 2 points on this Performance Measure
to-date at the point of time of the assessment:
Score 2 or else score 0
accounts below: 1.Genera Fund Account:
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30th/6/2022: Shs. 48,846,653
Bank statement closing balance as at 30th/6/2022: Shs. 48,846,653
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/7/2022: Shs. 52,844,328
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/7/2021: Shs. 52,844,328
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/8/2022: Shs. 31,176,259
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/8//2022: Shs. 31,176,259
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. 18,009,231
Bank statement closing balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. 18,009,231
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 230,857,750
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 230,857,750
2. YLP Recovery Account:
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30/6/2022: Shs. 15,372
Bank statement closing balance as at 30/6/2022: Shs. 50,000
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/7/2022: Shs. 157,000
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/7/2022: Shs. 157,000

General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/8/2022: Shs. - 133
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/8/2022: Shs. -133
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. - 951
Bank statement closing balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. -951
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 0
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 0
3.UWEP Account:
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30/6/2022: Shs. 907,000
Bank statement closing balance as at 30/6/2022: Shs. 907,000
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/7/2022: Shs. 0
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/7/2022: Shs. 0
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/8/2022: Shs. 110,000
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/8/2022: Shs. 110,000
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. 0
Bank statement closing balance as at 30/9/2022: Shs. 0
General Ledger Cash account balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 0
Bank statement closing balance as at 31/10/2022: Shs. 0

17 2
LG executes the Internal Audit function in accordance with the LGA Section 90
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that LG has produced all quarterly internal audit (IA) reports for the previous FY.
Score 2 or else score 0
The LG produced all the quarterly internal audit reports for the previous FY as evidenced below:
Q1 internal audit report was produced on 4/11/2021 Ref. 251
Q2 internal audit report was produced on 1/2/2022 No Ref.
Q3 internal audit report was produced on 17/5/2022 No Ref.
Q4 internal audit report was produced on 2/8/2022 No Ref.
17 1
LG executes the Internal Audit function in accordance with the LGA Section 90
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the LG has provided information to the Council/ chairperson and the LG PAC on the status of implementation of internal audit findings for the previous FY i.e. information on follow up on audit queries from all quarterly audit reports.
Score 1 or else score 0
The LG provided information to the Council Chairperson and LGPAC on the status of implementation of internal audit findings for the previous FY as evidenced in Q4 internal audit report (pages not numbered) dated 2/8/2021 addressed to council and copied to LGPAC.Review of the internal audit findings in Q1-Q3 of the previous FY captured relevant action taken as evidenced below:
1.Partial construction of council hall at a cost of 120,000,000 was in progress and the slab, ring beam all up to window level.
2.Renovation of 2 classroom blocks at Magamaga, Busaala, St. Babra Namadhi, Bugulu, Mitimito,Bumba Wandegeya and Masoli had been done.

17 0
LG executes the Internal Audit function in accordance with the LGA Section 90
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that internal audit reports for the previous FY were submitted to LG Accounting Officer, LG PAC and that LG PAC has reviewed them and followed-up:
Score 1 or else score 0
All the Quarterly Internal Audit Reports for the previous FY were submitted to CAO and LGPAC as indicated below:
Q1 report was submitted to CAO on 16/11/2021 and LGPAC on 16/11/2022 as per records in the LG.
Q2 report was submitted to CAO and LGPAC on the same day of 1/2/2022 as per records in the LG.
Q3 report was submitted to CAO and LGPAC on the same day of 17/5/2022 as per records in the LG.
Q4 report was submitted to CAO and LGPAC on the same day of 2/8/2022
However, no evidence of LGPAC review and follow -up was availed at the time of assessment
Local Revenues

18 0
LG has collected local revenues as per budget(collectionratio)
Maximum 2 points on thisperformance measure
a. If revenue collection ratio (the percentage of localrevenuecollected against planned for the previous FY (budget realization)iswithin+/-10 %: then score 2 or else score 0.
The LG original budget for local revenue was Shs. 724,322,519 as onpage11ofthedraftAFSfor the previous FY.
Actuallocalrevenuecollected was Shs. 365,621,909 as on page 11 of the draft AFS for the previous FY.
The budget realization was
-48.3% above the recommended limit of -10%.
Workings: 365,621,909/724,322,519*100 = 50.5%
50.5% -100% = -49.5% above the recommended -10%
This low revenue collection was attributed to effects of Covid – 19 Pandemic like the prolonged long lock down coupled with closure of markets among others.
19 2
The LG has increased LG own source revenues in the last financial year compared to the one before the previous financial year (last FY year but one)
a. If increase in OSR (excluding one/off, e.g. sale of assets, but including arrears collected in the year) from previous FY but one to previous FY
• If more than 10 %: score
The OSR collected in the previous FY but one (excluding sale of assets) was Shs.310,721,583 as on page 16 of the audited AFS for FY 2020/2021 whereas actual OSR collected in the previous FY was Shs.365,621,909 as on page 11 registering an increase of Shs. 54,900,326 representing 17.6%.
Workings: 365,621,909 – 310,721,583 = 54,900,326
54,900,326/ 310,721,583*100 = 17.6%.
The increase was attributed to creation of new Town Councils of Bugadde and Bwonda where more local revenue was collected.
2. Maximum 2 points on
this Performance Measure.
• If the increase is from 5% -10 %: score 1.
• If the increase is less than 5 %: score 0.

20 2
Local revenue administration, allocation, and transparency
Maximum 2 points on this performance measure.
a. If the LG remitted the mandatory LLG share of local revenues during the previous FY: score 2 or else score 0
The LG collected Shs. 143,275,500 for LST as indicated on page 19 of the draft AFS for the previous FY.
A total of Shs. 57,720,000 was remitted to LLGs based on number of tax payers resident in those respective LLGs as evidenced below:
Shs 34,000,000 was remitted to 5 LLGs on 1/2/2022
1.Kitcyerera: Sc Shs. 8,000,000 2.Bwondha Sc:5,000,000 3.Bugadde Sc:5,000,000 4.Bukatube Sc:8,000,000 5.MalongoSc:8,000,000
Total: Shs.34,000,000
Shs. 23,720,000 was remitted to 11 LLGs
1.Mayuge TC: Shs. 7,100,000
2.Magamaga TC: Shs. 5,120,000
3.Imanyiro Sc: Shs.2,000,000
4.Mpungwe Sc: Shs.1,000,000
5.Buwaaya Sc: Shs.1,000,000
6.Wairasa Sc: Shs. 1,000,000
7.Baitambogwe Sc: Shs.1,500,000
8.Jaguzi Sc: Shs.1,000,000 9.Kigandaalo Sc: Shs.1,500,000 10.Busakira Sc: Shs. 1,500,000 11.Bukabooli Sc: Shs.1,000,000 Total: Shs. 23,720,000

Transparency and Accountability
21 2
LG shares information with citizens
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
a. Evidence that the procurement plan and awarded contracts and all amounts are published: Score 2 or else score 0
The procurement Unit awarded contracts and amounts for FY 2021/2022 were available, endorsed by CAO and Senior Procurement Officer, published on the procurement Notice Board in front the Planning Unit Building at the District Headquarters on 28th Oct 2021 The sampled awarded contracts were:
• Construction of a 5 stance lined Pit latrine at Sigitu Island P/S was awarded to Strategic brothers (U) Ltd at 32,000,000/=
• Rehabilitation of a 2 Classroom block at Bukatabira P/S was awarded to Nitus Solutions (U) ltd at 48,999,000/=
• Rehabilitation of a 2 Classroom block T/C was awarded to Hivana General Investments at 48,999,000/=

21 2
LG shares information with citizens
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
b. Evidence that the LG performance assessment results and implications are published e.g. on the budget website for the previous year: Score 2 or else score 0
The LG publicized their Performance Assessment Results for FY 2020/2021 on 30/7/2021 as evidenced on the LG notice board.
The message to the public was about LGMSD assessment for 2020 conducted between October – December 2021
The results were as evidenced below:
• Crosscutting Measures: 31 • Education sector: 77
• Health sector: 41
• Water sector: 40
• Overall score: 47 Ranking: 37
21 1
LG shares information with citizens
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
c. Evidence that the LG during the previous FY conducted discussions (e.g.municipalurbanfora, barazas, radio programmes etc.) with the public to provide feed- back on status of activity implementation: Score 1 or else score 0
The LG provided feed back to the community on the status of activity implementation through a localradiotalkshowwhichwas conducted on 20/5/2022 on Mayuge FM.
The feedback was on community awareness on the District projects under implementation in FY 2021/2021 which was conducted by the District Planner, Senior Communication officer and Mechanical Engineer.

21 1
LG shares information with citizens
Maximum 6 points on this Performance Measure
d. Evidence that the LG has made publicly available information on i) tax rates, ii) collection procedures, and iii) procedures for appeal: If all i, ii, iii complied with: Score 1 or else score 0
The LG developed a Charging Policy tax rates, which also included revenue collection procedure and appeals procedure for the previous FY dated 28/10/2021 and posted on the LG notice board at the time of assessment.
22 1
Reporting to IGG
Maximum 1 point on this Performance Measure
a. LG has prepared a report on the status of implementation of the IGG recommendations which will include a list of cases of alleged fraud and corruption and their status incl. administrative and action taken/being taken, and the report has been presented and discussed in the council and other fora. Score 1 or else score 0
The LG did not have any case to attract IGG investigations during the previous FY

Educational Performance Measures
No. Summaryof Definitionof requirements compliance
Local Government Service Delivery Results 12
Learning Outcomes: The LG has improved PLE and USE pass rates.
Maximum 7 points on thisperformance measure
a) The LG PLE pass rate has improved between the previous school year but one and the previous year
•Ifimprovementbymore than 5% score 4
• Between 1 and 5% score 2
• No improvement score 0
The LG PLE pass rate increased by 1% between 2020 and 2019;
In 2020 a total of 5477 pupils passedinDivision1,2and3out 9427 who sat accounting to 58%
In 2019 a total of 5636 pupils passed in division 1,2 and 3 out of 9817 who sat accounting to 57%
% Pass rate =58% - 57% = 1% 13
Learning Outcomes: The LG has improved PLE and USE pass rates.
Maximum 7 points on thisperformance measure
b) The LG UCE pass rate has improved between the previous school year but one and the previous year
•Ifimprovementbymore than 5% score 3
• Between 1 and 5% score 2
• No improvement score 0
The LG UCE pass rate increased by 7% between 2020 and 2019;
In 2020 a total of 1302 students passedinDivision1,2and3outof 2759 accounting to 47%
In 2019 a total of 1438 students passed in division 1, 2 and 3 out of 3529 students accounting to 40%
Percentage increase = 47% - 40%=7%

Service Delivery Performance: Increase in the average score in the education LLG performance assessment.
Maximum 2 points
a) Average score in the education LLG performance has improved between the previous year but one and the previous year
• If improvement by more than 5% score 2
• Between 1 and 5% score 1
• No improvement score 0
Not Applicable
Investment Performance: The LG has managed education projects as per guidelines
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a) If the education development grant has been used on eligible activities as defined in the sector guidelines: score 2; Else score 0
The Education development grant of Shs 1,441,332,000 in the approved budget was spent on projects which were in line with sector guidelines on page 24 which clearly stated the eligible projects that included; construction of sanitary facilities, classrooms among others.
basing on the District Annual Performance Report FY 2021/22 the as undertaken projects involved;
1. Construction of a two- classroom block at Masolya island P/S at Shs 120,000,513
2. Completion of a two- classroom block at St Jude Barbara
3. Construction of a two- classroom block at Mugera P/S at Shs 59,998,428

Investment Performance: The LG has managed education projects as per guidelines
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b) If the DEO, Environment Officer and CDO certified works on Education construction projects implemented in the previous FY before the LG made payments to the contractors score 2 or else score 0
The E&S certifications were approved and signed by the environmental officer and DCDO prior to executing the project contractor payments evidenced by;
• E&S Certification for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Bugulu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 06/06/2022 with the project cost of 30,000,000/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at St Barbra- Namadhi P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 01/06/2022 with the project cost of 29,978,373/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Makembo P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 01/06/2022 with the project cost of 29,978,373/=
E&S Certification for the proposed partial construction of 2 classroom block at Mitimito P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 07/06/2022 with the project cost of 39,999,050/=

Investment Performance: The LG has managed education projects as per guidelines
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c) If the variations in the contract price are within +/-20% of the MoWT estimates score 2 or else score 0
The variations in the contract price and Engineer’s estimates of the sampled projects were as follows:
Variation = 100% ((Contract Price – Engineers Estimate)/Engineer’s Estimate))
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00009 Construction of a 2-classroom block at Mugeya P/S was budgeted at UGX 60,000, 000, actual was UGX 59,998,428/= with a variation of UGX 1,572/= represented by -0.003%,
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00032 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit Latrine at Malongo –budgeted at UGX 20,000,000/= actual contract price was 20,000,000/= with a variation of UGX 0/= represented by 0.0%
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00027 Construction of a 5-stance lined pit Latrine at Wambete P/S. was budgeted at 20,000,000/= actual was 20,000,000/= with a variation of UGX 0/= represented by 0.0%
In conclusion,
The variations were within the range of +/- 20% provided in the manual.

Investment Performance: The LG hasmanaged education projects as per guidelines
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d) Evidence that There was a SEED secondary education projects (Seed approved in the FY 2021-2022 but SecondarySchools)were asperthetimeofassessment,no
completed as per the work plan in the previous FY
• If 100% score 2
• Between 80 – 99% score 1
• Below 80% score 0
construction had yet taken Place.
Achievement of standards: The LG has met prescribed school staffing and infrastructure standards
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG has recruited primary school teachers as per the prescribed MoES staffing guidelines
• If 100%: score 3
• If 80 - 99%: score 2 • If 70 – 79% score: 1 • Below 70% score 0
The LG had recruited 1810 teachers against the required 1821 as per the staff ceiling for the 5 primary schools which represented 99%
1810/1821*100 = 99% staffing

Achievement of standards: The LG has met prescribed school staffing and infrastructure standards
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b) Percent of schools in LG that meet basic requirements and minimum standards set out in the DES guidelines,
• If above 70% and above score: 3
• If between 60 - 69%, score: 2
• If between 50 - 59%, score: 1
• Below 50 score: 0
35% of the schools in the LG met the the basic minimum requirements and minimum standards set by DES.
Of the 142 primary schools and 11 secondary schools in the LG, assets register
a total of 100 schools lacked a single teacher accommodation as required
53/153*100 =35%
Performance Reporting and Performance Improvement

Accuracy of reported information: The LG has accurately reported on teaching staff in place, school infrastructure, and service performance.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG has accurately reported on teachers and where they are deployed.
• If the accuracy of information is 100% score 2
• Else score: 0
There was accurate reporting on teachers observed on the deployment list 2022 and the corresponding staff lists at the three sampled schools as indicated below;
Baitambogwe P/S had 18 teachers on its staff list as witnessed on the deployment list, the teachers were found present at the school as observed in the arrival book on the page dated 11th November 2022 and they included;
Basalirwa Moses Head master
Kaikuta Stanley, Ziteganya Monica and others.
Ikulwe P/S teachers on the school staff list were 18 as on the deployment list, these had all signed in the school teacher attendance book dated 11th November 2022
and they included;
Nahidolwa Florence, Logose Harriet, Athieno Damali and Others.
Bugadde P/S had 19 teachers on the school staff list as on the deployment list. All teachers had signed in the attendance book as indicated below;
Gubi Godfrey, Lubuga Janepher, Kaluya Idah Ziriya and others.

Accuracy of reported information: The LG has accurately reported on teaching staff in place, school infrastructure, and service performance.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that LG has a school asset register accurately reporting on the infrastructure in all registered primary schools.
• If the accuracy of information is 100% score 2
• Else score: 0
There was accuracy in reporting on infrastructure in the LG assets register dated 17TH March 2022 as evidenced in the 3 sampled schools below;
Ikulwe P/S had on ground 14 classrooms, 5 latrine stances and 2 teacher houses, the school required 4 new classrooms, 4 new latrines and 4 staff accommodations.
Bugadde P/S had 9 classrooms, 2 latrines, 368 desks and 3 teacher accommodation. The school required 12 classrooms, 4 latrines, 22 desks and 3 staff accommodations
Baitambogwe P/S had on ground 10 classrooms, 3 latrine stances, 260 desks and 2 teacher accommodations. The school required 4 classrooms, 3 latrines, 26 desks and 3 staff accommodations.
All these infrastructures aligned well with the assets register report.

Schoolcomplianceand performance improvement:
Maximum 12 points on this performance measure
a)TheLGhasensured that all registered primary schools have complied with MoES annual budgeting and reporting guidelines and that they have submitted reports (signed by the head teacher and chair of the SMC) to the DEO by January 30. Reports should include among others, i) highlights of school performance, ii) a reconciled cash flow statement, iii) an annual budget and expenditure report, and iv) an asset register:
• If 100% school submission to LG, score: 4
• Between 80 – 99% score: 2
• Below 80% score 0
Althoughallthethreesampled Primary Schools submitted their annual reports, the submissions did not conform with MOES Annual Budgeting and Reporting Guidelines since all the reports lacked the signature of the respective SMC Chairpersons as indicated below.
Bumba Primary school submitted its annual report on 5th January 2022 signed by the Head teacher Kirongo Wilson without SMC chairperson
Lugolole Primary school submitted its annual report on 31ST December 2021 with the signature of the H/M Mr. Kunya Alfred without the SMC person’s signature
Lwanda Primary school submitted its annual report on 5th January 2022 signed by the headmaster Tulingakubi Patrick with no signature of the SMC chair person.

Schoolcomplianceand b)UPEschools
Allthe3sampledprimaryschools in the LG that included Bugadde, Ikulwe and Baitambogwe P/S had School Improvement plans for 2022 in place signed by the Head teachers of the respective schools, School management Committee Chair persons and approved by the DEO.
3/3* 100 =100%
In line with implementing the Sips especially in the area of academic improvement that cut across all the three sampled schools sips. All teachers in the primary schools underwent a teacher capacity building training program organized by STIR Education with the main goal of rejuvenating teachers’ motivation to teacher.
performance improvement:
Maximum 12 points on this performance measure
supported to prepare and implement SIPs in line with inspection recommendations:
• If 50% score: 4
• Between 30– 49% score: 2
• Below 30% score 0
School compliance and performance improvement:
Maximum 12 points on this performance measure
c) If the LG has collected and compiled EMIS return forms for all registered schools from the previous FY year:
• If 100% score: 4:
• Between 90 – 99% score 2
• Below 90% score 0
The list of schools on PBS and OTIMS corresponded well with each having 142 primary and 11 USE schools which was 100%
Human Resource Management and Development

Budgeting for and actual recruitment and deployment of staff: LG has substantively recruited all primary school teachers where there is a wage bill provision
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG has budgeted for a head teacher and a minimum of 7 teachers per school or a minimum of one teacher per class for schools with less than P.7 for the current FY:
Score 4 or else, score: 0
The district budgeted Shs 13,430,001,217 for 142 headteachers and 1668 teachers in 142 primary schools of Municipality approved budget 2022/23 FY
Budgeting for and actual recruitment and deployment of staff: LG has substantively recruited all primary school teachers where there is a wage bill provision
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the LG has deployed teachers as per sector guidelines in the current FY,
Score 3 else score: 0
Teachers had been deployed as required by the sector guidelines with a head teacher and a minimum of 7 teachers per class for schools with classes reaching P7 as evidenced from the sampled 3 schools below;
Baitambogwe P/S had a headteacher and 18 teachers deployed.
Ikulwe P/S had a head teacher and 17 teachers
Buggadde P/S had a head teacher and 18 teachers deployed as required.

