

Stakeholders meeting on costed implementation plans by Options- Uganda

Mayuge district Local government in collaboration with Options- Uganda,have held a stakeholders meeting today the 15th  February 2023  on District costed implementation plans(CIP) for family planning in the District.
Uganda undertook a review of the first National costed implementation plan for family planning ending 2025, and part of the lessons learned from this CIP review by the Ministry of Health and partners is that implementation of the first CIP was left to central entities with less adaptations from Districts.

Quarterly project monitoring by Life water International

A Quarterly stakeholders monitoring exercise was today organized by Life Water International, an NGO implementing Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program in partnership with Mayuge District Local Government.

The monitoring Team visited Lutaale Primary school where Life Water International has constructed 5 block of Drainable Latrines with  25 stances .These latrines can be easily emptied once they are full. The team as well   Visited some of the boreholes constructed in Lutaale D”. It should be noted that each borehole serves 30 households in the community .

Cocoa Growing in Mayuge District

With over 6,000 smallholder farmers and average acreage of 1.5, Mayuge District is one of the leading producers of Cocoa in Uganda and East Africa.
The District priotised the production of Cocoa due to the deep fertile soils and favourable weather conditions that support commercial production of the crop.
With support from Swisscontact, the District has continued to build the capacity of Cocoa farmers through the on farm delivery of Cocoa specific extension services championed by the district Cocoa focal point person; Emmanuel Kawuzi Waiswa.

Successful Farmer’s Field Day

A highly successful farmer’s field day was held today 8th September 2022 at Mayuge District Demonstration site. The field day was organized by the Production Department with the aim of bringing together farmers and other stakeholders in the agricultural value chain for training on the best agricultural management practices.
