Natural forests
Although so much depleted due to various exploitative human activities, Mayuge is endowed with natural forests that also act as habitats for various flora and fauna. These include;
Bukaleeba Peninsula
This area that forms part of Bukaleeba CFR offers natural habitat for Buffalos, warthogs, antelopes, giant snakes/pythons, wild pigs, crocodiles, hippos, little white egrets, bushbucks, giant monitor lizards, various fish spp., vervet monkeys, white eagles, and bird nesting sites. According to Geological Mapping and Sampling of rocks, an exercise that was conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Entebbe in 2009, it was discovered that the Bukaleeba Peninsula is amassed with Iron stone deposits.
The peninsula also has a location where the beauty nature of the sun can be viewed while setting “theevening glory”.
South Busoga CFR
If anybody ever heard the former Bunya County being called the food basket of Busoga, it was because of the unlimited rains that were caused by this forest. Up to the late 1990s when this forest reserve started suffering from massive devegetation, the sub counties of Malongo, Kityerera, Kigandalo, Busakira and Jaguzi had rains throughout the year, scenario that kept food permanently in these times. Located on the shoreline, this forest also offered ecological functions that favoured habitation of fish. By 1990, almost 90% of the fish supplies (tilapia) to Port Victoria and Kisumu in Kenya were from Mayuge District. The depletion of this reserve has posed severe consequences to the lake ecology.
Bukaleeba CFR
Once a natural forest, almost 95% of area has been licensed to Green Resources for commercial tree planting. The forest offers high quality wood products. 2000 ha (peninsula) has been left for strict nature conservation.
Local forest reserves
Although encroached, Mayuge has a number of such reserves including Walulumbo, Busira, Mbirarbira, and Mukuta Igeyero. These are habitats for rare flora and fauna spp. Interventions should entail reforestation of these forest reserves.
Mineral Resources
Granitic rocks
These which are spread throughout the district are manifested as huge bright stones. In the lake, they offer scenic beauty. If developed into a tourism potential, these rocks
could act as sun bathing, game fishing, and swimming sites for tourists. Granitic rocks in the lake, along the shoreline and on mainland. Various surveys and explorations that have been conducted reveal that the district is heavily endowed with various other minerals.