Budgeting for and actual recruitment and deploymentofstaff:LG has substantively recruited all primary school teachers where there is a wage bill provision
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c) If teacher deployment data has been disseminatedor publicized on LG and or school notice board,
score: 1 else, score: 0
Teacher deployment data for the year 2022 had been publicized on theschoolsnotesboardsinallthe sampled 3 Primary schools Busanzi, Waluwerere and Hindocha

Performance management: Appraisals have been conducted for all education management staff, head teachers in the registered primary and secondary schools, and training conducted to address identified capacity gaps.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a) If all primary school head teachers have been appraised with evidence of appraisal reports submitted to HRM with copt to DEO/MEO
Mayuge had 142 P/S Head Teachers and evidence obtained from the sampled 10 files confirmed that some Head Teachers were not appraised during the previous year 2021/2022 and these included;
1)AlituberaJustineViolet (Wamulongo P/S) did not have an appraisal form on her file
2) Naigwe Edith (Mabirizi P/S) was last appraised in 2020. However, those appraised included
3) Basalirwa Moses (Baitambogwe P/S) was appraised sub county chief on 06/04/2021 and approved by DEO
4) Nandase Hamuyati (Namoni P/S) was appraised by sub county chief on 08/01/2022
5) Waiswa Samuel (Buyera P/s) was appraised but there was no date
6) Mukobe Fred ((Kasutaine P/S) was appraised on 06/04/2021 by sub county chief
7) Mwase Moses (Lwanika P/S) was appraised by subcounty chief on 08/04/2021
8) Tibawala Joseph (Busira P/S) was appraised by subcounty chief on 8/04/2021
9) Kyakulaga Moses (Musubi P/S) was appraised by subcounty chief on 23/02/2021
10) Kasone Godfrey (Nakasuwa P/S) was appraised on 05/07/2022

Performance management: Appraisals have been conducted for all education management staff, head teachers in the registered primary and secondary schools, and training conducted to address identified capacity gaps.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b) If all secondary school head teachers have been appraised by D/CAO (or Chair BoG) with evidence of appraisal reports submitted to HRM
There was evidence that all the 11 SS Head Teachers were appraised as follows;
1) Muwumba David (Kigandalo SS) was appraised by DCAO on 10/02/2022 and scored 3.5
2)KidundireAggrey (Waitambugwe SS) was appraised by DCAO on 17/02/2021
3) Kaiira Al-Khams (Bukabooli SS) was appraised by DCAO on 10/02/2022 and scored 3.5
4) Nehemiah Lufafa Ruben (Bufulubi SS) was appraised by DCAO on 10/02/2022 and scored 3.5
5) Nakimwero Hadijah Kibira (Wante Muslim SS) was appraised by DCAO on 17/02/2022 and scored 3.2
6) Namulewa Sarah Obua (Malongo SS) was appraised by DCAO on 19/11/2021 and scored 4
7) Namugere Jamira (Butte Seed SS) was appraised on 14/03/2021 by DCAO
8) Kayuki Simon Peter (Mpungwe SS) was appraised on 20/02/2022 by DCAO
9) Mugabi Fred Kenneth (Bunya SS) was appraised by DCAO on 10/03/2021
10) Kanya Robert (St.John SS) was appraised by DCAO on 5/02/2022 and scored 3.5

Performance management: Appraisals have been conducted for all education management staff, head teachers in the registered primary and secondary schools, and training conducted to address identified capacity gaps.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c) If all staff in the LG Education department have been appraised against their performance plans
score: 2. Else, score: 0
There was evidence that LG Education Department staff were appraised as shown below
1) Nabirye Allen Jaliah (DEO) was appraised by CAO on 30/06/2022 and scored 4
2) Tibenda Margret (Senior Educ.Officer) was appraised by DEO on 30/06/2022 and scored 4
3) Kiganda Musa (Principal Educ.Officer) was appraised by DEO on 30/06/2022 and scored 5
4) Ochienge Patrick (Sports Officer) was appraised by SEO on 26/06/2022 and scored a 5
5) Ntale Fu-Adi Haruna (Educ.officer) special needs was appraised by Senior Inspector on 20/06/2022 and scored a 4
Performance management: Appraisals have been conducted for all education management staff, head teachers in the registered primary and secondary schools, and training conducted to address identified capacity gaps.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d) The LG has prepared a training plan to address identified staff capacity gaps at the school and LG level,
score: 2 Else, score: 0
There was a training plan for the education department 2021/2022 for the identified staff capacity gaps running from January to February 2022. Some of the key training involved;
• Inducting SMCs on their roles and responsibilities
regarding school academic performance between September and November 2022.
• Equipping learners in lower classes with reading and writing skills between February to March
Management, Monitoring and Supervision of Services.

Planning, Budgeting, and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a) The LG has confirmed in writing the list of schools, their enrolment, and budget allocation in the Programme Budgeting System (PBS) by December 15th annually.
If 100% compliance, score:2 or else, score: 0
The LG confirmed in writing a total of 142 Primary schools,11 USE schools with a total enrollment of 145256 in a letter dated 8th November 2021 written by the District CAO
Planning, Budgeting, and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the LG made allocations to inspection and monitoring functions in line with the sector guidelines.
If 100% compliance, score:2 else, score: 0
The district budgeted Shs 118,373,000 and spent Shs 118,373,000 on monitoring and inspection of 142 primary schools page 79 Q4 report 2021/22 FY which was in line with the sector guidelines page 14 that stipulate that at a minimum, inspection must be allocated a fixed rate of Uganda shillings 4 million per LG, plus Shs 112,000 (3 inspections at Shs 37,333) per school for the 3 terms.
118,373,000/118,373,000 =100% Compliance

Planning, Budgeting, and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that LG submitted warrants for school’s capitation within 5 days for the last 3 quarters
If 100% compliance, score: 2 else score: 0
The LG did the quarterly warranting of Capitation grant transfers to schools as evidenced on IFMS indicated below:
Q1 on 28/7/2021 Q2 on 14/10/2021 Q3 on 10/1/2022 Q4 on 10/4/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of assessment to ascertain whether warranting was done within 5 working
Planning, Budgeting, and Transfer of Funds for Service Delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d) Evidence that the LG has invoiced and the DEO/ MEO has communicated/ publicized capitation releases to schools within three working days of release from MoFPED.
If 100% compliance, score: 2 else, score: 0
The LG invoiced and communicated all Capitation grant transfers for the previous FY to schools as evidenced below:
Q1 No release Q2 on 1/11/2021 Q3 on 2/2/2022 Q4 on 5/5/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of the assessment to ascertain whether invoicing was done within 5 working days

10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG Education department has prepared an inspection plan and meetings conducted to plan for school inspections.
• If 100% compliance, score: 2, else score: 0
The LG had an inspection plan dated for 2021/ 2022 FY drawn to cover a total of 142 primary schools and 11 USE secondary school
Meetings to plan for school inspections had been organized
On 6th May 2022 by the Education Department under minute 04/6th/5/2022.
10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
b) Percent of registered UPE schools that have been inspected and monitored, and findings compiled in the DEO/MEO’s monitoring report:
• If 100% score: 2
• Between 80 – 99% score 1
• Below 80%: score 0
All the 142 primary schools had been inspected in each of the three required school terms accounting to 100% total inspection as indicated below;
In the inspection reports of term 1, 2 of 2021/22 FY a total of 142 schools had been inspected out of the required 142 inspections for the 5primary schools in each term
142/142* 100= 100% inspection rate
In term 3 2021, 142 schools had been inspected.
In term 1 2022, 142 schools had been inspected
In term 2 2022, 142 schools had been inspected.

10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that inspection reports have been discussed and used to recommend corrective actions, and that those actions have subsequently been followed-up,
Inspection reports had been discussed by the Education department on 18th May 2022 in minute 05/ 05/2022. The issues arising from inspection involved teacher lack of lesson plans.
To these, a recommendation for continuous support supervision wasreachedforeffectiveteacher monitoring.
The resolutions on support supervision where all followed up as evidenced from the post inspection feedback reports found in all the sampled schools as listed below;
Bugadde P/S on 4th /10/2021
Ikulwe P/S on 9th April 2022 and 22nd March 2022
Baitambogwe P/S on 17th March 2022 and.

10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
d) Evidence that the DIS and DEO have presented findings from inspection and monitoring results to respective schools and submitted these reports to the Directorate of Education Standards (DES) in the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES): Score 2 or else score: 0
Inspection findings had been presented to the three sampled and visited primary schools that included Bugadde, Ikulwe and Baitambogwe P/S
Bugadde P/S on 4th /10/2021
Ikulwe P/S on 9th April 2022 and 22nd March 2022
Baitambogwe P/S on 17th March 2022
Term 3 inspection report had been not been forwarded since it was not in place
Inspection report for Opening of term 2 2022 had been submitted and received by DES on 1st May 2022
Inspection report for term 2 was submitted and received by DES on 28th July 2022 as observed from the DES receipt acknowledgment forms signed by Kirenda Winnie secretary for commissioner basic education standards.

10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
e) Evidence that the council committee responsible for education met and discussed service delivery issues including inspection and monitoring findings, performance assessment results, LG PAC reports etc. during the previous FY: score 2 or else score: 0
The Council committee responsible for education (Education & Health Committee) discussed Education departmental reports for the previous FY and submitted recommendations to council for approval as evidenced below:
1.Education & Health committee reviewed Education departmental report on 20/9/2021 under Agenda 5 Min.No. 5/20/9/21. It was noted that no capitation grant release had been received and that the procurement process for construction of Wairasa Seed Secondary school had started.
2.Education & Health committee met on 24/1/2022 and reviewed the privately owned primary (466) and secondary (46) schools in addition to teachers to retire in FY 2021/2022.
Council meeting held on 9/3/2022 under Agenda 5 Min. No. 05/DC/09/03/2022 approved Education and Health reports.
11 2
Mobilization of parents to attract learners
Maximum 2 points on this performance measure
Investment Management
Evidence that the LG Education department has conducted activities to mobilize, attract and retain children at school,
score: 2 or else score: 0
Activities of Mobilization to attract and retain children at school for the year 2022 had been conducted on 7th December 2021 through a radio talk show on Baba FM 88.7. The main issues for discussion included; creating awareness on school reopening on 10th/ January 2022, adherence to SOPs and Mobilizing all learners including the pregnant to go back to school

12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that there is an up-to-date LG asset register which sets out school facilities and equipment relative to basic standards, score: 2, else score: 0
An up to-date assets register was available for the year 2022 listing all assets within all the sampled 3 schools in line with format 1 of the Education Sector guidelines.
Ikulwe Primary School had 325 desks, 14 classrooms, 5 Latrines and 2 teacher accommodation. The school required 4 new classrooms, 4 latrines and 20 desks.
Bugadde Primary School had 260 desks, 9 classrooms, 2 latrines and 3 teacher accommodations. The school required 12 classrooms, 4 new latrines and 22 desks
Baitambogwe Primary School had 260 desks, 10 classrooms, 3 Latrines and 2 teacher accommodations. The school required 4 classrooms, 3 latrines and 26 new desks.
All schools had at least a class for each learning group, Separate latrine stances for girls and boys as well as staff accommodation for at least a head teacher on ground

12 1
Planning and budgeting for investments
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the LG has conducted a desk appraisal for all sector projects in the budget to establish whether the prioritized investment is: (i) derived from the LGDP III; (ii) eligible for expenditure under sector guidelines and funding source (e.g. sector development grant, DDEG). If appraisals were conducted for all projects that were planned in the previous FY, score: 1 or else, score: 0
The LG conducted a desk appraisal as per appraisal report dated 12/7/2021 for all prioritized projects for the previous FY including Education sector projects as evidenced below:
1. Construction of a classroom block at Sagitu for Masolya P/s which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 266 and was eligible for funding under DDEG code 078180 as on page 16 of the implementation guidelines.
2. Procurement of 600 desks at Peterson Memorial, Kososzi, Musita, Ndaiga, St. Matayo and Maina Primary schools which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 164 and eligible for funding under DDEG code 078183 as on page 16 of the implementation guidelines.
3. Construction of a 2-classroom block at Mugeya P/s which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 266 and eligible for funding under the sector development grant as on page 62 of the approved budget.

12 1
Planning and budgeting for investments
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that the LG has conducted field Appraisal for (i) technical feasibility; (ii) environmental and social acceptability; and (iii) customized designs over the previous FY, score 1 else score: 0
The LG conducted a field appraisal as per appraisal report dated 20/7/2021 for technical feasibility, environmental and social acceptability as well as customized design s for all Education sector projects implemented in the previous FY as evidenced below:
1. Construction of a classroom block at Sagitu for Masolya P/s with the technical feasibility captured on page 2, Environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the report.
2. Procurement of 600 desks at Peterson Memorial, Kosozi, Musita, Ndaiga, St. Matayo and Maina Pimary schools with the technical feasibility captured on page 2, Environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the report.
3. Construction of a 2-classroom block at Mugeya P/s with the technical feasibility captured on page 2, environmental and social acceptability on page 3 and customized designs on page 2 of the report.
13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
a) If the LG Education departmenthas budgeted for and ensured that planned sector infrastructure projects have been approved and incorporated into the procurement plan, score: 1, else score: 0
There was no SEED Secondary Schoolincorporatedinthe procurement plan of the current FY 2022/23

13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the school infrastructure was approved by the Contracts Committee and cleared by the Solicitor General (where above the threshold) before the commencement of construction, score: 1, else score: 0
There was no evidence of the school infrastructure that was approved by the Contracts Committee and cleared by the Solicitor General;
• Wairasa SEED secondary school, the committee sat on 17th Mar 2022 Under MIN: KDCC 128/2022/3 and the solicitor General cleared on 12th September 2022 which was in the FY 2022/23
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that the LG established a Project Implementation Team (PIT) for school construction projects constructed within the last FY as per the guidelines. score: 1, else score: 0
The LG had a project implementation team established as per CAO’s letter of appointment on 30th August 2021; for the period from 1st July 2021 to 31st June 2022, the team members included;
• Eng. Wanjusi Fabiana (DE) • Nadiope William DEO
• Osinya Patrick (Senior Labour Officer)
• Aruma Thomas (Senior Environmental officer)
• Wako Rogers Assistant Engineering Officer/(COW)
• Dhikusooka David CDO • Onduso Ivan (Planner)
13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
d) Evidence that the school infrastructure followed the standard technical designs provided by the MoES
Score: 1, else, score: 0
There was a SEED secondary incorporated in the AWP and approved in the FY 2021-2022 but as of the time of assessment, no construction had yet taken Place. Funds came in late and commencement of construction didn’t begin in FY 2021/22

13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
e) Evidence that monthly site meetings were conducted for all sector infrastructure projects planned in the previous FY score: 1, else score: 0
There was a SEED secondary incorporated in the AWP and approved in the FY 2021-2022 but as of the time of assessment, no construction had yet taken Place. Funds came in late and commencement of construction didn’t begin in FY 2021/22 and hence no reports and meetings.
13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
f) If there’s evidence that during critical stages of construction of planned sector infrastructure projects in the previous FY, at least 1 monthly joint technical supervision involving engineers, environment officers, CDOs etc .., has been conducted score: 1, else score: 0
There was evidence of Reports on the planned sector infrastructure projects in the previous FY by the joint technical teams involving engineers, environment officers, CDOs, but they were not done monthly as accorded by the Manual. They were being done Quarterly
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
g) If sector infrastructure projects have been properly executed and payments to contractors made within specified timeframes within the contract, score: 1, else score: 0
The Education sector infrastructure projects were properly executed but made untimely payments to the contractors as evidenced below:
1. Construction of 5-stance pit latrine at Nakigo P/s in Malongo Sc by M/s Zodiac Consultancy Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs. 19,941,060 on 25/4/2022
The DEO recommended for payment on 25/4/2022.
DE certified certificate No. 1 dated 27/4/2022 for payment of Shs.18,033,898
The Environment Officer and DCDO certified for payment on 27/4/2022
Contractor was paid Shs. 18,033,898 on 31/5//2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 43753141 within 36 days.

2. Completion of a 2-clssroom block at St. Jude Misoli P/s under SFG by M/s Tick Microfinance (U) Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.40,000,000 on 31/5/2022
DEO recommended for payment on 15/6/2022
DE certified-on 6/6/2022 certificate No. 1 dated 6/6/2022 for payment of Shs. 36,065,663
The DCDO and Environment Officer certified for payment on 6/6/2022
Contractor was paid Shs. 36,065,663 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589398 within 29 days.
3.Renovation of a 2-classroom block at Kyebando P/s in Mayuge TC by M/s Sunland General Investment Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.23,000,000 on 19/4/2022
DEO recommended for payment on 20/4/2022
DE certified on 17th/6/2022 certificate No.1 dated 20/4/2022 for payment of Shs. 23,189,064
The DCDO and Environment Officer certified for payment on 21/4//2022.
Contractor was paid Shs. 23,189,064 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589425 within 71 days

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
h) If the LG Education departmenttimely submitted a procurement plan in accordance with the PPDA requirements to the procurement unit by April 30, score: 1, else, score: 0
The LG Education department submitteditsprocurementplanon 29th April 2021 in accordance with the PPDA requirements to the Procurement Unit
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
i) Evidence that the LG has a complete procurement file for each school infrastructure contract with all records as required by the PPDA Law score 1 or else score 0
There evidence that the LG has a complete procurement file for each school Infrastructure contract with all records as
required by the PPDA
• Wairasa SEED secondary school, the committee sat on 17th Mar 2022 Under MIN: KDCC 128/2022/3 Procurement Ref: MoES-UgIFT/Wrks/2021- 2022/0005 lot 36 was awarded to Christone Contractors Ltd and contract signed on 4th April 2022
Environment and Social Safeguards
14 3
Grievance redress: LG Education grievances have been recorded, investigated, and responded to in line with the LG grievance redress framework.
Maximum 3 points on this performance measure
Evidence that grievances have been recorded, investigated, responded to and recorded in line with the grievance redress framework, score: 3, else score: 0
There was evidence that grievances were recorded, investigated, responded to and recorded in line with the grievance redress framework evidenced by the Grievance Log records opened 2021 for example, Busoga Dioceses Vs Busuuyi Seed School in a letter by Busoga Dioceses to MoES contesting the land ownership of the said school dated 15/04/2021, Ref: ADM/EDUC/4 forwarded by DEO on 07/06/2021 to the GRC committee and resolved in a letter by the Bishop of Busoga Dioceses dated 14/12/2021, Ref: EDUC/4/3 to PS of MoES withdrawing the land contestation

15 3
Safeguards for service delivery.
Maximum 3 points on this performance measure
Evidence that LG has disseminated the Education guidelines to provide for access to land (without encumbrance), proper siting of schools, ‘green’ schools, and energy and water conservation
Score: 3, or else score: 0
Environmental guidelines had been issued to all the three sampled schools Ikulwe primary, Bugadde and Baitambogwe Primary school on 8th July 2021 emphasizing the Presidential call towards tree planting
16 0
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a) LG has in place a costed ESMP and this is incorporated within the BoQs and contractual documents, score: 2, else score: 0
LG did not have costed ESMPs for education projects incorporated within the BoQs in the FY 2021/2022
16 1
Safeguardsinthe delivery of investments
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b)Ifthereisproofofland ownership, access of school construction projects, score: 1, else score:0
Therewasproofofownershipof school land by respective schools evidenced by the following;
• Land Agreement of 6 acres for Bukoba P/S by Baise Ikoba Clan by Costant Ikoba Lukuusi the clan head witnessed by 5 people on 05/10/1993
• Letter of land allocation by Uganda Muslim Supreme Council represented by Sheik Umaru Ali Mufuto, County Kadhi of Mpungwe Twale to Mpungwe Seed School to MoES witnessed by 9 peoplse on 17/04/2019 and received by the CAO on 17/04/2019

16 2
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that the Environment Officer and CDO conducted support supervision and monitoring (with the technical team) to ascertain compliance with ESMPs including follow up on recommended corrective actions; and prepared monthly monitoring reports, score: 2, else score:0
The Environment Officer and DCDO conducted support supervision and monitoring (with the technical team) to ascertain compliance with ESMPs including follow up on recommended corrective actions; and prepared annual monitoring reports and not Monthly Monitoring reports as required, for example,
• E&S Monitoring report for the proposed construction of classroom blocks, completion of Mayuge LG Administration Block and staff house by the DEO&DCDO on 27/07/2022
• E&S Monitoring report for the proposed renovation of classroom blocks at Bugulu P/S, St Barbra – Namadhi P/S, Mitimiti P/S, Makembo P/S, Musoli P/S and Bukizibu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 29/06/2022

16 1
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
d) If the E&S certifications were approved and signed by the environmental officer and CDO prior to executing the project contractor payments
Score: 1, else score:0
The E&S certifications were approved and signed by the environmental officer and DCDO prior to executing the project contractor payments evidenced by the following E&S Certification forms;
• E&S Certification forms for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Bugulu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 06/06/2022 with the project cost of 30,000,000/=
• E&S Certification forms for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at St Barbra- Namadhi P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 01/06/2022 with the project cost of 29,978,373/=
• E&S Certification forms for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Makembo P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 01/06/2022 with the project cost of 29,978,373/=
• E&S Certification forms for the proposed partial construction of 2 classroom block at Mitimito P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 07/06/2022 with the project cost of 39,999,050/=

Health Performance Measures
No. Summaryof Definitionof Compliancejustification Score requirements compliance
Local Government Service Delivery Results 10
New_Outcome: The LG has registered higher percentage of the population accessing health care services.
Maximum 2 points on this performance measure
a. If the LG registered Increased utilization of Health Care Services (focus on total deliveries.
• By 20% or more, score 2
• Less than 20%, score 0
The sampled Heath Care facilities recorded deliveries as follows:
Mayuge HCIV 1097 Kityerera HC IV 1923 Baitembogwe HC III 722 Total 3742
Mayuge HCIV 956 Kityerera HC IV 1559 Baitambogwe HC III 782 Total 3297
Percentage change = (3297- 3742)/3297*100 = -13.2%

Investment performance: The LG has managed health projects as per guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a. If the LG budgeted and spent all the health development grant for the previous FY on eligible activities as per the health grant and budget guidelines, score 2 or else score 0.
The LG budgeted for Shs. 1,754,579,000 for health development grant for the previous FY as indicated on page 20 of the approved budget which was spent as evidenced below:
1. Fencing Buwaiswa HC II t a cost of Shs. 30,000,000.
2.Completion of Maternity block at Bwondha TC at a cost of Shs.60,208,773
3.Renovation of OPD AT Namusenwa in Baitambogwe SC at a cost of Shs. 30,300,000
4.Renovation of staff house & OPD at Bufulubi at a cost of Shs. 38,700.000
5. Completion of Maternity at Jaguzi HC II at a cost of Shs. 149,704,572.
6. Construction of taff house at Busaala HCIV at a cost of Shs. 149,704,572.
6. Upgrading of Muggi HCII – HCIII at a cost of Shs. 645,588,096
7. Renovation of staff house at Bwalula HC II at a cost of Shs. 54,000,000.
All the 8 (eight) health sector capital projects were completed as indicated on pages 67-68 0f the ABPR.
Investment performance: The LG has managed health projects as per guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b. If the DHO/MMOH, LG Engineer, Environment Officer and CDO certified works on health projects before the LG made payments to the contractors/ suppliers score 2 or else score 0
The DHO, District Engineer, Environment officer and DCDO certified the works on health projects for the previous FY prior to payment of contractors as evidenced below:
1.Construction of 2 latrine blocks at Kityerera HCIV for males & females by M/s Bamac BL Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.1,693,008 on 25/5/2022

The DHO certified for payment on 16/6/2022.
DE certified certificate No. 2 dated 7/1/2021 for payment of Shs.1,606,753
The Environment Officer and DCDO certified for payment on 8/6/2022
Contractor was paid Shs. 1,606,753 on 29/6//2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589417.
2. Completion of Maternity block at Bwondha HC II by M/s Precious Jaguz Co. Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.25,000,000 on 15/6/2022
DHO certified for payment on 15/6/2022
DE certified-on 6/6/2022 certificate No. 2 dated 15/6/2022 for payment of Shs. 21,827,830
The DCDO and Environment Officer certified for payment on 9/6/2022
Contractor was paid Shs. 21,829,830 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589410.
3.Partial completion of Maternity ward at Kityerera HC IV by M/s Tick Microfinance (U) Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.37,900,000 on 6/6/2022
DHO certified for payment on 15/6/2022
DE certified on 17th/6/2022 certificate No.1 dated 6/6/2022 for payment of Shs. 34,174,237
The DCDO and Environment Officer certified for payment on 31/5/2022.
Contractor was paid Shs.34,174,237 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589398.

