Handover of Buyugu HCIII to young Jin contractors for upgrade

Site handover ceremony of buyugu HCII to young Jin contractors took place today at buyugu health center in Bukabooli sub county.
A site meeting with the community was held at the site and speeches were made by the different stake holders.
The opening Prayer was led by Ssalongo Bruhan a resident of buyugu village who blessed the meeting .
Introductions were then made to that effect.
LC1 chairperson Welcomed all the stakeholders for coming to attend this function .
Buyugu HCII In-charge- Welcomed all for coming . She said that the visit was long awaited especially by the community and they are now honored that their wish was finally granted.
Speaker Bukabooli council- Appreciated the team for coming especially the community for the unity they had exhibited, appreciated the health management team for all the good work it was doing. Welcomed the guest and pledged unconditional support towards the project.
District Health officer- Appreciated the community of Bukabooli for being cooperative and having listened to her cry of acquiring more land to enable the ministry make its commitment towards this project. She added that they’re outcry about the health center of being understaffed and low services was about to be answered as a bigger and complete health facility was to be constructed. Also the health center is being upgraded to HCIII
Ministry of health Representative- He started by elaborating on the Facilities to be provided at buyugu HCII which included the following: Substantive laboratory, remodeling of the OPD, maternity ward with 4vip toilets, 4 staff staff quarters, Incinerator , placenta pit, waste, as well as external works such as walk ways, fence, land scraping.
Project cost- 1.7billion shillings and the contract period is 16 months. Just like in Malongo he said,the equipment for the unit will be also provided such as solar panel, piped water system.
He emphasized that Since the world bank was funding this project, it has guidelines that must be followed i.e.
They don’t expect the contractor to employ young people(child labor)
Also the laborers are not supposed to be brought by the contractor from Kampala but rather the community .
Environmental issues should be observed like planting of trees and grand.
Also issues of violence I.e gender based violence during the implementation of the project should be avoided.
District Engineer-He addressed the meeting informing us that this was a site handover that is handing over the land that was purchased by the community to the contractor that is going to implement the project. Urged the community to stay calm not to sabotage the project but rather support the project by working with the contractors.
Supervision is a responsibility for all that is the district, local leaders as well as the community, he.added that the community should desist from stealing site materials such as cement because this is common on most sites.
He echoed that this is a government project and a fulfillment of the government manifesto that every sub county must have a HCIII.
He told the community should prepare them selves for the jobs however must be able to observe the requirements of the contractor like having a mask because Covid-19 is still in the community.
He also advised the community to go for Covid vaccinations because this is on going.
He warned the community from stealing site materials because when they do, they will be arrested. In other words they should not sabotage the program but rather support the contractor to a timely completion of the project.
He also urged the community not to be aggressive in case of a site misunderstanding with the contractor because these are foreigners that are protected by the state. So all the complaints should be forwarded to the LC1 who will solve the grievance with the responsible officer.
Defilement and child labor is an issue that is on high alert so the community and contractor be aware.
Finally he urged the community to welcome the project from the central government.
LCV Chairperson
Recognized all protocol and appreciated all for coming to honor this event of site handover.
Like the previous speakers , she said we should welcome the project with open hands.
Encouraged the community to have toilets and desist from open deification because even if the health center is constructed but there is poor hygiene in our homes, our objective will not be achieved.
Discipline she said was very vital, she said that the community should not vandalize this like they did with the water project that was installed by world vision. The project is brought to serve the community so it should be protected at all costs.
We then proceeded to the site handover to the contractor.