Investment performance: The LG has managed health projects as per guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c. If the variations in the contract price of sampled health infrastructure investments are within +/-20% of the MoWT Engineers estimates, score 2 or else score 0
The variations in the contract price and Engineer’s estimates of the sampled projects were as follows:
Variation = 100% ((Contract Price – Engineers Estimate)/Engineer’s Estimate))
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00100 Renovation of staff house and OPD block at Butambala HC II. budgeted at UGX 38,712,278/= actual contract price was 38,700,000/= with a variation of UGX 12,278/= represented by -0.03%
• Mayu 535/Wrks/2021/00092 Renovation of OPD block Namusenwa HC II. budgeted at 38,328,000/= actual was 30,300,000/= with a variation of UGX 8,028,000/= represented by -20%
• Mayu535/Wrks/2021/000133 Partial completion of Maternity ward at Kityerera HC IV. budgeted at 37,946,000/= actual was 37,900,000/= with a variation of UGX 46,000/= represented by -0.12%
In conclusion,
The variations were within the range of +/- 20% provided in the manual.

Investment performance: The LG has managed health projects as per guidelines.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that the health sector investment projects implemented in the previous FY were completed as per work plan by end of the FY
• If 100 % Score 2
• Between 80 and 99% score 1
• less than 80 %: Score 0
The Project wasn’t complete by the end of the FY 2021/2022 as planned; it was planned that the project start would be 13th Aug 2021 and Finish date 30th June 2022, but because funding came in late, the actual start date was shifted to 10th May 2022 and expected completion date was 10th Nov 2022 but even as of the date of assessment, the construction was not complete.
Achievement of Standards: The LG has met health staffing and infrastructure facility standards
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LG has recruited staff for all HCIIIs and HCIVs as per staffing structure
• If above 90% score 2
• If 75% - 90%: score 1
• Below 75 %: score 0
The LG recruited staff HC IVs and HC IIIs as follows:
Malongo HC III 24 out of 19
Jagusi HC III 16 out of 19
Masolya HC III 14 out of 19
Bukatube HC III 20 out of 19
Buwaiswa HC III 19 out of 19
Wabulungu HC III 21 out of 19
Mayuge HC IV 48 out of 48
Kityerera HC IV 51 out of 48
Kigandalo HC IV 53 out of 48
Baitambogwe HC III 20 out of 19.
The staff recruited were 286 out of 277.
The percentage recruited was 286/277*100=103.2%

Achievement of Standards: The LG has met health staffing and infrastructure facility standards
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the LG health infrastructure construction projects meet the approved MoH Facility Infrastructure Designs.
• If 100 % score 2 or else score 0
There was evidence that the LG health infrastructure construction project Muggi HC II being upgraded to HC III met the approved MoH Facility Infrastructure Designs; for example, from the sampled room, the female ward Measured 6.6m in length and 5m in width, the delivery room measured 5.4m in length and 5m in width this clearly indicates that the facility followed the designs according to MoH.
Performance Reporting and Performance Improvement 52
Accuracy of Reported Information: The LG maintains and reports accurate information
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that information on positions of health workers filled is accurate: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that information on positions of health workers filled was accurate. Mayuge HC IV had 48 H/Ws dated 12/09/2022 same as District. Kityerera HC IV had 48 September 2022 same as District. Baitambogwe HC III had 20 H/Ws 12/07/2022.
Accuracy of Reported Information: The LG maintains and reports accurate information
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that information on health facilities upgraded or constructed and functional is accurate: Score 2 or else 0
Maggi HC II was upgraded from HC II to HCIII. The work was ongoing and the facility was still functioning as a health center II.

Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
a) Health facilities prepared and submitted Annual Workplans & budgets to the DHO/MMOH by March 31st of the previous FY as per the LG Planning Guidelines for Health Sector:
• Score 2 or else 0
The health facilities submitted the Annual Workplans FY2022/23 as follows:
Baitambogwe HC III 28/03/22
Kityerera HC IV 24/04/22
Mayuge HC IV 30/06/22
Only Baitambogwe HC III submitted timely.
Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
b) Health facilities prepared and submitted to the DHO/MMOH Annual Budget Performance Reports for the previous FY by July 15th of the previous FY as per the Budget and Grant Guidelines :
• Score 2 or else 0
The sampled health facilities did not
Submit the Annual Budget Performance Reports for FY2021/22

Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
a) Health facilities have developed and reported on implementation of facility improvement plans that incorporate performance issues identified in monitoring and assessment reports
• Score 2 or else 0
The sampled health facilities developed their improvement plans as follows:
Baitambogwe HC III 28/03/22 Kityerera HC IV 30/06/22 Mayuge HC IV 30/06/22.
Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
d) Evidence that health facilities submitted up to date monthly and quarterly HMIS reports timely (7 days following the end of each month and quarter) If 100%,
• score 2 or else score 0
The health facilities submitted up to date monthly and quarterly HMIS reports timely as follows:
July 2021
Mayuge HC IV 7/08/21 Kityerera HC IV 6/08/21 Baitambogwe III 6/08/21 August 2021
Mayuge HC IV 6/09/21 Kityerera HC IV 6/09/21 Baitambogwe HC III 6/09/21 September 2021
Mayuge HC IV 6/10/21 Kityerera HC IV 6/10/21 Baitambogwe HC III 5/10/21 October 2021
Mayuge HC IV 5/11/21 Kityerera HC IV 5/11/21

Baitambogwe HC III 4/11/21 November 2021
Mayuge HC IV6/12/21 Kityerera HC IV 6/12/21 Baitambogwe HC III 4/12/21 December 2021
Mayuge HC IV 6/01/22 Kityerera HC IV 7/01/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/01/22 Jauaury 2022
Mayuge HC IV 7/02/22 Kityerera HC IV 6/02/22 Baitambogwe HC III 5/02/22 February 2022
Mayuge HC IV 7/03/22 Kityerera HC IV 5/03/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/03/22 March 2022
Mayuge HC IV 5/04/22 Kityerera HC IV 6/04/22 Baitambogwe HC III 6/04/22 April 2022
Mayuge HC IV 6/05/22 Kityerera HC IV 7/05/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/05/22 May 2022
Mayuge HC IV 6/06/22 Kityerera HC IV 6/06/22 Baitambogwe HC III 6/06/22 June 2022

Mayuge HC IV 5/07/22 Kityerera HC IV 7/07/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/07/22 Quarterly
1st Quarter 2021/22 Mayugwe HC IV 6/10/21 Kityerera HC IV 6/10/21 Baitambogwe HC III 5/10/21 2nd Quarter 2021/22 Mayuge HC IV 6/01/22 Kityerera HC IV 7/01/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/01/22 3rd Quarter 2021/22 Mayuge HC IV 5/04/22 Kityerera HC IV 6/04/22 Baitambogwe HC III 6/04/21 4th Quarter 2021/22 Mayuge IV 5/07/22 Kityerera HC IV 7/07/22 Baitambogwe HC III 7/07/22

Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
e) Evidence that Health facilities submitted RBF invoices timely (by 15th of the month following end of the quarter). If 100%, score 2 or else score 0
Note: Municipalities submit to districts
The health facilities submitted invoices as follows:
Mayuge HC IV 29/07/22 Kityerera HC IV 29/07/22 Baitambogwe HC III 28/07/22
Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
f) If the LG timely (by end of 3rd week of the month following end of the quarter) verified, compiled and submitted to MOH facility RBF invoices for all RBF Health Facilities, if 100%, score 1 or else score 0
The LG submitted 4th Quarter 2021/22 invoices on 2/08/2022 after the deadline.

Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
g) If the LG timely (by end of the first month of the following quarter) compiled and submitted all quarterly (4) Budget Performance Reports. If 100%, score 1 or else score 0
The LG health department timely compiled and submitted (by end of the first month of the following quarter) all the quarterly (4) Budget Performance Reports to the District Planner for consolidation as indicated below:
Q1 was submitted on 12/10/2021 Q2 was submitted on 18/1/2022 Q3 was submitted on 12/4/2022 Q4 was submitted on 15/7/2022
Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
h) Evidence that the LG has:
i. Developed an approved Performance Improvement Plan for the weakest performing health facilities, score 1 or else 0
The LG did not develop Performance Improvement Plan for the weakest performing facility.

Health Facility Compliance to the Budget and Grant Guidelines, Result Based Financing and Performance Improvement: LG has enforced Health Facility Compliance, Result Based Financing and implemented Performance Improvement support.
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
ii. Implemented Performance Improvement Plan for weakest performing facilities, score 1 or else 0
There was no plan to implement.
Human Resource Management and Development 72
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted for, recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines (at least 75% of the staff required).
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG has:
i. Budgeted for health workers as per guidelines/in accordance with the staffing norms score 2 or else 0
The LG budgeted for 481 staff at 6,349,687,481= enough for 93% of the posts filled. (page not numbered)

Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted for, recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines (at least 75% of the staff required).
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the LG has:
ii. Deployed health workers as per guidelines (all the health facilities to have at least 75% of staff required) in accordance with the staffing norms score 2orelse0
Not all health facilities had 75% staffing e.g: Musolya HC III had 73.6% staff filled.
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted for, recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines (at least 75% of the staff required).
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that health workers are working in health facilities where they are deployed, score 3 or else score 0
Mayuge HCIV had 48 H/Ws on the facility list dated 12/09/2022 same as the District. Kityerera HC IV had 48 H/Ws September 2022 same as District. Baitambogwe HC III had 20 H/Ws on the staff list dated 12/07/2022 same as District. The staff were found in the registration books of the respective health facilities.
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted for, recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines (at least 75% of the staff required).
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
c) Evidence that the LG has publicized health workers deployment and disseminated by, among others, posting on facility notice boards, for the current FY score 2 or else score 0
The LG disseminated the H/Ws by posting them on the facility notice boards. Mayuge HC IV displayed 48 H/Ws dated 12/09/2022.
Kityerera HC IV displayed 48 H/Ws dated September 2022.
Baitambogwe HC III displayed 20 H/Ws date 12/07/22.

Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Health Workers.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the DHO/MMOHs has:
i. Conducted annual performance appraisal of all Health facility In-charges against the agreed performance plans and submitted a copy to HRO during the previous FY score 1 or else 0
The 10 staff files sampled confirmed that although the annual performance appraisal was conducted, some were left out during the previous FY. For stance,
1) Gambani John (SCO) of Mayuge HC 111 was last appraised on 15/07/2019
2) Magumba Assuman (SCO) Kityerera was last appraised in 2020.

Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Health Workers.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
ii. Ensured that Health Facility In- charges conducted performance appraisal of all health facility workers against the agreed performance plans and submitted a copy through DHO/MMOH to HRO during the previous FY score 1 or else 0
Health facility In-charges conducted appraisal for health facility workers as shown below;
1. Kawesa Bumali (Asst. Entomology Officer) of Mayuge HC iv was appraised on 01/07/2021 by Health Educator and scored 4
2. Guitabingi Moreen (Enrolled Nurse) Kityerera was appraised by NO on 06/06/2022
3. Mugabi Tadeo (Health information Assistant) Jaguzi was appraised 30/06/2022 and scored 3
4. Gaiba Gorret – Jaguzi was appraised on 28/06/2022 by SCO and scored 4
5. Natukunda Cleophas (Enrolled Nurse) was appraised on 14/07/2022 and scored 4
6. Isabirye Richard (Medical Lab) mayuge was appraised on 10/07/2022 and scored 4
7. Kasadha Eric (Health Inspector) Kityerera was appraised on 26/07/2022
8. Batukyaye Daniel (Asst. Nursing officer) Bukatube was appraised on 20/08/2022
9. Naula Stella (Enrolled Midwife) Nkombe HC was appraised on 30/06/2022
10. Waiswa Henry (Asikari) Wabulunga HC was appraised on 16/07/2022

Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Health Workers.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
iii. Taken corrective actions based on the appraisal reports, score 2 or else 0
There was no corrective action taken based on the appraisal report.
Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Health Workers.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Health Workers.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the LG:
i. conducted training of health workers (Continuous Professional Development) in accordance to the training plans at District/MC level, score 1 or else 0
ii. Documented training activities in the training/CPD database, score 1 or else score 0
There was no evidence of training done in FY 2021/22.
Management, Monitoring and Supervision of Services.
There were no documents to put in 0 the training database.

Planning, budgeting, and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the CAO/Town Clerk confirmed the list of Health facilities (GoU and PNFP receiving PHC NWR grants) and notified the MOH in writing by September 30th if a health facility had been listed incorrectly or missed in the previous FY, score 2 or else score 0
The CAO in the letter Ref: CR/350/1
written on 12/07/2022 confirmed to the MOH the 39 health facilities that receive PHC for FY 2022/23.
Planning, budgeting, and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the LG made allocations towards monitoring service delivery and management of District health services in line with the health sector grantguidelines(15% of the PHC NWR Grant for LLHF allocation made for DHO/MMOH), score 2 or else score 0.
The LG made an allocation of Shs.34, 200,000 from PHC NWR as indicated on page 2 of the health sector AWP for the previous FY specifically for monitoring and supervision of service delivery and management of the District health services as per the sector grant guidelines.
It was utilized as evidenced below: 1.Quarterly data validation
2.Integrated support supervision of health facilities
3.Conduct active search of notifiable cases of health facilities
4. Laptop procurement
5.Hold quarterly DQIT meetings.

Planning, budgeting, and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
c. If the LG made timely warranting/verification of direct grant transfers to health facilities for the last FY, in accordance to the requirements of the budget score 2 or else score 0
The LG did the quarterly warranting of PHC NWR grant transfers to health facilities as evidenced on IFMS indicated below:
Q1 on 28/7/2021 Q2 on 14/10/2021 Q3 on 10/1/2022 Q4 on 10/4/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of assessment to ascertain whether warranting was done within 5 working
Planning, budgeting, and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
d. If the LG invoiced and communicated all PHC NWR Grant transfers for the previous FY to health facilities within 5 working days from the day of receipt of the funds release in each quarter, score 2 or else score 0
The LG invoiced and communicated all Capitation grant transfers for the previous FY to schools as evidenced below:
Q1 on 23/8/2021 Q2 on 9/11/2021 Q3 on 24/2/2022 Q4 on 20/4/2022
However, the LG was unable to trace the dates of receipt of expenditure limits on IFMS at the point of time of the assessment to ascertain whether invoicing was done within 5 working days.

Planning, budgeting, and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum 9 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that the LG has publicized all the quarterly financial releases to all health facilities within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the expenditure limits from MoFPED- e.g. through posting on public notice boards: score 1 or else score 0
The quarterly financial releases for PHC NWR for the previous FY were posted at the LG Noticeboard but owing to the IFMS Super user’s failure to retrieve the date for uploading the expenditure limits, it was not possible to establish whether the date of posting was within the 5 working days.
10 0
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LG health department implemented action(s) recommended by the DHMT Quarterly performance review meeting (s) held during the previous FY, score 2 or else score 0
There was no evidence provided to that effect.
10 0
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
b. If the LG quarterly performance review meetings involve all health facilities in charges, implementing partners, DHMTs, key LG departments e.g. WASH, Community Development, Education department, score 1 or else 0
There was no evidence provided to that effect.

10 1
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
c. If the LG supervised 100% of HC IVs and General hospitals (including PNFPs receiving PHC grant) at least once every quarter in the previous FY (where applicable) : score 1 or else, score 0
If not applicable, provide the score
The LG supervised Buluba Hospital, Mayuge HC IV, Kigandalo HC IV and Kityerera HC IV (13-17/06/2022, 13- 17/12/2021, 22-26/09/2021).
10 1
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that DHT/MHT ensured that Health Sub Districts (HSDs) carried out support supervision of lower level health facilities within the previous FY (where applicable), score 1 or else score 0
• If not applicable, provide the score
Bunya West HSD led by Mayuge HC IV supervised Baitambogwe HC III on (30/09/2021, 2/11/2021, 29/03/2022 &16/06/22).
10 1
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that the LG used results/reports from discussion of the support supervision and monitoring visits, to make recommendations for specific corrective actions and that implementation of these were followed up during the previous FY, score 1 or else score 0
Following the supervision of Baitambogwe HC III on 11/04/22; the Team discovered that the facility lacked immunization tally sheets. These were provided to the facility on the 16/05/2022.

10 1
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands -on support supervision to health facilities.
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
f. Evidence that the LG provided support to all health facilities in the management of medicines and health supplies, during the previous FY: score 1 or else, score 0
According to the report written to the DHO on 27/10/2021; the District
Medicine Management Supervisor supported Mayuge HC IV, Baitambogwe HC III, Kigandalo HC IV in ordering, prescribing and storage of medicines in the 1st Quarter 2021/22.
11 2
Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization: The LG Health department conducted Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization activities
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. If the LG allocated at least 30% of District / Municipal Health Office budget to health promotion and prevention activities, Score 2 or else score 0
The LG allocated 30% of Shs 107,830,000 of the DHO’s budget equivalent to Shs 32,349,000
for health promotion and prevention activities as evidenced on page 3 of the sector work plan for FY 2021/2022.
It was expended on health activities as evidenced below:
1, Community dialogue meetings in catchment areas with low ANC, OPD
and immunization services.
2.Support supervision to VHTs and other CHWS.
3.Radio talk shows.
11 1
Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization: The LG Health department conducted Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization activities
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence of DHT/MHT led health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization activities as per ToRs for DHTs, during the previous FY score 1 or else score 0
The DHE organized radio talk shows on Hygiene and Sanitation on Mayuge FM (14-20/07/2021) at 7-8 PM. The panelists were DHE, ADHO/EH and HE.

11 1
Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization: The LG Health department conducted Health promotion, disease prevention and social mobilization activities
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence of follow- up actions taken by the DHT/MHT on health promotion and disease prevention issues in their minutes and reports: score 1 or else score 0
The DHT on the 4/08/21 monitored Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages in the 4 sub counties (Malongo, Imanyiro, Buwaaya & Mpugwe).
Investment Management
12 1
Planning and Budgeting for Investments: The LG has carried out Planning and Budgeting for health investments as per guidelines.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LG has an updated Asset register which sets out health facilities and equipment relative to basic standards: Score 1 or else 0
The LG had an Asset register that set out health facilities and equipment relative to basic standard. Baitambogwe HC III had BP machine, Delivery bed and Stethoscope.
Mayuge HC IV had Centrifuge, Examination Couch, Stethoscope, Autoclave and BP machine.

12 1
Planning and Budgeting for Investments: The LG has carried out Planning and Budgeting for health investments as per guidelines.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the prioritized investments in the health sector for the previous FY were: (i) derived from the third LG Development Plan (LGDPIII);
(ii) desk appraisal by the LG; and
(iii) eligible for expenditure under sector guidelines and funding source (e.g. sector development grant, Discretionary Development Equalization Grant (DDEG)):
score 1 or else score 0
The LG conducted a desk appraisal as per appraisal report dated 12/7/2021 for all prioritized projects for the previous FY including Health sector projects as evidenced below:
1. Construction of 2-stance VIP latrine at Magada HCII which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 147 and was eligible for funding under DDEG code 078181 as on page 16 of the implementation guidelines.
2. Construction of 5-stance VIP latrine at Masolya HCII Sagiti which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 147 and eligible for funding under DDEG code 078181 as on page 16 of the implementation guidelines.
3.Construction of a staff house at Baitambogwe HC III which was derived from the LGDP III as on page 147 and eligible for funding under DDEG code 088285 as on page 17 of the implementation guidelines.

12 1
Planning and Budgeting for Investments: The LG has carried out Planning and Budgeting for health investments as per guidelines.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that the LG
has conducted field Appraisal to check for: (i) technical feasibility; (ii) environment and social acceptability; and (iii) customized designs to site conditions: score 1 or else score 0
The LG conducted field appraisal as per appraisal report dated 20/7/2021 for all prioritized projects for the previous FY including Health sector projects as evidenced below:
1.Construction of 2-stance VIP latrine at Magada HCII which complied with the technical feasibility as on page 2, environment and social acceptability on page 3 and customized design on page 2 of the report.
2. Construction of 5-stance VIP latrine at Masolya HCII Sagiti which complied with the technical feasibility as on page 2, environment and social acceptability on page 3 and customized design on page 2 of the report.
3.Construction of a staff house at Baitambogwe HC III which complied with the technical feasibility as on page 2, environment and social acceptability on page 3 and customized design on page 2 of the report.

12 1
Planning and Budgeting for Investments: The LG has carried out Planning and Budgeting for health investments as per guidelines.
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that the health facility investments were screened for environmental and social risks and mitigation measures put in place before being approved for construction using the checklist: score 1 or else score 0
LG health facility investments were screened for environmental and social risks and mitigation measures put in place before being approved for construction using the checklist evidenced by the following screening forms that were signed by DEO & DCDO, for example;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed Renovation of Namusenwa HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 20/10/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed Renovation of OPD at Bufulubi HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 27/10/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed Construction of staff house at Jagussi HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 11/11/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed upgrading of Muggi HC II to HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 29/10/2021
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LGhealthdepartment timely (by April 30 for the current FY ) submitted all its infrastructure and other procurement requests to PDU for incorporation into the approved LG annual work plan, budget and procurement plans: score 1 or else score 0
There was evidence that the LG Healthdepartmenttimelysubmitted all its infrastructure requests to PDU for incorporation into the approved LG annual work plan,
As per a copy of the health sector procurement plan for current FY prepared by the DHO, date of submission to PDU 17thApril 2022 which was before 30th April as required by PPDA laws.

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
b. If the LG Health departmentsubmitted procurement request form (Form PP1) to the PDU by 1st Quarter of the current FY: score 1 or else, score 0
There was evidence that LG Health departmentsubmittedprocurement request form (Form PP1) to the PDU by 1st Quarter FY 2022-2023 on 15th July 2022 the projects submitted include;
• Completion of Maternity ward at Kityerera HC IV
• Extension of DHO’s office
• Emptying of Latrine at Bwondha HC II
• Completion of staff House at Bwondha HC II
• Construction of Staff House at Nkombe HC III
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that the healthinfrastructure investments for the previous FY was approved by the Contracts Committee and cleared by the Solicitor General (where above the threshold), before commencement of construction: score 1 or else score 0
There was evidence that the LG approvedhealthinfrastructurebythe contracts committee cleared by the Solicitor General on 06th May 2022 on the last page of the contract agreement document. The project below was approved.
• Procurement Ref: MoH- UGIFT/Wks/21-22/00013/13-28 lot 6- 18 Upgrade of Muggi HC II to HC III. The project was approved on 04th April 2022 under MIN Siro/552/0005/012/CC/FY/2021/2022.

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that the LGproperly established a Project Implementation team for all health projects composed of: (i) : score 1 or else score 0
If there is no project, provide the score
There was Evidence that the LG properlyestablishedaProject Implementation team for all health projects; appointed by the CAO;
Appointment letters for the contract manager DHO dated 30th Aug 2021 for the period from 1st July 2021 to 31st June 2022 members include;
• Eng. Wanjusi Fabiano (DE) • Kawala Elizabeth Ag.DHO
• Osinya Patrick (Senior Labour Officer)
• Aruma Thomas (Senior Environmental officer)
• Wako Rogers Assistant Engineering Officer/(COW)
• Dhikusooka David CDO • Onduso Ivan (Planner)
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that the healthinfrastructure followed the standard technical designs provided by the MoH: score 1 or else score 0
If there is no project, provide the score
There was evidence that the LG healthinfrastructureconstruction project Muggi HC II being upgraded to HC III met the approved MoH Facility Infrastructure Designs; for example, from the sampled room, the female ward Measured 6.6m in length and 5m in width, the delivery room measured 5.4m in length and 5m in width this clearly indicates that the facility followed the designs according to MoH

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
f. Evidence that the ClerkofWorks maintains daily records that are consolidated weekly to the District Engineer in copy to the DHO, for each health infrastructure project: score 1 or else score 0
If there is no project, provide the score
There was evidence that the Clerk of Worksmaintainsdailyrecords, Examples of include;
• Supervision reports of Construction works at Muggi HC were done weekly consolidated from daily activities and later integrated into a single monthly report. From the files, reports for July, September and October Months were available.
• Meeting minutes of Muggi HC II being Upgraded to HC III held on 13th Sept 2022
that are consolidated weekly to the District Engineer in copy to the DHO, for each health infrastructure project
13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
g. Evidence that the LG held monthly site meetings by project site committee: chaired by the CAO/Town Clerk and comprised of the Sub-county Chief (SAS), the designated contract and project managers, chairperson of the HUMC, in-charge for beneficiary facility , the Community Development and Environmental officers: score 1 or else score 0
If there is no project, provide the score
There Was no evidence that showed Monthly joint site meetings.

13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
h. Evidence that the LGcarriedout technical supervision of works at all health infrastructure projects at least monthly, by the relevant officers including the Engineers, Environment officers, CDOs, at critical stages of construction: score 1, or else score 0
If there is no project, provide the score
There Was no evidence that showed theycarriedoutMonthlysupervision.
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contracts as per guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
i. Evidence that the DHO/MMOH verified works and initiated payments of contractors within specified timeframes (within 2 weeks or 10 working days), score 1 or else score 0
The DHO certified and initiated payments for the works on health projects for the previous FY within the specified time frames as evidenced below:
1. Construction of 2 latrine blocks at Kityerera HCIV for males & females by M/s Bamac BL Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.1,693,008 on 25/5/2022
The DHO certified for payment on 16/6/2022.
DE certified certificate No. 2 dated 7/1/2021 for payment of Shs.1,606,753
Contractor was paid Shs. 1,606,753 on 29/6//2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589417 within 13 days
2. Completion of Maternity block at Bwondha HC II by M/s Precious Jaguz Co. Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.25,000,000 on 15/6/2022
DHO certified for payment on 15/6/2022

DE certified-on 6/6/2022 certificate No. 2 dated 15/6/2022 for payment of Shs. 21,827,830
Contractor was paid Shs. 21,829,830 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589410 within 14 days.
3.Partial completion of Maternity ward at Kityerera HC IV by M/s Tick Microfinance (U) Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.37,900,000 on 6/6/2022
DHO certified for payment on 15/6/2022
DE certified on 17th/6/2022 certificate No.1 dated 6/6/2022 for payment of Shs. 34,174,237
Contractor was paid Shs.34,174,237 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589398 within 14 days.

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed health contractsasper guidelines
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
j. Evidence that the LGhasacomplete procurement file for each health infrastructurecontract with all records as requiredbythePPDA Law score 1 or else score 0
There was evidence that the LG had acompleteprocurementfileforeach health infrastructure contract with all records as required by the PPDA Law.Examplesinclude;
•Mayu535/wrks/21-22/00100 Renovation of staff house and OPD block at Bufulubi HC II. approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee was on 10th Nov 2021 under MIN: 04/03/11/21MDCC awarded to Buwolya Company (U) Ltd and contract signed on 15th Nov 2021
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00092 Renovation of OPD block Namusenwa HC II. approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee was on 10th Nov 2021 under MIN: 04/03/11/21MDCC awarded to MRASC General Investments (U) Ltd as the contractor and contract signed on 15th Nov 2021
• Mayu 535/wrks/21-22/00093 Partial completion of Maternity ward at Kityerera HC IV. approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee was on 10th Nov 2021 under MIN: 04/03/11/21MDCC awarded to Tick Microfinance (U) Ltd as the contractor and contract signed on 15th Nov 2021
Environment and Social Safeguards

14 2
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing health sector grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum 2 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the Local Government has recorded, investigated, responded and reported in line with the LG grievance redress framework score 2 or else 0
LG had no grievances recorded under health for the previous FY but the Grievance Log was available as of 2021
15 2
Safeguards for service delivery: LG Health Department ensures safeguards for service delivery
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LG has disseminated guidelines on health care / medical waste management to health facilities : score 2 points or else score 0
The LG disseminated guidelines on health care waste management. These were found in Mayuge HC IV, Kityerera HC IV and Baitambogwe HC III.
15 2
Safeguards for service delivery: LG Health Department ensures safeguards for service delivery
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the LG has in place a functional system for Medical waste management or central infrastructures for managing medical waste (either an incinerator or Registered waste management service provider): score 2 or else score 0
The LG had a functional system for waste management. The health facilities (Mayuge HC IV, Baitambogwe HC III & Kityerera HC IV) had Bin liners for hazard waste management. Mayuge HC IV had an incinerator. Green label LTD a Registered waste management service provider was operating in the LG as evidenced by the District waste transfer forms signed by Green label and the DHO.

15 1
Safeguards for service delivery: LG Health Department ensures safeguards for service delivery
Maximum 5 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that the LG has conducted training (s) and created awareness in healthcare waste management score 1 or else score 0
The healthcare waste management guidelines written by the Environment Officer on 5/07/2021 to all health facility In-charges created awareness in healthcare waste management.
16 0
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investment Management: LG Health infrastructure projects incorporate Environment and Social Safeguards in the delivery of the investments
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that a costed ESMP was incorporated into designs, BoQs, bidding and contractual documents for health infrastructure projects of the previous FY: score 2 or else score 0
LG had no costed ESMPs incorporated into the bidding documents for health infrastructure projects FY 2021/2022
16 0
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investment Management: LG Health infrastructure projects incorporate Environment and Social Safeguards in the delivery of the investments
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that all health sector projects are implemented on land where the LG has proof of ownership, access and availability (e.g. a land title, agreement; Formal Consent, MoUs, etc.), without any encumbrances: score 2 or else, score 0
LG had no evidence that all health sector projects were implemented on land where it had proof of ownership, access and availability

16 0
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investment Management: LG Health infrastructure projects incorporate Environment and Social Safeguards in the delivery of the investments
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that the LG Environment Officer and CDO conducted support supervision and monitoring of health projects to ascertain compliance with ESMPs; and provide monthly reports: score 2 or else score 0.
LG Environment Officer and DCDO conducted quarterly support supervision and monitoring of health projects to ascertain compliance with ESMPs and provided quarterly rather than monthly E&S Monitoring reports as required, for example,
E&S Compliance Monitoring Report for the proposed construction of staff house, renovation of OPD at Bufulubi HC II, partial completion of HCs, procurement of medical supplies, fencing and tillingof HCs and construction of maternity wards at Busaala and Jagusi HC IIIs and Kityerera, Namusenwa, Bufulubi, Bwondha HC IIs, Bukatube and Muggi HC IIIs, Namoni, Nkombe, Busuyi and Ntinkalu HC IIs respectively by the DEO&DCDO on 26/066/2022

16 2
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investment Management: LG Health infrastructure projects incorporate Environment and Social Safeguards in the delivery of the investments
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that Environment and Social Certification forms were completed and signed by the LG Environment Officer and CDO, prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of all health infrastructure projects score 2 or else score 0
Environment and Social Certification forms were completed and signed by the LG Environment Officer and DCDO. prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of all health infrastructure projects evidenced by the following E&S Certifications forms;
• E&S Certification form of 30,300,000/= for the proposed Renovation of Namusenwa HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 24/05/2022
• E&S Certification form of 38,700,000/= for the proposed Renovation of OPD at Bufulubi HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 03/05/2022
• E&S Certification form of 149,704,572/= for the proposed Construction of staff house at Jagussi HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 30/05/2022
• E&S Certification form of 645,588,096/= for the proposed upgrading of Muggi HC II to HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 13/06/2022

Water & Environment Performance Measures
No. Summaryof requirements
Definitionof compliance
Local Government Service Delivery Results 12
Water & Environment Outcomes: The LG has registered high functionality of water sources and management committees
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. % of rural water sources that are functional.
If the district rural water source functionality as per the sector MIS is:
o 90 - 100%: score 2 o 80-89%: score 1
o Below 80%: 0
From the Ministry MIS, the Percentage of functional rural water sources = 94%
Water & Environment Outcomes: The LG has registered high functionality of water sources and management committees
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. % of facilities with functional water & sanitation committees (documented water user fee collection records and utilization with the approval of the WSCs). If the district WSS facilities that have functional WSCs is:
o 90 - 100%: score 2 o 80-89%: score 1
o Below 80%: 0
From the Ministry MIS, the Percentage of rural water facilities with functional water and sanitation committees = 97%

Service Delivery Performance: Average score in the water and environment LLGs performance assessment
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a. The LG average score in the water and environment LLGs performance assessment for the current. FY.
If LG average scores is a. Above 80% score 2 b. 60 -80%: 1
c. Below 60: 0
(Only applicable when LLG assessment starts)
From the LLG assessment results for the current FY2022/2023, the LG average score in the Water and Environment was 66%.
The assessment for the LLG in the water and environment sector was done against a total mark of ten (10) and the performance of the sub counties in the sector was as follows;
Kityerere S/c obtained 3 out of 10 equivalent to 30%
Kigandalo S/c obtained 70% Imanyiro S/c obtained 30% Bukatube S/c obtained 100% Baitambogwe S/c obtained 80% Wairasa S/c obtained 100% Malongo S/c obtained 80% Busakira S/c obtained 0% Jaguzi S/c obtained 30% Bukabooli S/c obtained 100% Buwaya S/c obtained 100% Mpungwe S/c obtained 70% Average score = 66%

Service Delivery Performance: Average score in the water and environment LLGs performance assessment
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b. % of budgeted water projects implemented in the sub-counties with safe water coverage below the district average in the previous FY.
o If 100 % of water projects are implemented in the targeted S/Cs: Score 2
o If 80-99%: Score 1
o If below 80 %: Score 0
The LG implemented 42% of the budgeted water projects in the FY 2021/2022 in the sub counties with safe water coverage below the district average in the FY 2020/2021
From page 3 of 3 excel sheet attachment (budget line) of the annual progress report approved on 12th/07/2022, the total budgeted water projects implemented in the LG for the FY 2021/22 = 26 (Drilling and installation of 26 deep boreholes)
Sub counties that were below the district average ( 52% access) in the previous FY but one include;
Bukabooli S/c at 38% Kityerera S/c at 39% Malongo S/c at 20% and Wairasa S/c at 35%
Projects implemented in the sub county with safe water coverage below the district average include;
One (1) new borehole in Kityerera S/c ,
Five (5) new borehole in Bukabooli S/c
Two (2) new borehole in Malongo S/c,
Three (3) new borehole in Wairasa S/c,
Total number of implemented projects in sub counties below the average = 11
Percentage of budgeted projects implemented in sub counties with safe water coverage(Access) below the district average = 11/26*100= 42%

Service Delivery Performance: Average score in the water and environment LLGs performance assessment
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c. If variations in the contract price of sampled WSS infrastructure investments for the previous FY are within +/- 20% of engineer’s estimates
o If within +/-20% score 2
o If not score 0
From the three (3) sampled project contracts, the percentage contract price variations for all the three project contracts sampled were all within -+20% as follows;
Sitting , drilling and installation and platform casting of the 8 boreholes
Proc.Ref no. MAYU535/WRKS/21- 22/000101
Engineer’s estimate = 220,000,000
Contract sum = 225,000,000
Percentage contract price Variation = 2.3% equivalent to
Shs. 5,000,000
Sitting , drilling and installation and platform casting of the 18 boreholes and 2 design of two production wells
Proc.Ref no. MAYU535/WRKS/21- 22/00002
Engineer’s estimate = 410,002,000
Contract sum = 394,939,500
Percentage contract price Variation = -3.67% equivalent to
Feasibility study, design and tender documentation of Busira piped water supply scheme
Proc.Ref no. MAYU/535/SRVCS/21-22/00004
Engineer’s estimate = 74,890,000
Contract sum = 74,900,000
Percentage contract price Variation = -0.01% equivalent to
Shs. -10,000

Service Delivery Performance: Average score in the water and environment LLGs performance assessment
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
d. % of WSS infrastructure projects completed as per annual work plan by end of FY.
o If 100% projects completed: score 2
o If 80-99% projects completed: score 1
o If projects completed are below 80%: 0
From page 3 of 3 excel sheet attachment (Summary of the planned activities) of the AWP for the previous FY approved on 14th/7/2021, the LG planned to drill twenty six (26) new boreholes and a Feasibility study, design and tender documentation of Busira piped water supply scheme and from page 3 of 3 of the annual progress report approved on 12th/07/2022, all the twenty six (26) new boreholes and a feasibility study, design and tender documentation of Busira piped water supply scheme were implemented and completed in the FY 2021/22.
Total number of planned projects = 27
Total projects implemented = 27
Percentage of projects completed as per the AWP = 27/27*100 = 100%
New_Achievement of Standards:
The LG has met WSS infrastructure facility standards
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. If there is an increase From the Ministry MIS, there was
in the % of water supply facilities that are functioning
o If there is an increase: score 2
o If no increase: score 0.
no increase in the percentage of functional water facilities between the FY 2020/21 and 2021/22.
Percentage of functional water facilities in the FY 2020/21 = 94%
Percentage of functional water facilities in the FY 2021/22 = 94%
Percentage change = 0%

New_Achievement of Standards:
The LG has met WSS infrastructure facility standards
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. If there is an Increase in % of facilities with functional water & sanitation committees (with documented water user fee collection records and utilization with the approval of the WSCs).
o If increase is more than 1% score 2
o If increase is between 0-1%, score 1
o If there is no increase : score 0.
From the Ministry MIS, there was no increase in the percentage of rural water and sanitation facilities with functional committees.
Percentage of rural water facilities with functional water and sanitation committee in the FY 2020/21 = 97%
Percentage of rural water facilities with functional water and sanitation committee in the FY 2021/22 = 97%
Percentage change = 0%
Performance Reporting and Performance Improvement

Accuracy of Reported Information: The LG has accurately reported on constructed WSS infrastructure projects and service performance
Maximum 3 points on this performance measure
The DWO has accurately reported on WSS facilities constructed in the previous FY and performance of the facilities is as reported: Score: 3
The DWO accurately reported on WSS facilities constructed in the previous FY and performance of the facilities was as reported.
From page 3 of 3 of the excel attachment to the annual progress report approved on 12th/07/2022, the DWO drilled and installed 26 deep boreholes in the FY 2021/2022
Findings from the field visit of the three sampled projects showed that all projects were in place and functional, boreholes were well protected with no deep latrines in the radius of 30m, trees were planted around, water yield and water quality was visually good and all had functional WUCs.
The 3 sampled projects include
• Bugadde west village borehole (DWD No. 91985) completed on 16th/06/2022 and found in Kityerera S/c.
• Nkombe HC III community borehole (DWD No. 91920) completed on 7th/04/2022 and found in Imanyiro S/c.
• Bukasero A village borehole (DWD No. 91944) completed on 20th/04/2022 and found in Bukatube S/c.

Reporting and performance improvement: The LG compiles, updates WSS information and supports LLGs to improve their performance
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the LG Water Office collects and compiles quarterly information on sub- county water supply and sanitation, functionality of facilities and WSCs, safe water collection and storage and community involvement): Score 2
There was evidence that the LG water office collected and compiled quarterly information on sub- county water supply and sanitation as evidenced below.
Quarter 1 report was submitted on 22nd/10/2021 and the information on sub-county water supply and sanitation, functionality of facilities and WSCs, safe water collection and storage and community involvement was found on page 5 of the report.
Similarly quarter 2 report was submitted on 12th/01/2022 and the information on sub-county water supply and sanitation, functionality of facilities and WSCs, safe water collection and storage and community involvement was found on page 5 of the report.
Quarter 3 report was submitted on 19th/04/2022 and the information on sub-county water supply and sanitation, functionality of facilities and WSCs, safe water collection and storage and community involvement was found on page 5.
Quarter 4 report was submitted on 12th/07/2022 with form ones for all the 26 new deep bore holes drilled in the previous FY 2021/2022.

Reporting and performance improvement: The LG compiles, updates WSS information and supports LLGs to improve their performance
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the LG Water Office updates the MIS (WSS data) quarterly with water supply and sanitation information (new facilities, population served, functionality of WSCs and WSS facilities, etc.) and uses compiled information for planning purposes: Score 3 or else 0
The LG Water Office updated the MIS (WSS data) quarterly with water supply and sanitation information (new facilities, population served, functionality of WSCs and WSS facilities.
The form 1s for the 26 newly drilled and installed boreholes and form 4s monitoring report was attached to the DWO MIS and original copies submitted to the ministry for approval and MIS update on 20th/09/2022.
Reporting and performance improvement: The LG compiles, updates WSS information and supports LLGs to improve their performance
Maximum 7 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that DWO has supported the 25% lowest performing LLGs in the previous FY LLG assessment to develop and implement performance improvement plans: Score 2 or else 0
Note: Only applicable from the assessment where there has been a previous assessment of the LLGs’ performance. In case there is no previous assessment score 0.
Not applicable.
The assessment had just been concluded in the FY 2022/2023 and therefore there was no performance improvement plans for the lowest performing LLGs
Human Resource Management and Development

Budgeting for Water & Sanitation and Environment & Natural Resources: The Local Government has budgeted for staff
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the DWO has budgeted for the following Water & Sanitation staff: 1 Civil Engineer(Water); 2 Assistant Water Officers (1 for mobilization and 1 for sanitation & hygiene); 1 Engineering Assistant (Water) & 1 Borehole Maintenance Technician: Score 2
According to the approved budget Vote 353 Mayuge District, DWO Budgeted for the below staff totaling to UGX. 40,800,000. The Staff include;
1. Babi Bob (Asst. Engineering Officer)
2. Baganzi Robert (Senior Asst. Engineering Officer)
Budgeting for Water & Sanitation and Environment & Natural Resources: The Local Government has budgeted for staff
Maximum 4 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the Environment and Natural Resources Officer has budgeted for the following Environment & Natural Resources staff: 1 Natural Resources Officer; 1 Environment Officer; 1 Forestry Officer: Score 2
The Environment and Natural Resources Officer budgeted for all staff totaling to UGX. 208,800,000. The staff budgeted for include;
1. Aram Thomas (SEO)
2. Ediiro Moses (PEO)
3. Kipanda Bumali (Forest Officer) 4. Lubanga Musa (DNRO)
5. Lwiise Ronald (Surveyor)
6. Mutalya Ivan (Physical Planner) 7. Waiswa David (Asst.Planner)
8. Waiswa Robert (EO)
Performance Management: The LG appraised staff and conducted trainings in line with the district training plans.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a. The DWO has appraised District Water Office staff against the agreed performance plans during the previous FY: Score 3
DWO appraised the District Water Office Staff. For stance
1. Nagudi Phoebe (Borehole technician) was appraised on 02/01/2022 by DWO and scored 4
2. Tulengera Isaac (Civil Engineer) was appraised by DWO on 02/01/2022 and scored 4

Performance Management: The LG appraised staff and conducted trainings in line with the district training plans.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b. The District Water Office has identified capacity needs of staff from the performance appraisal process and ensured that training activities have been conducted in adherence to the training plans at district level and documented in the training database : Score 3
The District Water Office identified
Capacity needs of staff from the performance appraisal process and submitted the capacity needs to the PHRO on 04th/01/2022, the training plan and capacity needs assessment report were also in place but the LG was unable to conduct the training because of the financial constraints in the previous FY 2021/2022. As per the availed training plan, the training was rescheduled to take place between 4th-15th/12/2022.
The DWO staff capacity building needs included among others, water quality analysis training to the assistant DWO.
Management, Monitoring and Supervision of Services.

Planning, Budgeting and Transfer of Funds for service delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a) Evidence that the DWO has prioritized budget allocations to sub- counties that have safe water coverage below that of the district:
• If 100 % of the budget allocation for the current FY is allocated to S/Cs below the district average coverage: Score 3 • If 80-99%: Score 2
• If 60-79: Score 1 • If below 60 %: Score 0
From page 3 of 3 of the excel sheet attachment (Budget line) to the AWP for the current FY approved on 16th/07/2022,the DWO allocated 89% of the budget to the four sub counties below the district average
Sub counties that were below the district average(55%) in the FY 2021/2022 include;
Bukabooli S/c at 44% Kityerera S/c at 48% Malongo S/c at 20% Wairasa S/c at 39%
The DWO allocated two (2) new boreholes to Wairasa S/c amounting to 56,400,000, 4 new borehole amounting to 112,800,000 to Bukabooli S/c and a piped water supply sytem to
Bukabooli S/c amounting to 385,798,000
Total project budget for sub counties with safe water coverage below the district average = 554,998,000
Total project Budget for all the sub counties = 695,998,000
Percentage budget allocation to sub counties below the district average = 554,998,000/(695,998,000 )*100 =80%

Planning, Budgeting and Transfer of Funds for service delivery: The Local Government has allocated and spent funds for service delivery as prescribed in the sector guidelines.
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b) Evidence that the DWO communicated to the LLGs their respective allocations per source to be constructed in the current FY: Score 3
The DWO communicated to the LLGs their respective allocations per source to be constructed in the current FY and the communication was displayed on the district and sub county notice boards on 31/05/2022. The allocations were as below;
The DWO allocated two (2) new boreholes to Wairasa S/c amounting to 56,400,000, 4 new borehole amounting to 112,800,000 to Bukabooli S/c,a piped water supply system to
Bukabooli S/c amounting to 385,798,000, one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Imanyiro S/c, one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Kagandalo S/c and one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Baitambogwe S/c.

Routine Oversight and Monitoring: The LG has monitored WSS facilities and provided follow up support.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the district Water Office has monitored each of WSS facilities at least quarterly (key areas to include functionality of Water supply and public sanitation facilities, environment, and social safeguards, etc.)
• If 95% and above of the WSS facilities monitored quarterly: score 4
• If 80-94% of the WSS facilities monitored quarterly: score 2
• If less than 80% of the WSS facilities monitored quarterly: Score 0
The district Water Office monitored on average 96% WSS facilities quarterly as follows;
From the List of water and sanitation projects (form 4), and DWO MIS, Mayuge district had 1193 water and sanitation facilities. From the first Quarter monitoring report dated 19/10/2021, the DWO monitored 1097 sources out of 1193 LG sources equivalent to 92%.
In the second (2) quarter monitoring report dated 10th/01/2022, the DWO monitored 1097 facilities equivalent to 92%.
In the third (3) quarter monitoring report dated 15th/04/2022, the DWO monitored 1080 facilities out of 1193 equivalent to 91%.
In the fourth (4) quarter monitoring report dated 01/05/2022, the DWO monitored 1072 WSS facilities equivalent to 90%.
Average = (90+91+92+92)/4=91%

Routine Oversight and Monitoring: The LG has monitored WSS facilities and provided follow up support.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the DWO conducted quarterly DWSCC meetings and among other agenda items, key issues identified from quarterly monitoring of WSS facilities were discussed and remedial actions incorporated in the current FY AWP. Score 2
There was evidence that the DWO conducted quarterly DWSCC meetings and discussed the key issue presented in the monitoring reports.
The following quarterly minutes for DWSCC quarterly meetings was in place with rehabilitation and water user committee training needs discussed;
1. Quarter 1 DWSCC minutes dated 19th/08/2021 with key issues discussed under Min.03/08/2021
2. Quarter 2 DWSCC minutes dated 11th/12/2021 with key issues discussed on under Min.06/12/2021
3. Quarter 3 DWSCC minutes dated 31/03/2022 with key issues discussed Min.06/03/2022.
4. Quarter 4 DWSCC minutes dated 23/06/2022 with key issues discussed Min.6/06/2022
The remedial actions of borehole rehabilitations were incorporated in the approved current FY AWP and 11 borehole are to be drilled in this current FY together with training of the water user committees.

Routine Oversight and Monitoring: The LG has monitored WSS facilities and provided follow up support.
Maximum 8 points on this performance measure
c. The District Water Officer publicizes budget allocations for the current FY to LLGs with safe water coverage below the LG average to all sub- counties: Score 2
The DWO publicized the budget allocations for the current FY to LLGs in the current FY and the communication was displayed on the district and sub county notice boards on 31/05/2022. The allocations were as below;
The DWO allocated two (2) new boreholes to Wairasa S/c amounting to 56,400,000, 4 new borehole amounting to 112,800,000 to Bukabooli S/c,a piped water supply sytem to
Bukabooli S/c amounting to 385,798,000, one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Imanyiro S/c, one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Kagandalo S/c and one bore hole amounting to 28,200,000 to Baitambogwe S/c.
10 3
Mobilization for WSS is conducted
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
a. For previous FY, the DWO allocated a minimum of 40% of the NWR rural water and sanitation budget as per sector guidelines towards mobilization activities:
• If funds were allocated score 3
• If not score 0
The DWO allocated 52% of the NWR rural water and sanitation budget greater than 40% to
From the annual software report for the previous FY 2021/2022 dated 11th/07/2022 a long side page 2 of 3 of the budget line attachment to annual progress report for the FY 2021/2022, the DWO allocated 46,940,350/= equivalent to 52% of the NWR rural water and sanitation budget (117,535,340/=) towards community mobilization activities

10 3
Mobilization for WSS is conducted
Maximum 6 points on this performance measure
b. For the previous FY, the District Water Officer in liaison with the Community Development Officer trained WSCs on their roles on O&M of WSS facilities: Score 3.
There was evidence that the DWO in liaison with the Community Development Officer established and trained WSCs on their roles on O &M of WSS facilities as in the following training activity reports.
From the annual software report for the previous FY 2021/2022 dated 11th/07/2022, page 5-8 under item 2.1.4, 26 new WUCs was formed and trained and 24 non- functional committees were re-activated
For the sampled WSS in Kityerera S/c, Bukabooli S/c and Imanyiro S/c, the 3 sampled members of the WSCs was able to remember the training that was given to them about the O & M including daily cleaning of the water source, fencing the water sources and collection of the water user fees of 2000 per household.
Investment Management
11 4
Planning and Budgeting for Investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
a. Existence of an up- to-date LG asset register which sets out water supply and sanitation facilities by location and LLG:
Score 4 or else 0
There was existence of an updated LG asset register which set out water supply and sanitation facilities by location and LLG.
The DWO presented an updated asset register that was last updated on 30th/01/2022 with new water sources constructed in the previous FY 2021/2022.
The 26 boreholes implemented in the previous FY were seen on the last page 2 and 5 of the asset register.

11 4
Planning and Budgeting for Investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
Evidence that the LG DWO has conducted a desk appraisal for all WSS projects in the budget to establish whether the prioritized investments were derived from the approved district development plans (LGDPIII) and are eligible for expenditure under sector guidelines (prioritize investments for sub-counties with safe water coverage below the district average and rehabilitation of non- functional facilities) and funding source (e.g. sector development grant, DDEG). If desk appraisal was conducted and if all projects are derived from the LGDP and are eligible:
Score 4 or else score 0.
There was evidence that the LG DWO conducted a desk appraisal for all WSS projects in the budget. The AWP for the current FY 2021/2022 indicated that 11 new deep boreholes were to be implemented the current FY 2022/2023 and all these were derived from the approved district development plan on page 269 and were eligible for expenditure under sector guidelines of DWSG.

11 2
Planning and Budgeting for Investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
c. All budgeted investments for current FY have completed applications from beneficiary communities: Score 2
All the 11 boreholes that were to be implemented in the FY 2022/2023 had applications from the user communities as below
• Application for a borehole by Lwanda village community in Imanyiro S/c dated 12/04/2022
• Application for a borehole by Bukwanga village community in Bukabooli S/c dated 01/04/2022
• Application for a borehole by Namulana village community in Bukabooli S/c dated 01/05/2022
• Application for a borehole by Musita village community in Mpungwe S/c dated 19/08/2022
• Application for a borehole by Namagera village community in Baitambogwe S/c dated 24/05/2022
• Application for a borehole by Lugolole village community in Baitambogwe S/c dated 10/03/2022
• Application for a borehole by Matovu village community in Bukabooli S/c dated 1/05/2022
• Application for a borehole by Nkombe village community in Imanyiro S/c dated 12/04/2022
• Application for a borehole by Irimbi village community in Muterere S/c dated 2/06/2022 among others.

11 2
Planning and Budgeting for Investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that the LG has conducted field appraisal to check for: (i) technical feasibility; (ii) environmental social acceptability; and (iii) customized designs for WSS projects for current FY. Score 2
There was evidence that the LG conducted field appraisals for all the FY 2022/23 water projects.
The DWO presented the field appraisal reports for the 11 boreholes that was to be drilled in the FY 2022/23 dated 7th/07/2022. All the 11 boreholes to be drilled the FY 2022/23 were screened for technical, environmental and social acceptability and all were feasible to be implemented on their respective sites.

11 2
Planning and Budgeting for Investments is conducted effectively
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that all water infrastructure projects for the current FY were screened for environmental and social risks/ impacts and ESIA/ESMPs prepared before being approved for construction - costed ESMPs incorporated into designs, BoQs, bidding and contract documents. Score 2
LG had screened for environmental and social risks/ impacts for water infrastructure projects in FY 2022/2023 by the DEO&DCDO evidenced by the following E&S Screening forms as follows;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a hand pump borehole at Lugolole Village by the DEO&DCDO on 04/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a hand pump borehole at Mugeri A Village by the DEO& DCDO on 02/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a hand pump borehole at Nabyama Village by the DEO&DCDO on 31/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a hand pump borehole at Katalakabi Village by the DEO&DCDO on 28/10/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed rehabilitation of a hand pump borehole at Bugoya Village by the DEO&DCDO on 26/10/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed rehabilitation of a hand pump borehole at Musita Village by the DEO&DCDO on 03/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed rehabilitation of a hand pump borehole at Bufuta B Village by the DEO&DCDO on 07/11/2022

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that the water infrastructure investmentswere incorporated in the LG approved: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that the WSS infrastructure investments for FY 2022/2023wereincorporatedinthe LG procurement plan endorsed by CAO; Sampled projects included;
• Drilling, Testing pumping, installation of 12 boreholes
• Rehabilitation of boreholes
• Borehole sitting & Construction supervision
• Feasibility study & Design & Tender documentation of Bukabooli piped water supply scheme
• Phase 1 Construction of Busira RGC (Construction of storage tanks & Transmission)

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
b. Evidence that the water supply and public sanitation infrastructure for the previous FY was approved by the Contracts Committee before commencement of construction Score 2:
There was evidence that the WSS infrastructure projects for the previous FY were approved by the contracts committee before commencement as indicated below.
• Drilling, Casting and Installation of 18No boreholes and two Production well Ref: Mayu/535/wrks/21-22/0002 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/02/11/21/MDCC was done on 17th Nov 2021
• Feasibility study, design and tender documentation of Busira piped water supply scheme. Proc Ref: Mayu/535/SRVs/21-22/00004 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/02/11/21/MDCC was done on 17th Nov 2021
• Renovation of 18 boreholes Proc Ref: Mayu/535/SRVs/21-22/00004 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/03/11/21/MDCC was done on 10th Nov 2021

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that the District Water Officer properlyestablishedthe Project Implementation team as specified in the Water sector guidelines Score 2:
There was evidence that the WSS infrastructure projects for the previousFYwereapprovedbythe contracts committee and appointment made by the CAO on 30th Aug 2021 before commencement as indicated below;
• Eng. Wanjusi Febiano (DE)
• Mundimbo Tom Freeman (Water officer)
• Osinya Patrick (Senior Labour Officer)
• Aruma Thomas (Senior Environmental officer)
• Wako Rogers Assistant Engineering Officer/(COW)
• Dhikusooka David CDO • Onduso Ivan (Planner)

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that water and public sanitation infrastructure sampled were constructed as per the standard technical designs provided by the DWO: Score 2
There was evidence that water and public sanitation infrastructure sampled were constructed as per the standard technical designs. The three (3) sampled projects include;
1. Bugadde west village borehole completed on 16th/06/2022 with DWD No.91985 found in Kityerera S/c
2. Nkombe village borehole completed on 7th/04/2022 with DWD No.91920 found in Imanyiro S/c.
3. Bukasero village borehole completed on 20th/04/2022 with DWD No.91944 found in Bukatube S/c.
All projects ware in place and functional, boreholes were well protected with no deep latrines in the radius of 30m, trees were planted around, water quality and yield was generally good and it had a functional WUCs.
For the sampled borehole drilling contract (MAYU/535/WRKS/21- 22/00002), it was seen from the BOQS specifications that
the contractor adopted the design A method of the hand pumps found in the standard technical design manual for LG

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
e. Evidence that the relevant technical officerscarryout monthly technical supervision of WSS infrastructure projects: Score 2
There was evidence that the relevant technical officers carried outmonthlytechnicalSupervision of WSS infrastructure projects. The DWO presented the supervision report dated 23rd/May/2022 for the drilling, test pumping, casting and installation of 18 deep bore holes , Supervision report dated 11th/July/2022 for drilling, test pumping, casting and installation of 8 deep bore holes, Supervision report dated 15th/June/2022 for drilling, test pumping, casting and installation of 8 deep bore holes and Supervision report dated 8th/April/2022 for drilling, test pumping, casting and installation of 18 deep bore holes and the following technical officers participated in the supervision of the water infrastructure projects; Environmental officer (Aramu Thomas), DWO (Wanjusi Febiano), CDO-water (Dhikusoka David) and, District engineer.
12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
f. For the sampled contracts, there is evidence that the DWO has verified works and initiated payments of contractors within specified timeframes in the contracts
o If 100 % contracts paid on time: Score 2
o If not score 0
The DWO certified and initiated payments for the works on health projects for the previous FY within the specified time frames as evidenced below:
1.Drilling, Casting and Installation of 10 successful Dry Deep Bore holes by M/s MSR Technologies (U) Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.19,179,897 on 25/5/2022
The DWO verified the works and initiated the payment on 13/6/2022.
Contractor was paid Shs. 16,142,320 on 29/6//2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589411 within 35 days
2. Bore hole siting and construction supervision of 18 boreholes and 2 Production Wells I Mayuge District

by M/s Geobot Group Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs.28,513,615 on 2/6/2022
DWO verified and initiated the payment on 16/6/2022
Contractor was paid Shs. 25,354,795 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589413 within 13 days.
3.Drilling, Test Pumping, Casting and Installation of 13 bore holes in Mayuge District by M/s Reddy’s Bore holes & Technical Services Ltd.
Contractor claimed for payment of Shs. 13,831,729 on 22/6/2022
DWO verified the works and initiated the payment on 13/6/2022.
Contractor was paid Shs.13,831,729 on 29/6/2022 vide Payment Voucher No. 44589406 within 7 days.

12 2
Procurement and Contract Management/execution: The LG has effectively managed the WSS procurements
Maximum 14 points on this performance measure
g. Evidence that a complete procurement fileforwater infrastructure investments is in place for each contract with all records as required by the PPDA Law:
Score 2, If not score 0
Th DLG had evidence of complete procurement files for water infrastructureinvestmentsas required by PPDA law;
Sampled contracts
• Drilling, Casting and Installation of 18No boreholes and two Production well Ref: Mayu/535/wrks/21-22/0002 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/02/11/21/MDCC was done on 17th Nov 2021, the contract was given to Reddy’s Borehole and Technical Services Ltd and the contract was signed on 11th March 2021.
• Feasibility study, design and tender documentation of Busira piped water supply scheme. Proc Ref: Mayu/535/SRVs/21-22/00004 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/02/11/21/MDCC was done on 17th Nov 2021, the contract was given to Kasande agency Ltd, and the contract was signed on 15th Dec 2021.
• Renovation of 18 boreholes Proc Ref: Mayu/535/SRVs/21-22/00004 approval of the evaluation report by the contracts committee Under MIN: 04/03/11/21/MDCC was done on 10th Nov 2021, the contract was given to Sonsole general servics Ltd and the contract was signed on 26th March 2021.
Environment and Social Requirements

13 3
Grievance Redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing WSS related grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum 3 points this performance measure
Evidence that the DWO in liaison with the District Grievances Redress Committee recorded, investigated, responded to and reported on water and environment grievances as per the LG grievance redress framework:
LG had not registered grievances registered under health but the Grievance Log was available as of 2021
Score 3, If not score 0
14 3
Safeguards for service delivery
Maximum 3 points on this performance measure
Evidence that the DWO and the Environment Officer have disseminated guidelines on water source & catchment protection and natural resource management to CDOs:
Score 3, If not score 0
LG DWO and the Environment Officer had disseminated guidelines on water source & catchment protection and natural resource management to DCDOs evidenced by the attendance list for the information dissemination meeting of Water Source Catchment Protection to CDOs by the DWO on 29/04/2022 of 13 members
15 3
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investments
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
a. Evidence that water source protection plans & natural resource management plans for WSS facilities constructed in the previous FY were prepared and implemented: Score 3, If not score 0
LG had water source protection plans and natural resource management plans for WSS facilities constructed in the FY 2021/2022 as follows;
• Water Source Protection Plan for Busira Piped Water Scheme as of July 2021 by District Water Officer
• Water Source Protection Plan for Namadudu Water source of July 2021 by District Water Officer
• Water Source Protection Plan for Bugadde West Water Source as of July 2021 by District Water Officer
15 3
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investments
Maximum 10 points on this performance
b. Evidence that all WSS projects are implemented on land where the LG has proof
There was evidence that all WSS projects were implemented on land where the LG had proof of consent;
The Physical planner provided all

of consent (e.g. a land title, agreement; Formal Consent, MoUs, etc.), without any encumbrances:
Score 3, If not score 0
the land agreement forms for all the 26 boreholes implemented in the previous FY 2021/2022 and these include
• Land agreement form for the borehole located at Buwanga Village in Baitambogwe S/c signed on 14th/03/2022 by Tafasi as the land owner
• Land agreement forms for Kikubo village borehole located in Buwaya S/c signed on 22/12/2022 by Naigaga Halimah as the land owner
• Land agreement forms for Namaadudu village borehole located at in Imanyiro S/c signed on 22/04/2022 by Batukyaye Daniel as the land owner
• Land agreement form for Bukasero village borehole located in Bukatube S/c signed on 26th/04/2022 by Kulwanda Adam as the land owner
• Land agreement form for Buyemba A village borehole located in Bukatube S/c signed on 12th/07/2022.
• Land agreement form for Kasozi A village borehole located in Bukabooli S/c signed on 8th/07/2022 by Namwaya Godfrey as the land owner
• Land agreement form for Namulwanga village borehole located in Bukabooli S/c signed on 8th/04/2022 by Oloka Christ as the land owner
• Land agreement form for Buwaswa village borehole located in Buwaya S/c signed on 6th/05/2022 by Wakoli Ruth as the land owner among others

15 2
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investments
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
c. Evidence that E&S Certification forms are completed and signed by Environmental Officer and CDO prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects:
Score 2, If not score 0
E&S Certification forms were completed and signed by Environmental Officer and DCDO prior to payments of contractor invoices/ certificates at interim and final stages of projects evidenced by the E&S Certification of the following projects by the DEO & DCDO;
• E&S Certification for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Nakabale Village by the DEO&DCDO on 21/06/2022 with the project cost of 24,800,000/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Namadudu Village by the DEO&DCDO on 27/06/2022 with the project cost of 24,800,000/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Nkombe HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 21/06/2022 with the project cost of 24,800,000/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Muggi HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 24/06/2022 with the project cost of 24,800,000/=
• E&S Certification for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Walukoko Village by the DEO&DCDO on 27/06/2022 with the project cost of 21,941,000/=

15 0
Safeguards in the Delivery of Investments
Maximum 10 points on this performance measure
d. Evidence that the CDO and environment Officers undertakes monitoring to ascertain compliance with ESMPs; and provide monthly reports:
Score 2, If not score 0
The DCDO and environment Officers undertook quarterly and not monthly monitoring to ascertain compliance with ESMPs evidanced by the following quarterly reports;
• E&S Monitoring Report proposed construction of boreholes at Nakavule, Walukoko and Namugolo Villages by the DEO&DCDO on 05/08/2022
• E&S Monitoring Report proposed construction of boreholes at Nakabale, Namavundu, Nkombe HC III in Imanyiro Sub County and Buwolomera, Bukatule HC III and Bukasero Villages by the DEO&DCDO on 29/06/2022

Micro-scale Irrigation Performance Measures
No. Summary of Definition of compliance Compliance justification Score requirements
Local Government Service Delivery Results 12
Outcome:TheLGhas increasedacreageof newly irrigated land
Maximum score 4
Maximum 20 points for this performance area
a)EvidencethattheLG TheLGhadupto-datedataon hasupto-datedataon irrigatedlandforthelasttwo irrigated land for the last FYs disaggregated between
twoFYsdisaggregated micro-scaleirrigationgrant betweenmicro-scale beneficiariesandnon-
irrigationgrant beneficiariesevidencedfrom beneficiaries and non- the report dated 18/may/22 and
beneficiaries–score2or approvedbyDPO–
Outcome: The LG has increased acreage of newly irrigated land
Maximum score 4
Maximum 20 points for this performance area
b) Evidence that the LG has increased acreage of newly irrigated land in the previous FY as compared to previous FY but one:
• By more than 5% score 2
• Between 1% and 4% score 1
• If no increase score 0
The LG had increased acreage of newly irrigated land in the previous FY as compared to previous FY but one where;
The irrigated land in the previous FY but one (2020/2021) was 99.5acres and previous FY(2021/2022) was 134acres,there was 34.7% increase because more farmers had enrolled and registered for micro-scale irrigation program

Investment Performance: The LG has managed the supply and installation of micro-scale irrigations equipment as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that the development component of micro-scale irrigation grant has been used on eligible activities (procurement and installation of irrigation equipment, including accompanying supplier manuals and training): Score 2 or else score 0
The development component of micro-scale irrigation grant was used on eligible activities (procurement and installation of irrigation equipment)
This was evidenced by 75% (1,699,475,429) allocated to capital development where four demonstration sites(Jaguzi,Mpungwe,Mayuge headquarters and Bukabooli) were under progress, and 25% (566,491,810) allocated to complementary services as evidenced by supplier contracts acceptance letter dated 5/may/22, The agreement was also made between MAYUGE DLG and KARF AQUA ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS/ supplier.
The supplier manuals and famer training where not provided thus completion certificate was not awarded to the contractor.
Investment Performance: The LG has managed the supply and installation of micro-scale irrigations equipment as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that the approved farmer signed an Acceptance Form confirming that equipment is working well, before the LG made payments to the suppliers: Score 1 or else score 0
No acceptance form was signed by farmers due to the incomplete installation of MSI equipment as at the end of the previous FY.
No payment was made to the suppliers of MSI equipment and the 75% capital development grant totaling to Shs. 1,699,475,429 was returned to the center

Investment Performance: The LG has managed the supply and installation of micro-scale irrigations equipment as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
Evidence that the variations in the contract price are within +/-20% of the Agriculture Engineers estimates: Score 1 or else score 0
From the three sampled demo site contracts, there was evidence that the variations in the contract price was within +/- 20% of the Agriculture Engineers estimates.
The demo-sites;
Mpungwe sub county demo site
Engineers estimates = 29,900,000/=,
Contract sum = 29,190,000/=
Percentage variation = 2.4%
Bukaboli demo site
Engineers estimates = 29,232,000/=
Contract sum = 29,200,000/=
Percentage variation = 0.1%
Mayuge headquarters demo site
Engineers estimates = 29,899,275/=
Contract sum = 29,190,000/= Percentage variation = 2.4%

Investment Performance: The LG has managed the supply and installation of micro-scale irrigations equipment as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
d) Evidence that micro- scale irrigation equipment where contracts were signed during the previous FY were installed/completed within the previous FY
• If 100% score 2
• Between 80 – 99% score 1
• Below 80% score 0
From the 3 sampled demo sites, The micro—scale irrigation equipment where contracts were signed during the previous FY were Installed/completed 100%within the previous FY . Completion certificates were not awarded to the contractor because no farmer training was done and user manuals were not provided at the time of delivery following the delivery note Nos.2289,2273,2277,2285,2282 and received by inventory officer Kambedha Atika
Achievement of standards: The LG has met staffing and micro- scale irrigation standards
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that the LG has recruited LLG extension workers as per staffing structure
• If 100% score 2
• If 75 – 99% score 1
• If below 75% score 0
The deployment form staff register dated 30/06/2022 indicated that the LG had recruited 51 LLG extension workers/ production staff which was 100% as evidenced from the three sampled LLGs, where the following extension workers were found at there respective work stations.
1. Onzi Emmanuel was the Agriculture Officer (AO) in Bukatube Sub County.
2. Wanjala Paul was the Agriculture Officer (AO) in Kityerera Sub county
3. Lubandi Charles was the Agriculture officer (AO) at Mayuge TC

Achievement of standards: The LG has met staffing and micro- scale irrigation standards
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that the micro- scale irrigation equipment meets standards as defined by MAAIF
• If 100% score 2 or else score 0
The micro-scale Irrigation equipment installed for the three sampled demo sites were to standards as defined by MAAIF.
The sampled demo site included;
• Mpungwe sub county demo site
• Bukaboli demo site
• Mayuge headquarters demo site
For all the three sites a tank of 5000liters capacity and a diesel pump (9HP) was supplied to farmers and were in line with the contract specifications.
Achievement of standards: The LG has met staffing and micro- scale irrigation standards
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that the installed micro-scale irrigation systems during last FY are functional
• If 100% are functional score 2 or else score 0
There was evidence that the installed micro-scale irrigation systems during previous FY was functional. Two demonstration sites where sampled and field findings as below;
Bukabooli demo site
Land size; 2acres
Water source; lakeVictoria which was approximately 100m to the installed equipment.
The installed equipment included
• The rain gun which spreads water to a diameter of 35m.
• 9 sprinklers distributed equally 7m apart in 1/4acres of land targeting tomatoes.

Performance Reporting and Performance Improvement
• 8 drip lines each with 10 nipples functional distributed equally in 1/4acres targeting banana suckers
• Tank of 5000liters capacity which store water and supplies the drip lines by gravity.
• A diesel pump (9HP), Functional.
Mayuge head quarters
• Water source; swamp where the suction sump was 4*16*1.5ft located in Bugingo village 200m from the installed equipment
• Diesel Pump (9HP)
• 9 drip lines with button type nipples targeting 1⁄4 acres of bananas efficient and functional.
• 9 sprinklers distributed equally 7m apart targeting 1/4acre pineapples and functional.
• Rain gun which spreads water to a diameter of 35m targeting 1/4acre green pasture like centrosema grass, Rhodes grass etc
• Tank of 5000liters capacity which store water and supplies the drip lines by gravity functional

Accuracy of reported a) Evidence that information: The LG has information on position of
There was evidence that position of extension workers filled was accurate. It was observed and confirmed from the 3 sampled and visited sub counties (Mayuge TC, Kityerera and Bukatube) that;
1. Onzi Emmanuel was the Agriculture Officer (AO) in Bukatube Sub County.
2. Wanjala Paul was the Agriculture Officer (AO) in Kityerera Sub county
3. Lubandi Charles was the Agriculture officer (AO) at Mayuge TC
reported accurate information
Maximum score 4
extension workers filled is accurate: Score 2 or else 0
Accuracy of reported information: The LG has reported accurate information
Maximum score 4
b) Evidence that information on micro-scale irrigation system installed and functioning is accurate: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that information on micro-scale irrigation system installed and functioning was accurate where practically for example the water velocity in drip lines could be controlled by adjusting the buttons and a deflector was used for a rain gun to adjust the rain droplet at the demo site in Kilongo B village- Bukaboli sub county

Reporting and Performance Improvement: The LG has collected and entered information into MIS, and developed and implemented performance improvement plans
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that information is collected quarterly on newly irrigated land, functionality of irrigation equipment installed; provision of complementary services and farmer Expression of Interest: Score 2 or else 0
Information was collected annually other than quarterly on newly irrigated land,
Quarterly reports on functionality of irrigation equipment installed evidenced by the report dated 28/July/2022 with clear photographs of inspection and assessment like at Serinyabi demo site in Jaguzi sub county.
This was prepared by Bulanga Ronald-focal person Mayuge district
Complementary services were provided quarterly evidenced by the project awareness report for focal leaders dated 24/Jan/2022 during quarter 3.
This involved 37 parish chiefs and 6 CDOs, with an allowance of 100,000/= signed by each parish chief.
6 CDOs allocated allowances according to the number of days used to visit farmers eg 2 parishes per day were
4670, 000/= was spent on CDOs.
Reference made to the respective attendance sheets.

Reporting and Performance Improvement: The LG has collected and entered information into MIS, and developed and implemented performance improvement plans
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that the LG has entered up to-date LLG information into MIS: Score 1 or else 0
The LG has entered up to- date LLG information into MIS evidenced by the last farmer registered on 31/Oct./22 out of 735 interested farmers.
Reporting and Performance Improvement: The LG has collected and entered information into MIS, and developed and implemented performance improvement plans
Maximum score 6
c.Evidence that the LG has prepared a quarterly report using information compiled from LLGs in the MIS: Score 1 or else 0
The LG had prepared quarterly report using information compiled from LLGs in the MIS
as evidenced by reports dated 03/May/21,07/Feb/22 ect
Reporting and Performance Improvement: The LG has collected and entered information into MIS, and developed and implemented performance improvement plans
Maximum score 6
d) Evidence that the LG has:
i. Developed an approved Performance Improvement Plan for the lowest performing LLGs score 1 or else 0
The LG had not developed an approved Performance Improvement Plan for the lowest performing LLGs.

Reporting and Performance Improvement: The LG has collected and entered information into MIS, and developed and implemented performance improvement plans
Maximum score 6
ii. Implemented Performance Improvement Plan for lowest performing LLGs: Score 1 or else 0
The LG had not Implemented Performance Improvement Plan for lowest performing LLGs.
Human Resource Management and Development 71
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted, actually recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that the LG has:
i. Budgeted for extension workers as per guidelines/in accordance with the staffing norms score 1 or else 0
The LG had budgeted for extension workers as per guidelines/in accordance with the staffing norms were 25% (566,491,810) was allocated to complementary services/extension workers as evidenced by the work plan approved by CAO on 02/July/2021.
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted, actually recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
ii Deployed extension workers as per guidelines score 1 or else 0
The LG had deployed extension workers as per guidelines as evidenced by the deployment form staff register/ dated 30/June/22.

Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted, actually recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that extension workers are working in LLGs where they are deployed: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that extension workers were working in LLG where they were deployed.
1. Lubandi Charles (AO) in Mayuge TC reported for work at 8; 00am on 10/11/2022.
2. Wanjala Paul (AO) at Kityerera SC reported for work at 8:00am on 1/08/2022
3. Balikoowa Habib (SAA) at Bukatube reported for work at 8:22am on 4/05/2022
Budgeting for, actual recruitment and deployment of staff: The Local Government has budgeted, actually recruited and deployed staff as per guidelines
Maximum score 6
c) Evidence that extension workers' deployment has been publicized and disseminated to LLGs by among others displaying staff list on the LLG notice board. Score 2 or else 0
Not seen on the noticeboards In Kityerera Sub county, there was nothing seen on the noticeboards. However, in Bukatube and Mayuge town council, staff lists inclusive of Extension workers names and contacts were displayed
Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Extension Workers
Maximum score 4
a) Evidence that the District Production Coordinator has:
i. Conducted annual performance appraisal of all Extension Workers against the agreed performance plans and has submitted a copy to HRO during the previous FY: Score 1 else 0
The available evidence showed that some Extension workers were not appraised. For stance
1. Ngarambe Emmanuel (Animal Prod.officer) Malongo was last appraised on 01/07/2020.
However, majority were appraised as below
2. Nakabazi Sarah (Principal Fisheries Officer) was appraised by DPO on 08/06/2022 and scored 4
3. Kyabanabwe Kevin (AO) Busakira was appraised on 30/06/2022 by SAS and scored 4

4. Muwanika Francis (AO) buwaya was appraised by SAS on 21/06/2022 and scored 3
5. Onzi Emmanuel (AO) Bukatube was appraised by SAS on 27/05/2022and scored 4
6. Wanjala Paul (AO) Kityerera was appraised by SAS on 30/06/2022 and scored 4
7. Ntende Sadiki (Animal Prod.officer) Jaguzi was appraised by SAS on 31/05/2022 and scored 4
8. Luswata Denis (Animal Prod.Officer) was appraised by SAS on 30/06/2022 and scored 4
9. Gyagenda Alex (AO) Jaguzi was appraised by SAS on 02/06/2022 and scored 4
10. Eseire Grace (Senior Entomologist) HQ was appraised by DPO on 01/07/2022 and scored a 4
Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Extension Workers
Maximum score 4
a) Evidence that the District Production Coordinator has;
Taken corrective actions: Score 1 or else 0
As seen above, some staff members were recommended for Promotions, confirmation in service and improving in the timing and reporting but no action was taken

Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Extension Workers
Maximum score 4
b) Evidence that:
i. Training activities were conducted in accordance to the training plans at District level: Score 1 or else 0
Training activities were conducted in accordance to the training plans at District level as evidenced by the report dated 23/12/2021 during quarter 2. This training was carried out on 22/Dec./21 where 116 local leaders attended. Reference made according to the attendance sheet where N0.1 was
Performance management: The LG has appraised, taken corrective action and trained Extension Workers
Maximum score 4
ii Evidence that training activities were documented in the training database: Score 1 or else 0
The training activities were not documented in the training database at the time of assessment.
Management, Monitoring and Supervision of Services.

Planning, budgeting and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum score 10
a) Evidence that the LG has appropriately allocated the micro scale irrigation grant between (i) capital development (micro scale irrigation equipment); and (ii) complementary services (in FY 2020/21 100% to complementary services; starting from FY 2021/22 – 75% capital development; and 25% complementary services): Score 2 or else 0
The LG received Shs. 2,265,967,239 for MSI activities in the previous FY
The LG appropriately allocated the MSI grant received to both Capital development and complementary services as indicated in the guidelines and AWP
1.Allocation to capital development was Shs. 1,699,475,429 representing 75%
2,265,967,239/100*75 = 75%
2.Allocation to complimentary services was Shs. 566,491,810 representing 25%
2,265,967,239/100*25 = 566,491,810
Planning, budgeting and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum score 10
b) Evidence that budget allocations have been made towards complementary services in line with the sector guidelines i.e. (i) maximum 25% for enhancing LG capacity to support irrigated agriculture (of which maximum 15% awareness raising of local leadersandmaximum10% procurement, Monitoring and Supervision); and (ii) minimum 75% for enhancing farmer capacity for uptake of micro scale irrigation (Awareness raising of farmers, Farm visit, Demonstrations, Farmer Field Schools): Score 2 or else score 0
The LG made a maximum of Shs. 566,491,810 representing 25% from the MSI grant being budgetary provision for enhancing the capacity to support irrigated agriculture as evidenced on page 1 of the MSI Budget for FY 2021/2022.
MSI grant allocation was: Shs. 2,265,967,239
Complementaryservices: 2,265967,239/100*25 = 566,491,810

Planning, budgeting and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum score 10
c) Evidence that the co- funding is reflected in the LG Budget and allocated as per guidelines: Score 2 or else 0
Co-funding from farmers of Shs. 905,000,000 was provided as indicated on pages 1- 2 of the MSI budget for the previous FY
Planning, budgeting and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum score 10
d) Evidence that the LG has used the farmer co- funding following the same rules applicable to the micro scale irrigation grant: Score 2 or else 0
Budgetary provision for co- funding from farmers was Shs. 905,000,000 as indicated on pages 1-2 of the MSI budget for the previous FY.
However, 23,324,101 only had been co-funded by close of the previous FY.
Utilization of the farmers co- funding was not availed at the time of assessment.
Planning, budgeting and transfer of funds for service delivery: The Local Government has budgeted, used and disseminated funds for service delivery as per guidelines.
Maximum score 10
e) Evidence that the LG has disseminated information on use of the farmer co-funding: Score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence that the LG had disseminated information on use of the farmer co-funding.

10 0
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands-on support and ran farmer field schools as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
a) Evidence that the DPO has monitored on a monthly basis installed micro-scale irrigation equipment (key areas to include functionality of equipment, environment and social safeguards including adequacy of water source, efficiency of micro irrigation equipment in terms of water conservation, etc.)
• If more than 90% of the micro-irrigation equipment monitored: Score 2
• 70-89% monitored score 1
Less than 70% score 0
There was no evidence that the DPO had monitored on the monthly basis the installed micro irrigation equipment for the previous FY as per the standards at the time of assessment.
10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands-on support and ran farmer field schools as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
b. Evidence that the LG has overseen technical training & support to the Approved Farmer to achieve servicing and maintenance during the warranty period: Score 2 or else 0
The LG had overseen technical training & support to the Approved Farmer to achieve servicing and maintenance during the warranty period as evidenced by the report dated 07/02/22-08/02/22 where the training was carried out in two days with attendance of 26 and 29 farmers respectively.
10 2
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands-on support and ran farmer field schools as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
c) Evidence that the LG has provided hands-on support to the LLG extension workers during the implementation of complementary services within the previous FY as per guidelines score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that LG had provided hands- on support to the LLG extension workers during the implementation of complementary services within the previous FY as reported on 10/April/22. This involved the office of DPO and PAO with the extension staff trained on how to use the Irri track app.

10 0
Routine oversight and monitoring: The LG monitored, provided hands-on support and ran farmer field schools as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
d) Evidence that the LG has established and run farmer field schools as per guidelines: Score 2 or else 0
The LG had not established and run farmer field schools as per guidelines for they had not received the guidelines from MAAIF at the time of assessment.
11 2
Mobilization of farmers: The LG has conducted activities to mobilize farmers to participate in irrigation and irrigated agriculture.
Maximum score 4
a) Evidence that the LG has conducted activities to mobilize farmers as per guidelines: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence LG had conducted activities to mobilize farmers as per guidelines where reference was made to the awareness and sensitization report dated 02/Feb/22 prepared by Joseph K Ballirame (DAO) where 24 famers attended
11 2
Mobilization of farmers: The LG has conducted activities to mobilize farmers to participate in irrigation and irrigated agriculture.
Maximum score 4
b) Evidence that the District has trained staff and political leaders at District and LLG levels: Score 2 or else 0
The District had trained staff and political leaders at District and LLG levels as evidenced by the report dated 22/Dec./21. This involved 116 local leaders according to the 6 attendance sheets..
Investment Management
12 0
Planning and budgeting for investments: The LG has selected farmers and budgeted for micro- scale irrigation as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
a) Evidence that the LG has an updated register of micro-scale irrigation equipment supplied to farmers in the previous FY as per the format: Score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence of existence of an updated register of micro-scale irrigation equipment
supplied to farmers in the previous FY 2021/2022 at the time of assessment.

12 0
Planning and budgeting for investments: The LG has selected farmers and budgeted for micro- scale irrigation as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
b) Evidence that the LG keeps an up-to-date database of applications at the time of the assessment: Score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence that LG had kept an up-to—date database of applications at the time of the assessment.
12 2
Planning and budgeting for investments: The LG has selected farmers and budgeted for micro- scale irrigation as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
c) Evidence that the District has carried out farm visits to farmers that submitted complete Expressions of Interest (EOI): Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that the District had carried out farm visits to farmers that submitted complete Expressions of Interest. Reference made to the report dated 20/07/22 where on 13/July/22, the project manager, DPO and PAO visited farmer (Mubezi Isaac) who had submitted complete EOI. They checked on water source and ascertained its sustainability as well as land access.
12 0
Planning and budgeting for investments: The LG has selected farmers and budgeted for micro- scale irrigation as per guidelines
Maximum score 8
d) For DDEG financed projects:
Evidence that the LG District Agricultural Engineer (as Secretariat) publicized the eligible farmers that they have been approved by posting on the District and LLG noticeboards: Score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence to show that the LG District Agricultural Engineer publicized the Eligible farmers of the noticeboards

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
a) Evidence that the micro- scaleirrigationsystems were incorporated in the LG approved procurement plan for the current FY: Score 1 or else score 0.
There was evidence that the micro-scaleirrigationsystems were incorporated in the LG approved procurement plan endorsed by the CAO on approved on 22nd Sep 2022 for the current FY stated as;
• Irrigation kits Sno. 12 on Page 2 of the approved procurement plan
13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
b) Evidence that the LG requestedforquotation from irrigation equipment suppliers pre-qualified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries(MAAIF):Score2 or else 0
There was evidence that the LG requestedforquotationfrom irrigation equipment
suppliers pre-qualified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal IndustryandFisheries(MAAIF): this included those in Batch 3 Mayuge District Local government;
• Nec Agro Services • Davis and Shirtliff
• Grow more seed and chemicals Ltd
• Karf Aqua Engineering solutions
• Innovation Africa Ltd
Endorsed by the CAO on 17th Jan 2022 and evaluation process for the prequalified suppliers began on 09th Feb 2022

13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
c) Evidence that the LG concluded the selection of the irrigation equipment supplier based on the set criteria: Score 2 or else 0
There is evidence that the LG concluded the selection of the irrigation equipment supplier based on the set criteria. I.e.; in the evaluation report, technical compliance selection Methodology was Used as explained on screening all through the;
• Preliminary stage
• Detailed Evaluation
• Financial comparison
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
d) Evidence that the micro- scale irrigation systems for the previous FY was approved by the Contracts Committee: Score 1 or else 0
There was evidence that the micro-scale irrigation systems were approved by the Contracts Committee; for the sampled demonstration projects;
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00172 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at Mpumbwe S/C, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00170 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at Bukaboli S/C, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00173 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at District Headquarters, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC

13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
e. Evidence that the LG signed the contract with the lowest priced technically responsive irrigation equipment supplier for the farmer with a farmer as a witness before commencement of installation score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence that the LG signed the contract with the lowest priced technically responsive irrigation equipment supplier. For the Demos; Five firms were invited to place in their quotations but only one firm responded and the rest did not respond hence remaining with one firm that was evaluated.
13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
f)Evidence that the micro- scale irrigation equipment installed is in line with the design output sheet (generated by IrriTrack App): Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that the micro-scale irrigation equipment installed was in line with the design output sheet as generated by irri Track
13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
g) Evidence that the LG have conducted regular technical supervision of micro-scale irrigation projects by the relevant technical officers (District Senior Agricultural Engineer or Contracted staff): Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that the LG had conducted regular technical supervision of micro-scale irrigation demo sites by the relevant technical officers eg as evidenced by the report dated 20/July/22 at Bukabooli demo site. This involved the project manager, DPO and PAO.
On 16 and 23-march-22, the DPO and SAE carried out farm visits to supervise micro scale irrigation projects and also trained farmers on how to use irri-track app as per the report dated10/04/22.

13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
h) Evidence that the LG has overseen the irrigation equipment supplier during:
i. Testing the functionality of the installed equipment: Score 1 or else 0
There was evidence that the LG had overseen the irrigation equipment supplier during;
Testing the functionality of the installed equipment as per the activity report dated 13/July/22 where installation works and testing at Bukabooli demo site was done by supplier in presence of project manager, DPA and DPO who confirmed functionality.
13 1
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
ii. Hand-over of the equipment to the Approved Farmer (delivery note by the supplies and goods received note by the approved farmer): Score 1 or 0
There was evidence that the LG had overseen the irrigation equipment supplier during;
Delivery note by the supplies and goods received note by the approved farmer) as evidenced by delivery note Nos: 2289,2273,2282,2277,and2285
13 0
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
i) Evidence that the Local Government has made payment of the supplier within specified timeframes subject to the presence of the Approved farmer’s signed acceptance form: Score 2 or else 0
No payment was made by the LG to the suppliers of MSI equipment in the previous FY.
Installation of the MSI equipment procured had not been completed at the close of the previous FY hence Shs. 1,699,475,429 was returned to the consolidated fund

13 2
Procurement, contract management/execution: The LG procured and managed micro-scale irrigation contracts as per guidelines
Maximum score 18
j) Evidence that the LG has a complete procurement file for each contract and with all records required by the PPDA Law: Score 2 or else 0
There was evidence that the LG has a complete procurement file for each contract and with oil records required by the PPDA Law
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00172 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at Mpumbwe S/C, Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions (U) Ltd, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC Contract was signed on 5th May 2022
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00170 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at Bukaboli S/C, Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions (U) Ltd, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC Contract was signed on 5th May 2022
• Proc Ref: 535/SUPLS/21- 22/00173 Supply of Materials & Installation of a solar powered & Motorized system at District Headquarters by Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions (U) Ltd, approval of evaluation Report was on 26th April 2022 Under MIN:04/04/04/22/MDCC Contract was signed on 5th May 2022
Environment and Social Safeguards

14 2
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing micro-scale irrigation grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that the Local Government has displayed details of the nature and avenues to address grievance prominently in multiple public areas: Score 2 or else 0
LG had displayed a notice of details of the nature and avenues to report grievances on the LG had not displayed a notice of details of the nature and avenues to report grievances on the Production department notice board by the Grievance Focal Person on 05/04/2021
14 1
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing micro-scale irrigation grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum score 6
b) Micro-scale irrigation grievances have been:
i). Recorded score 1 or else 0
ii). Investigated score 1 or else 0
iii). Responded to score 1 or else 0
iv). Reported on in line with LG grievance redress framework score 1 or else 0
LG had recorded one micro— scale irrigation grievance, that is to say;
Community members of Nakalango Village Vs Mayuge DLG over the re-allocation of the irrigation facility that was recorded by the Grievance Focal Person on 18/07/2022
14 1
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing micro-scale irrigation grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum score 6
b) Micro-scale irrigation grievances have been:
ii. Investigated score 1 or else 0
iii. Responded to score 1 or else 0
iv. Reported on in line with LG grievance redress framework score 1 or else 0
LG had investigated micro— scale irrigation grievance, that is to say;
GRC organised a community meeting at Nakalango Village with the community members and decided on the resolution as item 3 on the Agenda on 22/07/2022

14 1
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing micro-scale irrigation grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum score 6
b) Micro-scale irrigation grievances have been:
iii. Responded to score 1 or else 0
iv. Reported on in line with LG grievance redress framework score 1 or else 0
LG had responded to micro— scale irrigation grievance in the community meeting held at Nakalango Village by the GRC as item 3 on the Agenda on 22/07/2022
14 1
Grievance redress: The LG has established a mechanism of addressing micro-scale irrigation grievances in line with the LG grievance redress framework
Maximum score 6
b) Micro-scale irrigation grievances have been:
iv. Reported on in line with LG grievance redress framework score 1 or else 0
LG had reported micro—scale irrigation grievance in line with LG grievance redress framework , that is to say; GRC meeting on 22/07/2022, minute 03/GR/07/2022 by the Grievance Focal Person
Environment and Social Requirements
15 0
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum score 6
a) Evidence that LGs have disseminated Micro- irrigation guidelines to provide for proper siting, land access (without encumbrance), proper use of agrochemicals and safe disposal of chemical waste containers etc.
score 2 or else 0
There was no evidence that the Mayuge DLG had disseminated Micro- irrigation guidelines to the beneficiary small-holder farmers to provide for proper siting, land access (without encumbrance), proper use of agrochemicals and safe disposal of chemical waste containers etc.

15 1
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum score 6
b) Evidence that Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening have been carried out and where required, ESMPs developed, prior to installation of irrigation equipment.
i. Costed ESMP were incorporated into designs, BoQs, bidding and contractual documents score 1 or else 0
LG had carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening as follows;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Igeyero A by the DEO&DCDO on 09/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Wagona by the DEO&DCDO on 09/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Kitovu by the DEO&DCDO on 03/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Bubinge Village by the DEO&DCDO on 03/12/2021
15 1
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum score 6
ii. Monitoring of irrigation impacts e.g. adequacy of water source (quality & quantity), efficiency of system in terms of water conservation, use of agro- chemicals & management of resultant chemical waste containers score 1 or else 0
LG had done monitoring of micro-irrigation impacts, that is to say;
E&S Monitoring Report for the operation of micro-irrigation facilities at Igeyero A, Wagona, Musita A, Kityerera A, Bugadde East, Buggade A, Maumu A, Butangala A, Luwanula, Budhebera, Kisule, Nakasero, Walumbe, Namaiga, Kitovu, Bubinge, Mpumu, Iguluibi, Kasugu, Nabalongo and Bukalenzi by the DEO and DCDO on 28/06/2022

15 1
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum score 6
iii. E&S Certification forms are completed and signed by Environmental Officer prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects score 1 or else 0
LG had E&S certification forms completed and signed by Environmental Officer prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects as follows;
• E&S Certification form of 8,802,328/= for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Igeyero A by the DEO on 24/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 15,573,640/= for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Wagona by the DEO on 28/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 14,880,036/= for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Kitovu by the DEO on 28/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 11,363,748/= for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Bubinge Village by the DEO on 27/06/2022

15 1
Safeguards in the delivery of investments
Maximum score 6
iv. E&S Certification forms are completed and signed by CDO prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects score 1 or else 0
LG had E&S certification forms completed and signed by DCDO prior to payments of contractor invoices/certificates at interim and final stages of projects as follows;
• E&S Certification form of 8,802,328/= for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Igeyero A by the DCDO on 24/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 15,573,640/= for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Wagona by the DCDO on 28/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 14,880,036/= for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Kitovu by the DCDO on 28/06/2022
• E&S Certification form of 11,363,748/= for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro -irrigation facility at Bubinge Village by the DCDO on 27/06/2022

Micro-scale Irrigation Minimum Conditions
No. Summaryofrequirements Definitionof Compliancejustification Score compliance
Human Resource Management and Development
1 70
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the District Production Office responsible for Micro-Scale Irrigation
Maximum score is 70
If the LG has recruited;
a. the Senior Agriculture Engineer
score 70 or else 0.
The Senior Agriculture Engineer Mr. Bulanga Ronald was appointed by CAO on 23/05/2016 (ref; CR/156/1) under MIN NO. 197 (a) /DSC/08/2015
Environment and Social Requirements
2 30
New_Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening have been carried out for potential investments and where required costed ESMPs developed.
Maximum score is 30
If the LG:
Carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening score 30 or else 0.
LG had carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening for all micro-scale irrigation projects as follows;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Igeyero A by the DEO&DCDO on 09/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro - irrigation facility at Wagona by the DEO&DCDO on 09/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a motorised micro-irrigation facility at Kitovu by the DEO&DCDO on 03/12/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a solar powered micro - irrigation facility at Bubinge Village by the DEO&DCDO on 03/12/2021

Water & Environment Minimum Conditions
No. Summaryofrequirements Definitionof Compliance Score compliance justification
Human Resource Management and Development
1 15
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
a. 1 Civil Engineer (Water), score 15 or else 0.
The Civil Engineer –Water Mr. Tulengera Isaac was appointed by CAO on 03/01/2022 (ref; CR/D/156/1) under MIN NO. 229/2021 (t)
1 10
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
b. 1 Assistant Water Officer for mobilization, score 10 or else 0.
Batuli Charles was appointed by CAO on 31/01/2022 (ref; CR/D/160/1) under MIN NO. 15/2021 (d)
1 10
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
c. 1 Borehole Maintenance Technician/Assistant Engineering Officer, score 10 or else 0.
Ms. Nagudi Phoebe was appointed by CAO on 03/01/2022 (ref; CR/D/156/1) under MIN NO. 229/2021 (s)
1 15
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
d. 1 Natural Resources Officer, score 15 or else 0.
Lubanga Musa was appointed by CAO on 13/07/2010 (ref;) under MIN NO. 320 DSC/06/2010

1 10
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
e. 1 Environment Officer, score 10 or else 0.
Waiswa Robert Nadyobe was appointed by CAO on 20/06/2018 (Ref; CR/160/1) under MIN NO. 99/DSC/06/2018
1 10
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Maximum score is 70
f. Forestry Officer, score 10 or else 0.
Kipanda Bumali was appointed by CAO on 23/09/2005 (Ref; CR/156/4) under MIN NO. 70/22005
Environment and Social Requirements
2 10
Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental. Social and Climate Change screening/Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIAs) (including child protection plans) where applicable, and abstraction permits have been issued to contractors by the Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) prior to commencement of all civil works on all water sector projects
If the LG:
a. Carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment, score 10 or else 0.
LG had carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening for all water infrastructure projects for the FY 2021/2022 evidenced by the following E&S Screening forms by the DEO&DCDO;
• E&S Screening forms proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Nakabale Village by the DEO&DCDO on 20/10/2021
• E&S Screening forms proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Namadudu Village by the

DEO&DCDO on 20/10/2021
• E&S Screening forms proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Nkombe HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 26/10/2021
• E&S Screening forms proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Muggi HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 29/10/2021
• E&S Screening forms proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Walukoko Village by the DEO&DCDO on 26/10/2021
2 10
Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental. Social and Climate Change screening/Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIAs) (including child protection plans) where applicable, and abstraction permits have been issued to contractors by the Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) prior to commencement of all civil works on all water sector projects
b. Carried out Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) , score 10 or else 0.
All water projects that were implemented in FY 2021/2022 did not require ESIAs given their small scope according to National Environment Act No. 05 of 2019, hence costed ESMPs were prepared by the DEO&DCDO as follows;
• Costed ESMP of four hundred thousand shillings (400,000/=) for the proposed drilling, casting

and installation of a borehole at Nakabale Village by the DEO&DCDO on 03/11/2021
• Costed ESMP of five hundred thousand shillings (500,000/=) for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Namadudu Village by the DEO&DCDO on 11/11/2021
• Costed ESMP of five hundred thousand shillings (500,000/=) for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Nkombe HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 03/11/2021
• Costed ESMP of four hundred thousand shillings (400,000/=) for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Muggi HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 03/11/2021
• Costed ESMP of five hundred thousand shillings (500,000/=) for the proposed drilling, casting and installation of a borehole at Walukoko Village by the DEO&DCDO on

2 10
Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental. Social and Climate Change screening/Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIAs) (including child protection plans) where applicable, and abstraction permits have been issued to contractors by the Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) prior to commencement of all civil works on all water sector projects
c. Ensured that the LG got abstraction permits for all piped water systems issued by DWRM, score 10 or else 0.
The LG did not implement any piped water supply system in the Previous FY 2021/2022 that may have required the abstraction permit.

Health Minimum Conditions
No. Summaryofrequirements Definitionof Compliancejustification Score compliance
Human Resource Management and Development 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
a. If the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for: District Health Officer, score 10 or else 0.
The position was not formerly filled. However, Kawala Elizabeth was assigned by CAO in the acting capacity from 10/05/2021 to date.
1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
b. Assistant District Health Officer Maternal, Child Health and Nursing, score 10 or else 0
The Assistant DHO –Maternal Ms. Kawala Elizabeth was appointed by CAO on 23/05/2016 (Ref; CR/161 MIN NO.152/DSC/02/2016 (a)
1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
c. Assistant District Health Officer Environmental Health, score 10 or else 0.
The Assistant DHO – Environment Mr. Naguyo Edward was appointed by CAO on 10/01/2017 (Ref; CR/161 under MIN NO.48/DSC (e )/12/2016

1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
d. Principal Health Inspector (Senior Environment Officer), score 10 or else 0.
The Principal Health Inspector Igeme Thomas was appointed by CAO on 21/01/2022 (Ref; CR/D/160/1) under MIN NO.21/2022 (c )
1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
e. Senior Health Educator, score 10 or else 0.
The Senior Health Educator Taganhye Fred was appointed by CAO on 30/09/2020 (ref; CR/156/6) under MIN NO. 90/2020 (e )
1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
f. Biostatistician, score 10 or 0.
The Biostatistician Kato Clement Musolo was appointed by CAO on 22/05/2008 (ref; CR/156 MIN NO. 212/DSC/05/08 (d)
1 10
New_Evidence that the District has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to Districts only. Maximum score is 70
g. District Cold Chain Technician, score 10 or else 0.
The District Cold Chain Mugalya Titus was appointed by CAO on 14/02/2022 (ref; CR/D/160/1 under MIN NO. 40/2022 a(e )

New_Evidence that the Municipality has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to MCs only. Maximum score is 70
h. Medical Officer of Health Services /Principal Medical Officer, score 30 or else 0.
i. Principal Health Inspector, score 20 or else 0.
New_Evidence that the Municipality has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to MCs only. Maximum score is 70
New_Evidence that the Municipality has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place in place for all critical positions.
Applicable to MCs only. Maximum score is 70
j. Health Educator, score 20 or else 0
Environment and Social Requirements

2 15
Evidence that prior to commencement of all civil works for all Health sector projects, the LG has carried out: Environmental, Social andClimateChange screening/Environment Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
Maximum score is 30
If the LG carried out:
a. Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment, score 15 or else 0.
There was evidence that LG carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change for all Health projects for the FY 2022/2023 evidenced by theE&SScreeningformsfor the following Health projects below;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of staff house at Nkombe HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 03/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of pit latrine at Masolya HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 01/11/2022
• E&S Screening form for the proposed extension of District Health Offices by the DEO&DCDO on 04/11/2022

2 15
Evidence that prior to commencement of all civil works for all Health sector projects, the LG has carried out: Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
Maximum score is 30
b. Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) , score 15 or else 0.
All health projects that were implemented in FY 2022/2023 did not require ESIAs given their small scope according to the National Environment Act No. 5 of 2019, hence costed ESMP were prepared and signed by the DEO&DCDO as follows;
• Costed ESMP of 5,200,000/= for the proposed construction of staff house at Nkombe HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 07/11/2022
• Costed ESMP of 900,000/= for the proposed construction of pit latrine at Masolya HC III by the DEO&DCDO on 04/11/2022
• Costed ESMP of 2,400,000/= for the proposed extension of District Health Offices by the DEO&DCDO on 08/11/2022

Education Minimum Conditions
No. Summaryofrequirements Definitionof Compliancejustification Score compliance
Human Resource Management and Development
1 30
New_Evidence that the LG has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the District/Municipal Education Office.
The Maximum Score of 70
a) District Education Officer (district)/ Principal Education Officer (municipal council), score 30 or else 0
The District Education Officer Ms. Nabirye Allen Jariah was appointed by CAO on 19/01/2022 Ref; CR/D/156/1 under MIN NO. 21/2022/ a (i)
1 40
New_Evidence that the LG has substantively recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the District/Municipal Education Office.
The Maximum Score of 70
b) All District/Municipal Inspector of Schools, score 40 or else 0.
All District Inspector of schools were substantively recruited and these include;
1) Kasiira Daniel (SIS) was appointed by CAO on 14/02/2022 Ref; CR/D/160/1 under MIN NO. 41/2022 (f)
2) Muwubani Fred (IS) was appointed by CAO on 14/02/2022 (Ref; CR/D/160/1) under MIN NO. 75/2022 (n)
3) Ntale Fu-adi Haruna (IS) was appointed by CAO on 16/06/2015 (Ref; CR/156/4) under MIN NO. 75 (a)DSC/05/2015
4) Ochieng Patrick (Sports Officer) was appointed by CAO on 23/06/2010 (Ref; CR/D/13535) under MIN NO.325/DSC/06/2010
5) Wabwire Nathan (IS) was appointed by CAO on 8/08/2022 (Ref; CR/D/156/1) under MIN NO. 85/05/2022 (s) (ii)

Environment and Social Requirements
2 15
Evidence that prior to commencement of all civil works for all Education sector projects the LG has carried out: Environmental, Social and ClimateChange screening/Environment Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
The Maximum score is 30
If the LG carried out:
a. Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment, score 15 or else 0.
There was evidence that prior to commencement of all civil works for all Education sector projects Namayingo LG carried out Environmental,Socialand Climate Change Screening of all education projects, that is to say;
• Proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Mitimito P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022
• Proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Makembo P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022
• Proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Misoli P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022

2 15
Evidence that prior to commencement of all civil works for all Education sector projects the LG has carried out: Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
The Maximum score is 30
If the LG carried out:
b. Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) , score 15 or else 0.
All DDEG projects implemented in FY 2021/2022 did not require ESIAs given their small scope according to the National Environment Act N0. 05 of 2019, hence costed ESMPs were prepared as follows;
• Costed ESMP of three million, six hundred and eighty thousand shillings (3,680,000/=) for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Mitimito P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022
• Costed ESMP of three million, six hundred and eighty thousand shillings (3,680,000/=) for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Makembo P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022
• Costed ESMP of three million, six hundred and eighty thousand shillings (3,680,000/=) for the proposed Renovation of 2 classroom block at Misoli P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 26/05/2022

Crosscutting Minimum Conditions
No. Summaryofrequirements Definitionof Compliancejustification Score compliance
Human Resource Management and Development 13
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
a. Chief Finance Officer/Principal Finance Officer, score 3 or else 0
The Chief Finance Officer Mr. Kisita James was appointed by CAO on 22/06/2020 (Ref; CR/156/6) under DSC MIN NO. 83 ( c ) 2020
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
b. District Planner/Senior Planner, score 3 or else 0
The District Planner Mr. Baligeya Ronald was appointed by CAO on 20/06/2020 (Ref; CR/ 160/1) under DSC MIN NO. 100 (b) /DSC/06/2018
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
c. District Engineer/Principal Engineer, score 3 or else 0
The District Engineer Mr. Wanjusi Febiano was appointed by CAO on 23/05/2016 (ref; CR/161 under MIN NO. 187/DSC/04/2016

New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
d. District Natural Resources Officer/Senior Environment Officer, score 3 or else 0
The District Natural Resources Officer Mr. Lubanga Musa was appointed by CAO on 13/07/2010 (Ref;) under MIN NO. 320 DSC/06/2010
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
e. District Production Officer/Senior Veterinary Officer, score 3 or else 0
The District Veterinary Officer (Mr. Kasadha Mathias Ledson was appointed by CAO on 08/06/2021 (ref ;) MIN NO. 153/2021/(a)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
f. District Community Development Officer/Principal CDO, score 3 or else 0
The District Community Development Officer Ms. Kanafu Victoria was appointed by CAO on 08/06/2022 (ref; CR/156/1) under MIN NO. 81/05/2022 (B) (vii)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
g. District Commercial Officer/Principal Commercial Officer, score 3 or else 0
The District Commercial Officer Mr. Naika Waiswa Richard Edward was appointed by CAO on 31/01/2018 (Ref; CR/161) under MIN NO. 36 (c) /DSC/01/2018

New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
i. A Senior Procurement Officer /Municipal: Procurement Officer, 2 or else 0.
The Senior Procurement Officer Mr. Etelu Joseph was appointed by CAO on 14/02/2022 (Ref; CR/D/160/1) MIN NO. 40/2022 a(ii)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
ii. Procurement Officer /Municipal Assistant Procurement Officer, score 2 or else 0
The Procurement Officer Mr. Minyenya Faisal was appointed by CAO on 14/02/2022 Ref; CR/D/160/1 under MIN NO. 40/2022/ a (iii)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
i. Principal Human Resource Officer, score 2 or else 0
The Principal Human Resource Officer Ms. Wakirwaine Damalie was appointed by CAO on 03/01/2022 Ref; CR/D/156/1 under MIN NO. 229/2021 (a)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
j. A Senior Environment Officer, score 2 or else 0
The Senior Environment Officer Mr. Aramu Thomas was appointed by CAO on 20/08/2013 Ref; CR/D/10272 under MIN NO. 373/DSC/06/2013

New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
k. Senior Land Management Officer /Physical Planner, score 2 or else 0
The Senior Land Management Officer Mr. Ediiro Moses was appointed by CAO on 20/08/2013 Ref; CR/D/10272 under MIN NO. 373/DSC/06/2013
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
l. A Senior Accountant, score 2orelse0
The Principal Finance Officer Mr. Bamwesige Paul was appointed by CAO on 04/03/2022 Ref;CR/D/156/1 under MIN NO. 56/2022 (i)
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
m. Principal Internal Auditor /Senior Internal Auditor, score 2 or else 0
The Principal Internal Auditor Mr. Zikusika Emmanuel Wegulo was appointed by CAO on 20/06/2018 Ref; CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 88 (a)/DSC/04/2018
New_EvidencethattheLGhas recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all critical positions in the
District/Municipal Council departments. Maximum score is 37.
n.PrincipalHuman Notsubstantivelyfilled.
Resource Officer (Secretary DSC), score 2 or else 0
However, Mr. Mugabi Moses Mubir was assigned by CAO in the acting capacity effective 05/07/2022 Ref; CR/152/1
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all essential positions in every LLG
a. Senior Assistant Secretary (Sub- Counties) /Town Clerk (Town Councils) / Senior
Mayuge DLG recruited 12 Senior Assistant Secretaries (SAS) for LLG and due to poor records management, only 10 files were presented for review

Maximum score is 15
Assistant Town Clerk (Municipal Divisions) in all LLGS, score 5 or else 0 (Consider the customized structure).
which proved that all were substantively appointed as indicated below;
1. Nakabuye Sylvia (Kityerera) was appointed by CAO on 20/08/2013 (Ref; CR/D/10272) MIN NO. 373/DSC/06/2013
2. Batambuze Richard (Kigandalo) was appointed by CAO on 15/10/2007 (ref; CR156/1) MIN NO. 82/DSC/09/07
3. Wayokerana Fred (Malongo) was appointed by CAO on 20/06/2018 (ref; CR/160/1) MIN NO. 99/DSC/06/2018
4. Kakuru Albert (Bukabooli) was appointed by CAO on 26/03/2018 Ref; CR/161 MIN NO.53(d)/DSC/02/2018
5. Naigaga Hadija (Bukatube) was appointed by CAO on 24/11/2016 Ref; CR/161 under MIN NO. 21/DSC/02/2016
6. Mutesi Betty (Buwaya) was appointed by CAO on 23/06/2010 Ref; CR/D/13521 under MIN NO. 312/DSC/06/2010
7. Gimui Kinbugwe Peter (Busakira) was appointed by CAO on 25/05/2018 Ref; CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 87/DSC/04/2018
8. Kiirya Herbert (Manilo) was appointed by CAO on 29/06/2018 Ref; CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 101( e) /DSC/06/2018
9. Lubaale Arthur (Jaguzi High Land) was appointed by CAO on 23/06/2010 Ref; CR/D/13520 under MIN NO. 312/DSC/06/2010
10. Etenu Timothy (Wairasa) was appointed by CAO on

25/06/2010 ref; CR/D/13519 under MIN NO. 312/DSC/06/2010
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all essential positions in every LLG
Maximum score is 15
b. A Community Development Officer / Senior CDO in case of Town Councils, in all LLGS, score 5 or else 0.
Mayuge LG recruited a total of 16 Community Development Officers for different LLGs but only 10 were presented for review and findings indicated that all were substantively recruited.
1. Bageya Living (Wairasa Subcounty) was appointed by CAO on 23/08/2022 (Ref; CR/D/156/1) under MIN NO. 4/DSC/08/2022
2. Tezikoma Sabasi (Bugadde TC) was appointed by CAO on 03/10/2022 (Ref;CR/164/1) under MIN NO. 13/DSC/09/2022 (b) (iv)
3. Nakayima Solome – SCDO (Mayana TC) was appointed by CAO on 28/11/2018 Ref; CR/160/1) under MIN NO. 21/DSC/11/2018 (ii)
4. Kauma Sarah (Busakira) was appointed by CAO on 02/04/2019 Ref; CR/156/1 under MIN NO.51/2019 (e )
5. Mukisa Rose (Malongo) was appointed by CAO on 08/06/2022 Ref; CR/156/1 under MIN NO. 81/05/2022 (A) (Viii)
6. Achune Stephen (Kityerera) was appointed on 08/06/2022 (Ref; CR/160/1) MIN NO. 81/05/2022 (P)
7. Ozunga Edward (Bukatube) was appointed by CAO on 02/04/2019 (ref; CR/156/1) under MIN NO. 51/2019 (e )
8. Makonye Grace Kisombo (Mpungwe) was appointed by

CAO on 20/06/2018 (Ref; CR/160/1) under MIN NO. 99 (i) /DSC/06/2018
9. Bawara Edith (Kidandalo) was appointed by CAO on 10/01/2017 (ref; CR/156 under MIN NO. 38/DSC (b)/12/2016
10. Kanda Hamidah (Buwaya) was appointed on 10/01/2017 Ref; CR/156 MIN NO. 28/DSC/ (b)/12/2016
New_Evidence that the LG has recruited or the seconded staff is in place for all essential positions in every LLG
Maximum score is 15
c. A Senior Accounts Assistant /an Accounts Assistant in all LLGS, score 5 or else 0.
Mayuge DLG recruited 16 Senior Accounts Assistant or Accounts Assistants in all LLGs and 10 files were submitted for review. It was discovered that all were formely apponted and these include;
1. Nambi Allen (Kigangalo) was appointed by CAO on 13/05/2020 Ref; CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 80 (e )(v) 2020
2. Musali Joel (Malonga) was appointed by CAO on 9/07/2009 Ref; CR/156/1 under MIN NO. 345/DSC/07/09
3. Mukisa Racheal (Mpungwe) was appointed by CAO on 20/06/2018 Ref; CR/156/6 under MIN NO. 89 (a) /DSC/04/2018
4. Kabanda Sowali (Magamaga TC) was appointed by CAO on 23/05/2016 Ref; CR/161 under MIN NO. 202 (b)/DSC/05/2016
5. Tenywa Joseph was appointed by CAO on 20/04/2020 Ref; CR/156/1 under MIN NO. 71 (b)/2020 (i)
6. Balikowa Habib (SAA) was appointed by CAO on 22/05/2018 Ref: CR/160/1 under MIN NO.

7. Dhikusoka Stephen (SAA) was appointed by CAO on 9/07/2009 Ref: CR/156/1 under MIN NO. 345/DSC/07/09
8. Watema Moses (SAA) was appointed by CAO on 13/05/2020 Ref: CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 80 (e ) (iv)/2020
9. Nangoma Phoebe (SAA) was appointed by CAO on 13/05/2020 Ref:CR/160/1 under MIN NO. 80 (e ) (vi)/ 2020
10. Namuwaya Brenda Wanume (SAA) was appointed by CAO on 22/05/2018 Ref:CR/156/6 under MIN NO.79 (a) /DSC/04/2018
Environment and Social Requirements 32
Evidence that the LG has released all funds allocated for the implementation of environmentalandsocial safeguards in the previous FY.
Maximum score is 4
If the LG has released 100% of funds allocated in thepreviousFYto:
a. Natural Resources department,
score 2 or else 0
The allocated funds for Natural Resources department in the previous FY were Shs. 283,644,000,asonpage10of the draft AFS for FY 2021/2022.
Actual funds released were Shs. 283,644,000 as indicated on page 11 of the draft AFS representing 100%.

Evidence that the LG has released all funds allocated for the implementation of environmentalandsocial safeguards in the previous FY.
Maximum score is 4
If the LG has released 100% of funds allocated in thepreviousFYto:
b. Community Based Services department.
score 2 or else 0.
The allocated funds for Community Based Services department in the previous FY wereShs.688,160,576ason page 10 of the draft AFS for FY 2021/2022.
Actual funds released were Shs. 688,160,576 as indicated on page 11 of the draft AFS representing 100%.

Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and developed costed Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) (including child protection plans) where applicable, prior to commencement of all civil works.
Maximum score is 12
a. If the LG has carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening,
score 4 or else 0
LG carried out Environment and Social Screening of DDEG projects for FY 2021-2022 evidenced by the E&S Screening Forms that were prepared and signed by the DEO & DCDO as follows;
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Matovu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of a mortuary at Mayuge HC IV by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of 5- stance VIP latrine at Sagiti Island HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Ndaiga P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of OVC Shelter at Mayuge DLG Headquarters by the DEO&DCDO on 22/09/2021
• E&S Screening form for the proposed construction of Incinerator and store at Mayuge HC IV by the DEO&DCDO on 24/09/2021

Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environment and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and developed costed Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) (including child protection plans) whereapplicable,priorto commencementofallcivilworks.
Maximum score is 12
b. If the LG has carried out Environment and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) prior to commencement of all civil works for all projects implementedusing theDiscretionary Development Equalization Grant (DDEG),
score 4 or 0
All DDEG projects that were implemented in the FY 2021/2022 did not require ESIAs given their small scope according to the National Environment Act No. 05 of 2019, hence costed ESMPs were prepared and signed by the DDEO & DDCDO as detailedbelow;
• Costed ESMP of two million shillings (2,000,000/=) for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Matovu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 17/10/2022
• Costed ESMP of one million and five hundred shillings (1,500,000/=) for the proposed construction of a mortuary at Mayuge HC IV by the DEO&DCDO on 19/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of one million and three hundred shillings (1,300,000/=) for the proposed construction of 5-stance VIP latrine at Sagiti Island HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 19/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of two million and one hundred shillings (2,100,000/=) for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Ndaiga P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 18/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of seven hundred thousand shillings (700,000/=) for the Proposed construction of OVC Shelter at Mayuge DLG Headquarters by the DEO&DCDO on 18/00/2022

Evidence that the LG has carried out Environmental, Social and Climate Change screening/Environmentand Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and developed costed Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) (including child protection plans) where applicable, prior to commencement of all civil works.
Maximum score is 12
c. If the LG has a Costed ESMPs for all projects implementedusing the Discretionary Development Equalization Grant (DDEG);;
score 4 or 0
LG had Costed ESMPs for all projects implemented using the Discretionary Development EqualizationGrant(DDEG) which were prepared and signed respectively by the DDEO & DDCDO as follows;
• Costed ESMP of two million shillings (2,000,000/=) for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Matovu P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 17/10/2022
• Costed ESMP of one million and five hundred shillings (1,500,000/=) for the proposed construction of a mortuary at Mayuge HC IV by the DEO&DCDO on 19/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of one million and three hundred shillings (1,300,000/=) for the proposed construction of 5-stance VIP latrine at Sagiti Island HC II by the DEO&DCDO on 19/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of two million and one hundred shillings (2,100,000/=) for the proposed construction of stance-lined pit latrine at Ndaiga P/S by the DEO&DCDO on 18/01/2022
• Costed ESMP of seven hundred thousand shillings (700,000/=) for the Proposed construction of OVC Shelter at Mayuge DLG Headquarters by the DEO&DCDO on 18/00/2022
Financial management and reporting

have an adverse or disclaimer audit opinion for the previous FY.
Maximum score is 10
IfaLGhasaclean audit opinion, score 10;
If a LG has a qualified audit opinion, score 5
If a LG has an adverse or disclaimer audit opinion for the previous FY, score 0
The LG had a clean audit 10 opinion"Unqualified"forFY 2021/2022.
6 10
Evidence that the LG has provided information to the PS/ST on the status of implementation of Internal Auditor General and Auditor General findings for the previous financial year by end of February (PFMA s. 11 2g). This statement includes issues, recommendations, and actions against all findings where the Internal Auditor and Auditor Generalrecommendedthe Accounting Officer to act (PFM Act 2015).
maximum score is 10
If the LG has provided information to the PS/ST on the status of implementation of Internal Auditor General and Auditor General findings for the previous financial year by end of February(PFMAs. 11 2g),
score 10 or else 0.
The LG timely submitted information to PS/ST on the status of implementation of Internal Auditor General’s findings for FY 2020/2021 on 23rd/12/2021 as evidenced from the inventory of LGs submission to MoFPED.
However, the Auditor General’s report for FY 2020/2021 dated 17th/3/2022 Ref.IIA50/260/01wasreceived late as evidenced by the acknowledgement date of 4th/3/2022 hence the submission of the responses to PS/ST on the status of implementation of AG findings for FY 2020/2021 was belatedly done on 7th/3/2022 later the PFMA 2015 section 11 2g deadline of 28th/2/2022.
In addition, the AG asked the Accounting Officer to respond to all the issues raised as per the matrix attached thereof with a clear action plan and report to him not later than 7th/3/2022 as evidenced on page 1 of the AG submission letter dated 17th/2/2022 Ref. IIA50/260/01 which he complied with as per his submission letter dated 7th/3/2022 Ref. CR/251/1.

1.Outstanding receivables of UGX. 1,559,419,200 by year end.
2. Outstanding pension liabilities of UGX. 1,251,580,052 by the end of the year.
3. 71 staff were paid using wrong salary scales, leading to monthly over payments of UGX. 1,177,702, and underpayments of UGX. 1,257,209.
Evidence that the LG has submitted an annual performance contract by August 31st of the current FY
Maximum Score 4
If the LG has submitted an annual performance contract by August 31st of the current FY,
The LG initiated the submission of the Annual Performance Contract to MoFPED through to on 16th/7/2022 as evidenced on the inventory of LGs submissions to MoFPED
score 4 or else 0. 84
Evidence that the LG has submitted the Annual Performance Report for the previous FY on or before August 31, of the current Financial Year
maximum score 4 or else 0
If the LG has submitted the Annual Performance Report for the previous FY on or before August 31, of the current Financial Year,
score 4 or else 0.
The LG submitted an Annual Performance Report to MoFPED on 24th/8/2022 through to
within the recommended deadline of 30th/8/202
The AG findings included:

Evidence that the LG has submitted Quarterly Budget Performance Reports (QBPRs) for all the four quarters of the previous FY by August 31, of the current Financial Year
Maximum score is 4
If the LG has submitted Quarterly Budget Performance Reports (QBPRs) for all the four quarters of the previous FY by August 31, of the current Financial Year,
score 4 or else 0.
The LG submitted Quarterly Budget Performance Reports for all the quarters of the previous FY to MoFPED as evidenced below:
1st QBPR was submitted on 10th/2/2022
2nd QBPR was submitted on 24th/3/2022
3rd QBPR was submitted on 30th/5/2022
4th QBPR was submitted on 24th/8/2022 to MoFPED within the recommended deadline of 31st/8/2022